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Amazon Machine Learning を使ってみた

Amazon Machine Learning を使ってみた


Kenta Murata

April 21, 2015

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  1. ػցֶशͰͰ͖Δ͜ͱ 1. ճؼ 2. ෼ྨ 3. ΫϥελϦϯά → ࣮਺஋ͷ༧ଌ →

    ͔̋×͔Λ༧ଌ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:SVM_with_soft_margin.pdf
  2. ػցֶशͰͰ͖Δ͜ͱ 1. ճؼ 2. ෼ྨ 3. ΫϥελϦϯά → ࣮਺஋ͷ༧ଌ →

    ͔̋×͔Λ༧ଌ → ࣗಈάϧʔϓ෼͚ http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:KMeans-density-data.svg
  3. 28px 28px y, x1, x2,ɾɾɾ, x_k,ɾɾɾ, x784 8, 0, 0,ɾɾɾ,

    221,ɾɾɾ, 0 256֊ௐάϨΠεέʔϧ ਖ਼ղϥϕϧ ϐΫηϧ஋
  4. $ gem install mnist $ mnist2csv train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz > mnist_train.csv

    $ mnist2csv t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz > mnist_test.csv
  5. Regularization (ਖ਼ଇԽ) ͸ɺϞσϧͷաֶश (܇࿅σʔ λʹద߹͗ͯ͢͠͠·͏ࣄ) Λ๷͙ͨΊʹߦ͏ɻ L1 (Lasso ճؼ) ͸ɺෆཁͳύϥϝʔλΛ࡟ͬͯϞσϧΛ

    γϯϓϧʹ͍ͨ͠ͱ͖ʹ࢖͏ɻ L2 (Ridge ճؼ) ͸׈Β͔ͳϞσϧ͕ཉ͍͠ͱ͖ʹ࢖͏ɻ (ײ૝: L1 ͱ L2 ΛࠞͥΒΕΕ͹΋ͬͱྑ͍ͷʹ)
  6. ਅͷ෼ྨ 1 ͦͷଞ ༧
 Ռ 1 True Positive

    False Positive ͦ
 ଞ False Negative True Negative ద߹཰ ʹ ࠶ݱ཰ ʹ True Positive
 True Positive + False Positive True Positive
 True Positive + False Negative TP FP FN TN TP FP FN TN
  7. Amazon Machine Learning Λ࢖ͬͯΈͨײ૝ 1. Α͘Ͱ͖ͯΔ 2. ͬ͘͞ͱϓϩτλΠϓ͍ͨ࣌͠ʹศརͦ͏ → ΞϧΰϦζϜΛදʹग़ͣ͞ʹ্ख͘؆ུԽͯ͠Δ

    → ࣮ӡ༻લʹ༷ʑͳಛ௃ϕΫτϧΛ؆୯ʹࢼͤΔ 3. ֶशࡁΈͷϞσϧΛΤΫεϙʔτͰ͖ͳ͍ → ࣮ӡ༻࣌͸ࣗ෼Ͱ࣮૷ͨ͠ϞσϧΛ࢖͏
 ɹ ϓϩτλΠϓͰ্ख͘ߦ͖ͦ͏ͳ͜ͱ͕
 ɹ ෼͔ͬͯΔͷͰ࣮૷ίετ΋ؾʹͳΒͳ͍!?