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Being a Puppet Master: Automating Amazon EC2 wi...

Mark Stanislav
September 13, 2010

Being a Puppet Master: Automating Amazon EC2 with Puppet & Friends

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) has been a huge market for 'Cloud Computing', especially for the likes of Amazon and Rackspace. Despite the ubiquity of solutions to provide a company with quick-to-deploy virtual machines, the lack of a configuration management solution leaves most administrators wondering what the advantage to this all really is.

Puppet is an open source data center automation and configuration management framework. Puppet provides system administrators with a simplified platform that allows for consistent, transparent, and flexible systems management.

Puppet lets System Administrators spend less time on mundane tasks and instead focus on managing their infrastructure strategically.

Mark Stanislav

September 13, 2010

More Decks by Mark Stanislav

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  17. Consider This Scenario 1. You reserve 10 Elastic IPs for

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  18. Take Your Environment Back Puppet: Provides you with the means

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