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Get Butts out of Seats and Put the Mind in Motion

Midori Connolly
November 23, 2011

Get Butts out of Seats and Put the Mind in Motion

It's time for the conference formula to change. From brain-friendly menus to interactive, high-tech venues, how can we make their experience more rewarding and engaging.

Midori Connolly

November 23, 2011

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  1. Midori Connolly, Chief AVGirl Pulse Staging and Events @GreenA_V #IMEXAmerica11

    An Production Get Butts Out of Seats! And Put the Mind in Motion
  2. B o r e d o m Why do I

    need to know this? I Love Rob! Are you guys going out this weekend?
  3. B o r e d o m “Boredom is the

    brain casting about for new information. It is the feeling you get when there are no new patterns to absorb.” “Fun from games arises out of mastery. It arises out of comprehension. It is the act of solving puzzles that makes games fun. In other words, with games, learning is the drug” - Ralph Koster, A Theory of Fun That’s a good book to read! So is “Total Engagement”
  4. Boredom Busters Play/Fun - Role in Learning and Problem Solving

    While playing, we enter a state of flow It’s SAFE! Emotional Engagement = Total Commitment Control, goals, trust, respect. (“flow”: Mihaly Csikzentmihalyi) (Pedagogy: Malcom Knowles, Alexander Kapp)