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The test code generator using static analysis and LLM

The test code generator using static analysis and LLM



May 16, 2024

More Decks by みっきー

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Agenda - What is “omochi” ? - Motivation - Demo

    - Architecture - Future Works - Conclusion
  2. What is “omochi” ? Detect RSpec files and methods that

    have not yet been created, and generate sample code for them. feature - List all methods which is not tested by RSpec - Integrate with CI(github action) - Automatically generate RSpec code template
  3. What is “omochi” ? feature 1. List all methods which

    is not tested by RSpec "Verify File List: [\"app/controllers/content_controller.rb\"]" "specファイルなし" ======= RESULT: app/controllers/content_controller.rb ======= - index - show - destroy - edit - update
  4. Agenda - What is “omochi” ? - Motivation - Demo

    - Architecture - Future Works - Conclusion
  5. Motivation Omochi confirmed that all methods in PR have RSpec.

    It is hard to find unverified method by reviewer Some methods don’t have RSpec in your PR.
  6. Architecture def local_diff_path ...省略 diff_command = 'git diff --diff-filter=d --name-only'

    diff_output, _diff_error, _diff_status = Open3.capture3(diff_command, chdir: '.') ...省略 diff_output.split("\n") end
  7. Architecture def dfs(node, filename, result) ...省略 case node.type when :def

    child_value = node.children[0] code = Unparser.unparse(node) result[child_value] = code end node.children.each { |child| dfs(child, filename, result) } end
  8. Architecture def get_ast(diff_path) exprs = [] ast = Parser::CurrentRuby.parse(File.read(diff_path)) exprs

    << { ast: ast, filename: diff_path } end def dfs_describe(node, filename, def_name_arr) ...省略 case node.type when :send method_node = node.children[1] if node.children[1] == :describe def_name = node.children[2].children[0] # "Omochi::CLI" if !def_name.nil? && def_name.is_a?(String) def_name = get_pure_function_name(def_name) def_name_arr.push(def_name) end end end node.children.each { |child| dfs_describe(child, filename, def_name_arr) } def_name_arr end
  9. Architecture def process_spec_file(diff_path, create_spec, perfect) ...省略 method_code = result[spec_def_name] puts

    '===================================================================' puts "#{spec_def_name} のテストを以下に表示します。 " create_spec_by_bedrock(method_code) end get_ignore_methods(diff_path).each do |def_name| result[def_name] = true if result.key?(def_name) end perfect = false if print_result(diff_path, result).size > 0 perfect end
  10. Conclusion - Please commits to omochi !! - Let's use

    AST to solve problems using technology👍 https://github.com/mikik0/omochi blog GitHub