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Keep Identities in Sync the SCIMple Way - Apach...

Keep Identities in Sync the SCIMple Way - ApacheCon NA 2022

What if keeping your user stores in sync across domains was as simple as running "java -jar"? With Apache SCIMPle, it is!

Apache SCIMple is a SCIM 2.0-compliant server powered by Spring Boot 3. You can run it standalone or embedded in your existing app. It exposes user management REST endpoints and handles the hassle of user synchronization for you. If your identity provider supports SCIM, use the simple way!

GitHub example: https://github.com/mraible/okta-scim-spring-boot-example
Demo script: https://github.com/mraible/okta-scim-spring-boot-example/blob/main/demo.adoc

Matt Raible

October 03, 2022

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  1. Keep Identities in Sync The SCIMple Way Brian Demers and

    Matt Raible @briandemers / @mraible October 3, 2022
  2. @briandemers / @mraible Who are we? Brian Demers Open Source

    Developer and Java Champion Fun facts: likes to snowboard; into 🐝 @bdemers Matt Raible Open Source Developer and Java Champion Fun facts: likes to ski; into classic VWs ✌ @mraible
  3. @briandemers / @mraible Today's Agenda What is SCIM? 01 Best

    Practices 02 Apache SCIMple 03 Demo Apache SCIMple + Spring Boot 04 Action! How to get involved! 05 @briandemers / @mraible
  4. @briandemers / @mraible User Object { "schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:schemas:core:2.0:User"], "id":"2819c223-7f76-453a-919d-413861904646", "externalId":"dschrute",

    "userName":"dschrute", "name":{ "formatted": "Mr. Dwight K Schrute, III", "familyName": "Schrute", "givenName": "Dwight", "middleName": "Kurt", "honorificPrefix": "Mr.", "honorificSuffix": "III" }, "phoneNumbers":[{ "value":"555-555-8377", "type": "work"}], "emails":[{ "value":"[email protected]", "type":"work", "primary": true}], "meta":{ "resourceType": "User", "created":"2011-08-01T18:29:49.793Z", "lastModified":"2011-08-01T18:29:49.793Z", "location":"https:./example.com/v2/Users/2819c223..."}} application/scim+json
  5. @briandemers / @mraible SCIM Schemas Endpoint - /Schemas { "id":

    "urn:scim:schemas:extension:srd:1.0:ability", "name": "SDR-OGL", "description": "Systems Reference Document - Ability Scores", "attributes": [{ "name": "charisma", "description": "Charisma, measuring force of personality", "required": true, "type": "integer", "uniqueness": "none", "caseExact": false, "multiValued": false, "mutability": "readWrite", "returned": "default"} ...
  6. @briandemers / @mraible Why should you use SCIM? • Standardized

    RESTful API • Covers >90% of use cases • Integrate with other services
  7. @briandemers / @mraible • Store the "source" of the user

    • Store the "ID" of the user's source • Emails are not good IDs • The status of a user is a boolean. • SCIM supports a SQL like expression language User Model Best Practices /Users?filter=emails.value EQ "[email protected]" /Users?filter=userName EQ "bob"
  8. Apache SCIMple History @briandemers / @mraible 2013: Started at PennState

    2018: Moved to Apache Directory 2015: SCIM RFCs 2020: Something happened 2022: Jakarta APIs
  9. @briandemers / @mraible Action Get Involved with SCIMple @briandemers /

    @mraible directory.apache.org/scimple apache/directory-scimple [email protected]