Diabetes is a global epidemic. Our mission is to get this information to the public, so everyone can understand their risk, make the necessary lifestyle changes, and begin turning the corner on this deadly disease.
in 2003 by ad execu3ve Sid Lerner with Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. } Expanded in 2006 with Columbia University and Syracuse University to address other health behaviors under the Healthy Monday umbrella. 2 Since 2008, we`ve launched mul3ple other ini3a3ves including: } In 2011, Lerner Center for Public Health Promo3on at Syracuse University opened to teach best prac3ces in health promo3on. } In 2013, Sid Lerner officially launched I Love New York Water to promote drinking tap water which is growing via social media and college campus partnerships.
} 79 million pre-‐diabe3cs in the U.S. } 25 million diabe3cs in the U.S. – and 7 million are undiagnosed. Serious Health Effects } Heart disease was noted on 68% of diabetes-‐related death cer3ficates for people 65+. } Diabetes is the leading cause of new cases of blindness among adults aged 20–74. } Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, accoun3ng for 44% of new cases. } More than 60% of non-‐trauma3c lower-‐limb amputa3ons occur in diabe3cs. } The U.S. spent $245 billion on direct health care costs related to diabetes in 2012 alone. Low disease awareness and low adherence } A United Na3ons survey showed low awareness of the complica3ons and seriousness of diabetes and low awareness of the diet and exercise op3ons for preven3on and management. } Research from the University of Exeter shows that 60% of pa3ents with type 2 diabetes are not increasing their level of exercise following their diagnosis and 50% have not made changes to their diet. 3
signs enables messages to transcend language and cultural boundaries. } Focusing on lpainz vs. death has been successful in an3-‐smoking campaigns. } CDC sta3s3cs claim smoking cessa3on abempts increased 34.8% based on this campaign. 4 It`s 3me for a new, compelling message. This campaign is intended to be used by other organiza5ons to promote their diabetes management programs. We encourage others to adapt these crea5ve materials for their marke5ng outreach efforts.
medical disease that hurts and kills. } Poor management of Type 2 diabetes could result in amputa3on, blindness, heart aback, stroke, and/or death. } Goal: We will use sta3s3cs and images to shock people about the real, poten3al complica3ons of Type 2 diabetes. Using pictograms conveys consequences in a less graphic way than using diabe3c sufferers. } Target: People who could develop Type 2 diabetes and Type 2 diabe3cs who are not making or thinking of making diet and exercise changes already. 5
growing epidemic. 1 in 3 people could develop Type 2 diabetes. 90% don`t know. Some who are aware seem unconcerned. } Goal: Create awareness about the leading risk factors that could put someone at risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Focus on known, changeable risk factors like obesity and inac3vity. } Target: People with risk factors for diabetes related to diet and ac3vity level. 9
can prevent or delay Type 2 diabetes with diet and exercise changes. Don`t let diet beat us. } Studies show that people can slow down, stop or in some cases reverse their pre-‐diabe3c symptoms via lifestyle changes } Goal: Communicate that you can leat this to prevent that.z Good food is good medicine. Eat less and move more to prevent Type 2 diabetes. } Target: 79 million Americans at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. 12