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PWA Camp NYC - Go Offline First to Save the World

PWA Camp NYC - Go Offline First to Save the World

List of Nifty Tools:
A community-driven list of PWA stats: https://www.pwastats.com/
Progressive Web App Examples: https://pwa.rocks/
Test a website's performance: https://www.webpagetest.org/
A Collection of Offline States: http://offlinestat.es/
Calibre for performance analytics: https://calibreapp.com/
Codelabs for the PWA Roadshow https://codelabs.developers.google.com/pwa-roadshow
Server-rendered React apps: https://github.com/zeit/next.js/issues/861
Offline First Javascript Backend: http://hood.ie/
JS Database that Syncs: https://pouchdb.com/
Package manager for datasets: https://docs.datproject.org/
Fully-managed NoSQL database-as-a-service: https://cloudant.com/

Further Reading about Offline First:
* Nolan Lawson, Microsoft Edge, “Progressive Enhancement isn’t dead but it smells funny” https://nolanlawson.com/2016/10/13/progressive-enhancement-isnt-dead-but-it-smells-funny/
* Prosper Otemuyiwa, Google, “Introduction to Progressive Web Apps (Offline First) - Part 1” https://auth0.com/blog/introduction-to-progressive-apps-part-one/
* Pedro Teixeira, YLD, “Building realtime collaborative offline-first apps with React, Redux, PouchDB and WebSockets” https://blog.yld.io/2015/11/30/building-realtime-collaborative-offline-first-apps-with-react-redux-pouchdb-and-web-sockets/#.WPe4Tj9926k
* Jesse Beach, Facebook, on Conceptualizing and Expressing Offline to the End User https://medium.com/@jessebeach/my-biggest-takeaway-from-the-second-offline-camp-in-santa-margarita-ca-d0dd930cd02b#.epml3r1tx
* Calvin Metcalf, AppGeo, “Security in Offline First Apps” https://medium.com/offline-camp/offline-first-security-59bf4800e82a
* Lara Hogan, Etsy, “Designing for Performance” http://larahogan.me/design/

Maureen McElaney

July 21, 2017

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  1. “A 4G user isn’t a 4G user most of the

    time.” Ilya Grigorik, Google Web performance; co-chair of W3C Webperf WG Chrome Dev Summit 2016
  2. A plethora of nifty tools! ◉ A community-driven list of

    PWA stats: https://www.pwastats.com/ ◉ Progressive Web App Examples: https://pwa.rocks/ ◉ Test a website's performance: https://www.webpagetest.org/ ◉ A Collection of Offline States: http://offlinestat.es/ ◉ Calibre for performance analytics: https://calibreapp.com/ ◉ Codelabs for the PWA Roadshow https://codelabs.developers.google.com/pwa-roadshow ◉ Server-rendered React apps: https://github.com/zeit/next.js/issues/861 ◉ Offline First Javascript Backend: http://hood.ie/ ◉ JS Database that Syncs: https://pouchdb.com/ ◉ Package manager for datasets: https://docs.datproject.org/ ◉ Fully-managed NoSQL database-as-a-service: https://cloudant.com/
  3. Further Reading: ◉ Nolan Lawson, Microsoft Edge, “Progressive Enhancement isn’t

    dead but it smells funny” https://nolanlawson.com/2016/10/13/progressive-enhancement-isnt-dead-but-it-smells-funny/ ◉ Prosper Otemuyiwa, Google, “Introduction to Progressive Web Apps (Offline First) - Part 1” https://auth0.com/blog/introduction-to-progressive-apps-part-one/ ◉ Pedro Teixeira, YLD, “Building realtime collaborative offline-first apps with React, Redux, PouchDB and WebSockets” https://blog.yld.io/2015/11/30/building-realtime-collaborative-offline-first-apps-with-react-redux-pouchdb-and-web -sockets/#.WPe4Tj9926k ◉ Jesse Beach, Facebook, on Conceptualizing and Expressing Offline to the End User https://medium.com/@jessebeach/my-biggest-takeaway-from-the-second-offline-camp-in-santa-margarita-ca-d0dd9 30cd02b#.epml3r1tx ◉ Calvin Metcalf, AppGeo, “Security in Offline First Apps” https://medium.com/offline-camp/offline-first-security-59bf4800e82a ◉ Lara Hogan, Etsy, “Designing for Performance” http://larahogan.me/design/
  4. Thank You! @Mo_Mack #OfflineFirst Public link to slides here Slide

    theme credit: http://www.slidescarnival.com/