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Intro-3: All Your Resources

Intro-3: All Your Resources


  1. Intro Module - All Your Resources Thu, Aug 31, 2023

    3:39PM 3:00 SUMMARY KEYWORDS podcasts, hang, facebook group, transcript, questions, meeting, zones, worked, crowdsource, moms, built, meetup group, planning, link, meetups, thrive, cart, accountability, inbox, add SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:00 What is where on one. So everything you need is here in Thrive cart. When you log in, you have the links for everything, a whole shebang. It's all in here. This has your videos, your transcript. All of the material, you got a video version here in Thrive cart, you've got a transcript that you can read. And there's also an audio version in a private podcast app. So I'm sorry, not an In Progress App in your app with the private podcast. So we're going to do is go into your inbox, look for an email from Hello audio, and it will give you an individual link and that link, you will make sure that you're on your phone, or wherever you listen to podcasts on, click on that link, and it will add it into the player that you use whether you use Apple podcasts, Spotify, Google podcasts, it'll add it in there and you can listen on the go. Patricia Sung 00:46 Now successful mama meetups is our meetup group where we hang out together. It's half planning and productivity time and the other half is social time. And that comes with your with the course here. So come hang out, come see us. If you would go take a look at the time zones and see which time works for you. We do have as I'm recording this, we have two different meetings are same day, but different time zones, we want to make sure that you know we fit everybody across the globe that is here. So don't feel like you have to show up at every single one. I'd love to see you like you're welcome to come as many times as you want. But it's not built for you to be there every time it's built so that everybody has a chance to be there. No matter where you live. So you can go there to hang out, get stuff done like this can be your accountability time for actually working on your course it can be your time for planning your week ahead. And you can also ask questions. So every week is different in our social time. Some of those weeks I do question and answer. Some of those are just hangout time. Some of them are you know, you know, we're talking about a certain topic, it's always different. There are options to ask questions on some of those meetings. If you don't want to wait for the meeting, then your Facebook, Facebook group, of course is available 24/7. Patricia Sung 01:59
  2. Patricia Sung 01:59 So there, meet other moms ask your

    questions you can post in there. Keep in mind that the Facebook group is all of my students, all of my clients, anyone who's worked with me, at any point is welcome there. So not everybody will have the same material. So normally, like if you're asking a question, if you specifically want, you know, somebody who's already worked on the course, make sure you mentioned that, you know, happen there, ask questions, crowdsource answers. I'm in there often so, you know, I'm there to help. And yeah, get in there. Make some friends like this. This is the point of this community, having a time where we're meeting on zoom all the time, you know, or weekly. Having this place where you can be part of the group is to build your village and find moms they get you and that you feel really comfortable around. So hang in there and find those people. Ask your questions. We're here to do this together.