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A Gentle Introduction to Angular Schematics - Devoxx Belgium 2019

A Gentle Introduction to Angular Schematics - Devoxx Belgium 2019

You might’ve heard of Angular Schematics, but do you know what they do? Learn how you can use this powerful tool to develop workflows and simplify configurations for your Angular projects.

In this session, you'll learn how to create a schematic, how to test it, and how you can use them with non-Angular projects.

* YouTube video: https://youtu.be/bLLJqagO_dg
* Blog post: https://developer.okta.com/blog/2019/02/13/angular-schematics
* GitHub repo: https://github.com/oktadeveloper/schematics

Matt Raible

November 07, 2019

More Decks by Matt Raible

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Use Angular Schematics to Simplify Your Life November 7, 2019

    Matt Raible | @mraible Photo by Trish McGinity mcginityphoto.com
  2. Blogger on raibledesigns.com and developer.okta.com/blog Web Developer and Java Champion

    Father, Husband, Skier, Mountain Biker, Whitewater Rafter Open Source Connoisseur Hi, I’m Matt Raible! Bus Lover Okta Developer Advocate
  3. Agenda 1. What are Angular Schematics? 2. Create and Test

    a Schematic 3. Schematic Templates 4. Template Expression Language 5. OpenID Connect Authentication 6. Schematics for React, Vue, and Ionic
  4. Create a Schematic $ npm i -g @angular-devkit/schematics-cli $ schematics

    blank —-name=my-component CREATE /my-component/README.md (639 bytes) CREATE /my-component/.gitignore (191 bytes) CREATE /my-component/.npmignore (64 bytes) CREATE /my-component/package.json (539 bytes) CREATE /my-component/tsconfig.json (656 bytes) CREATE /my-component/src/collection.json (231 bytes) CREATE /my-component/src/my-component/index.ts (318 bytes) CREATE /my-component/src/my-component/index_spec.ts (474 bytes)
  5. Factory function: index.ts import { Rule, SchematicContext, Tree } from

    '@angular-devkit/schematics'; export function myComponent(_options: any): Rule { return (tree: Tree, _context: SchematicContext) => { return tree; }; }
  6. Unit test: index_spec.ts import { Tree } from '@angular-devkit/schematics'; import

    { SchematicTestRunner } from '@angular-devkit/schematics/testing'; import * as path from 'path'; const collectionPath = path.join(__dirname, '../collection.json'); describe('my-component', () => { it('works', () => { const runner = new SchematicTestRunner('schematics', collectionPath); const tree = runner.runSchematic('my-component', {}, Tree.empty()); expect(tree.files).toEqual([]); }); });
  7. Copy and Manipulate Templates: directory structure $ tree . src/my-component/

    ├── files │ └── src │ └── app │ ├── app.component.html │ └── app.component.ts ├── index.ts └── index_spec.ts
  8. Copy and Manipulate Templates: app.component.ts import { Component } from

    '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'] }) export class AppComponent { name = '<%= name %>'; } src/my-component/files/src/app/app.component.ts
  9. Copy and Manipulate Templates: schema.json { "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/schema", "id": "SchematicsMyComponent",

    "title": "My Component Schema", "type": "object", "properties": { "name": { "type": "string", "description": "Your Name", "x-prompt": "What is your name?" } }, "required": ["name"] }
  10. Copy and Manipulate Templates: collection.json { "$schema": "../node_modules/@angular-devkit/schematics/collection-schema.json", "schematics": {

    "my-component": { "description": "A blank schematic.", "factory": "./my-component/index#myComponent", "schema": "./my-component/schema.json" } } }
  11. Copy and Manipulate Templates: index.ts export function myComponent(_options: any): Rule

    { return (tree: Tree, _context: SchematicContext) => { setupOptions(tree, _options); const movePath = normalize(_options.path + '/'); const templateSource = apply(url('./files/src'), [ template({..._options}), move(movePath), // fix for https://github.com/angular/angular-cli/issues/11337 forEach((fileEntry: FileEntry) => { if (tree.exists(fileEntry.path)) { tree.overwrite(fileEntry.path, fileEntry.content); } return fileEntry; }), ]); const rule = mergeWith(templateSource, MergeStrategy.Overwrite); return rule(tree, _context); }; }
  12. Copy and Manipulate Templates: setupOptions() export function setupOptions(host: Tree, options:

    any): Tree { const workspace = getWorkspace(host); if (!options.project) { options.project = Object.keys(workspace.projects)[0]; } const project = workspace.projects[options.project]; options.path = join(normalize(project.root), 'src'); return host; }
  13. Copy and Manipulate Templates: index_spec.ts beforeEach(() => { appTree =

    schematicRunner.runExternalSchematic( '@schematics/angular', 'workspace', workspaceOptions); appTree = schematicRunner.runExternalSchematic( '@schematics/angular', 'application', appOptions, appTree); }); it('works', () => { const runner = new SchematicTestRunner('schematics', collectionPath); runner.runSchematicAsync( 'my-component', schemaOptions, appTree).toPromise().then(tree => { const appComponent = tree.readContent( ‘/projects/schematest/src/app/app.component.ts'); expect(appComponent).toContain(`name = '${schemaOptions.name}'`); }); });
  14. Run Your Schematic with Angular CLI $ npm pack $

    ng new my-test-app --routing --style css $ cd my-test-app $ npm install ../my-component/my-component-0.0.0.tgz $ ng g my-component:my-component
  15. Publish Your Schematic to npm 22 By default, .npmignore ignores

    all TypeScript files Modify .npmignore so it doesn't exclude your template files! Run npm publish
  16. Add Support for ng add with Angular CLI 23 {

    "$schema": "../node_modules/@angular-devkit/schematics/collection-schema.json", "schematics": { "my-component": { "description": "A blank schematic.", "factory": "./my-component/index#myComponent", "schema": "./my-component/schema.json" }, "ng-add": { "factory": "./ng-add/index", "description": "Add schematic", "schema": "./my-component/schema.json" } } }
  17. Add Support for ng add with Angular CLI 24 import

    { chain, Rule, schematic, SchematicContext, Tree, } from '@angular-devkit/schematics'; export default function (options: any): Rule { return (host: Tree, context: SchematicContext) => { return chain([ schematic('my-component', options) ])(host, context); }; }
  18. Template Expression Language Placeholder Description <%= expression %> Replaced with

    the result of the call of the given expression. This only supports direct expressions, no structural (for/if/...) JavaScript. <%- expression %> Same as above, but the value of the result will be escaped for HTML when inserted (i.e. replacing '<' with '<') <% inline code %> Inserts the given code into the template structure, allowing to insert structural JavaScript. <%# text %> A comment, which gets entirely dropped. https://www.npmjs.com/package/@angular-devkit/schematics#content-templating
  19. Example Template Code import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; <%

    if (platform === 'cordova') { %> import { CordovaBrowser } from 'ionic-appauth/lib/cordova'; <% } else { %> import { CapacitorBrowser } from 'ionic-appauth/lib/capacitor'; <% } %> @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class BrowserService extends <%= (platform === 'cordova') ? 'CordovaBrowser' : 'CapacitorBrowser' %> { }
  20. Secure Your Angular App in Minutes! $ ng new my-secure-app

    --routing $ cd my-secure-app // create a SPA app on Okta, copy settings $ ng add @oktadev/schematics
  21. Supports Angular, React, Vue, Ionic 4, and React Native Detects

    JavaScript or TypeScript https://github.com/oktadeveloper/schematics OktaDev Schematics 31