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he Hero your Organisation Deserves; using narra...

he Hero your Organisation Deserves; using narrative design to enhance engagement

In this workshop, we go beyond the buzz words. Using simple narrative design techniques, utilised by the game industry to craft great player experiences, you will learn how to apply these techniques within your business to create great stories that help you engage with stakeholders; be they customers, employees, investors and more.

Nader Al-Shamma

March 27, 2019

More Decks by Nader Al-Shamma

Other Decks in Design


  1. Why we tell stories. “Stories are recognizable patterns, and in

    those patterns we find meaning. We use stories to make sense of our world and to share that understanding with others.” Frank Rose, Wired, 2011
  2. What makes a good story? 1. A story has a

    character or a set of characters with whom the audience can relate. 2. There is a problem, a predicament or trouble in their lives. 3. The characters need to solve the challenge with which they are presented. - Jonathan Gottschall
  3. The Departure All these things that I had been chasing,

    I had, and I realized it didn’t make me happy [...] “What would the opposite of my life look like?” And I thought, “Well, if I’m this selfish, hedonistic, drug-addled nightclub promoter who’s done nothing for the poor, nothing for anyone else, what would it look like to actually help people in need?”
  4. The Initiation Who wouldn’t want to bring clean water to

    the world? It’s a party. Imagine the day when we get to declare success.
  5. “Here is what we’re about, we’re providing this life giving

    party and there’s before the water and there’s after the water. Do you want to be a part of that solution?” The Return
  6. Once upon a little apocalypse... 1. Once upon a time

    there was a... 2. Every day... 3. One Day... 4. Because of that... 5. Because of that... 6. Until finally...