RESEARCH Beverage Consumption is a complement to activities No Conscious Purchase Evaluation (KYA PEENA HAI?) Low Involvement Purchase Importance of TOM Lack of Recognition of LIT (memorability, delayed recall of features & brand attitude) PURCHASE JOURNEY NEED RECOGNITION AVAILABILITY FUNCTIONAL BENEFITS (fizz, caffeine, energy, health, refreshment) PURCHASE HABIT SITUATION (emotional connect, favored brands) (weather, activity) USER PERSONNA Student or young working professional Willing to try new experiences Has tried Ice Tea No connect to Ice Tea Choice based on situation & perception Wants to be perceived as independent & purposeful Develops loyalty towards brands that feed this part of his ego
until they reach the point of sale. Leading to the eternal conversation revolving around KYA PEENA HAI? PRODUCT INSIGHT There are no Triggers for the consumption of Ice Tea - Usage, Situational or Event Triggers CONSUMER INSIGHT Consumption of beverages is based upon Triggers - Social or Situational - An untapped situation is the consumption of beverages during breaks and work SWAG | SIMC, PUNE INSIGHTS Ice tea is not an ally to any endeavor (no usage, situation or event triggers) – It is merely one of many thirst quenchers
Healthy, Tasty REFRESHING non-cluttered space in which Iced Tea ranks first for benefit association EMOTIONAL BENEFIT INTELLECTUAL STIMULATOR, ENABLER OF IDEAS Young Experiencers are full of ideas, constantly is search of inspiration with a desire to stand above crowd LIPTON ICE TEA BECOMES THEIR CATALYST THE SHIFT Experiencing new things means facing new challenges everyday. To overcome these challenges people take breaks to refresh their minds. Because Lipton Iced Tea refreshes, it becomes a part of the intellectual process. Sometimes it is important to step back from the problem to be able to solve it. The best ideas hit you while you are in the shower, driving to work, sitting under a tree or just taking a break sipping your ice tea. Take that break, get refreshed, and before you know it that apple is going to drop down and hit you with the solution or next great invention.
recall between LIT and intellectual stimulation draped around its refreshing properties CENTRAL IDEA Knowledge has been the key to the evoluLon of the Human Race. From the Stone Age, to Agriculture, to Industry we have grown through knowledge-‐ it gave us ideas, inspiraLon, creaLvity, innovaLon. We need to keep evolving, to keep beUering ourselves. For this world to move forward it is essenLal to #getunstuck.
venting their frustrations, everyday problems and larger societal issues, we give them an opportunity to do so through sharing with the platform #stuck. OBJECTIVE To Launch the new LIT proposition & Its higher order benefit To create critical mass on LIT Social Media CAMPAIGN Ø Invite people to Shout Out their Problems Ø Give basic solutions to everyday problems by highlighting the importance of thinking out of the box Ø Give free LIT merchandise MEDIA Ø Social Media Ø Facebook Ø Twitter Ø Blogs Ø Instagram Ø On Ground Activation Ø Malls Ø Central Public Places Ø (Metro, Parks etc) Ø SOLOMO with Maps (Traffic Jams) MEDIA Ø Danglers, Posters and other creative collaterals Ø (All collateral have social media listing leading them to a branded video, explaining the proposition | An animated story) Ø Dispensing Machines & Kiosks at college canteens & offices, CAMPAIGN Ø Leveraging “kya peena hai?” using the campaign “#getunstuck” as a part of the master campaign #stuck. OBJECTIVE Creating buzz and curiosity at POS about LIT and its new proposition.
The Goal would be to convert the following of the brand into fanfare (A LIT Community) through CONTENT MARKETING CAMPAIGN Content focusing on Talent & Innovation Reviews of Innovation & Creativity MEDIA Blogs Social Media (Ex. Placement on viral celebriLes, Kanan Gill, Chai SuUa Chronicles) ApplicaLon (Web & Mobile) Digital CompeLLons based on user generated content Sponsored acLvaLon in colleges CAMPAIGN A Comprehensive list of free tools for inspiration are sponsored, branded, created and invested into by LIT. MEDIA Internet Radio Tips & How to Inforgraphics Mobile & Web ApplicaLon User Forums CreaLve Videos explaining different situaLons (Epipheo)
coming years, we hope to see the youth of the nation making path breaking discoveries, pioneering important research, solving major social issues, changing the world… each with an LIT in their hand. Let’s give the youth a drink they deserve, one that strengthens their belief that there is indeed a higher order purpose that we all aspire to. Let’s give them the catalyst that will help achieve this aspiration. Let’s #getunstuck.