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Ruby on Rails is dead

Ruby on Rails is dead

We started to hear rumours that TDD is dead, Ruby on Rails is dead. Yeah, right. This is a tutorial on developing a simple Ruby on Rails app and deploying it to Heroku. In lithuanian @ VilniusRB 2014-11-22, WIX office.

Domas Bitvinskas

November 22, 2014

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  1. app/views/posts/index.html.erb <h1>Listing posts</h1> <% @posts.each do |post| %> <tr> <td><%=

    post.content %></td> <td><%= post.username %></td> … </tr> <% end %> … RUBY/ERB
  2. app/views/posts/index.html.erb <h1>Listing posts</h1> <% @posts.each do |post| %> <blockquote> <p><%=

    post.content %></p> <footer> <%= post.username %> </footer> </blockquote> <% end %> RUBY/ERB
  3. rails new pavadinimas cd pavadinimas rails server rails generate scaffold

    Post content:string username:string rake db:migrate gem “twitter-bootstrap-rails" įdėti į Gemfile bundle install rails generate bootstrap:install static Pažiūrėti http:/ /getbootstrap.com/css ir įdėti blockquotes į app/views/posts/index.html.erb gem “sqlite3”, group: :development į Gemfile gem “pg”, group: :production į Gemfile gem “rails_12factor”, group: :production į Gemfile bundle install --without production Užsiregistruoti heroku.com ir įsirašyti Heroku Toolbelt heroku create; git init; git add .; git commit -m “Initial” git push heroku master; heroku run rake db:migrate