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3-2 Overcoming Obstacles Ahead of Time, Feeling...

3-2 Overcoming Obstacles Ahead of Time, Feeling Overwhelmed

More Decks by Patricia Sung | Motherhood in ADHD


  1. Module 3-2_ Overcoming Obstacl...d of Time, Feeling Overwhelmed Wed, Apr

    27, 2022 9:27AM 4:33 SUMMARY KEYWORDS obstacles, plan, decision fatigue, overwhelmed, talk, struggling, week, overcome, calendar, sensory overload, modules, input, skill, habit, quits, constrain, ruminating, check, pens, put SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:00 All right, so we're gonna continue with our obstacles. And this is video number two, in module three. I'm gonna move ahead here, okay. So we're talking about what obstacles we can prepare for, there's always going to be something that pops up that we don't expect. But there's a lot that we can plan for and expect them. If we've taken a few minutes to think about it, we prepare for that. Patricia Sung 00:25 Our brains are amazing at creative problem solving skills, like that's one of the things we're best at. But we're really good at that when we're calm, and we're not frazzled and overwhelmed and panicking. So we want to think about those obstacles ahead of time. Then we can work through, okay, how are we going to overcome that? And then we when we hit that point, we're like, oh, right, I expected those, this is going to happen. And here's what I'm going to do about it instead of getting flustered and overwhelmed, and like giving up in that moment, because they're sure those times are going to happen, where it's like I am done today. And thank you very much like we just got to call this quits. But we can overcome those so much. Patricia Sung 01:07 More often, when we feel prepared when we feel like we are. I always I always hate the word like in control. Because a lot of times we feel very out of control. But when we we feel more in control and prepared and confident in the day when we have a plan and we know it's coming. So let me just double check my notes and make sure that I didn't forget to say anything that I wanted to say. Yeah, okay, we're ready to jump in. Okay, I am gonna go over a whole bunch of obstacles that I have brainstorm myself plus all of your input into things that you guys have said.
  2. Patricia Sung 01:43 Okay, these are things that I struggle

    with. And excuse me, while we won't think of every single thing that is going to come, if we've covered like 90% of our bases, then, you know, we can handle 10% of things on the fly. Or after that happens, we can go back and be like, Okay, well, now that everybody's in bed, let me take a minute and think about okay, like, this is where I hit a thing. I wasn't planning on struggling with that, what can I do about it. Patricia Sung 02:09 So we're also building that habit of saying, I know there will be obstacles, and here's what I'm going to do about it, instead of just beating ourselves up for struggling, because being showing our struggles human, it's going to happen. So let's start talking about all the different ways that we might run into obstacles and what our plan is for some of these we're going to talk about in the future modules. And so I won't go too, into detail here, because I'm gonna talk about them more later. But I will cover some of them more quickly here, if it's something that's like a quick discussion. Patricia Sung 02:39 So first obstacle having too many plans, this is something that's super common with us, we have one calendar over here, and we got posted over here, and we have a whiteboard on the fridge. And then we have stuff on our phone. And we also check the calendar at school on the website, like there's too many things. And that's a lot for our brain to keep track of. And we want to eliminate decision fatigue. So we're going to talk about what our plan is, in upcoming modules of how we're going to take all that input that's floating around that's like can be sensory overload, and we're constrained it and put it all into one location. Patricia Sung 03:14 Another way that we can get overwhelmed is we look too far ahead. We are going to put our blinders on and just look at one week at a time or one day at a time when we're planning because we love to set up our planner and we got all the stickers and the cool pens and we're writing things out and we put in you know, something that's going to happen in you know, four weeks and then we start planning things like ruminating about how we're going to do that. And it's like, in four weeks, things are totally different and that might not be a relevant that you want, you might even meet and eat Allah might not even matter at that point. So we really want to constrain ourselves in and again, we want to limit that decision fatigue and just look at what we're doing right now this week or this day. Patricia Sung 04:07 So as we're developing this skill, we want to set realistic expectations and just look at a small piece. And then as we get that habit built then we have room to look at, you know, bigger picture stuff. Okay, we're gonna pause there. And we're going to do this in another video in just