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What's wrong with PHP?

What's wrong with PHP?

Gave this talk at the Berlin PHP usergroup on June 4th, 2013
Follow me on Twitter: @CodeStars

These days, it often feels like php is an old, creepy piece of code - it seems that all the cool code kids are using ruby, node or scala.

But is this actually the truth? Maybe php is just different. I believe we as a community are on the right way to take our tools, frameworks, and the community itself to a new level. Composer, Packagist, PHPspec, and PSR are just a first step in the right direction. Each of us can do their part - you could, and you should also be a part of it. So lets unite into an awesome, open-minded community, leaving the php 3 times behind us!

# Slide 2
25 y/o
Web Nerd
Open Source lover
Backend Developer

Mostly php stuff but a node lover!

# Slide 5
running a conference!

# Slide 6
19.06 & 20.09.2013

Awesome web people
Talking mostly about passion!!!

Speaker sneak peak:
* Tito
* Github
* Engine Yard
* Fridel

Powerd by

# Slide 7
Half a rant!

Internal vs. external

Mostly about how ppl see php!

# Slide 9
Being at conferences 2012.

People yells at php

# Slide 10
must be the conclusion

# Slide 28
first attempt to use WP code.

mine from 2008

we started all like this

I got my first job with this

# Slide 32
pierre joye

* ci
* tests
* bugs
* c?!

# Slide 33
Hack that shit!

List of cool projects, mostly written in sparetime!

# Slide 44
~ 12.000 packages

Our gems finally arrived!

# Slide 49
Amazing ppl like

Fabien Potencier
Lorna Mitchell
Tobias Schlitt
Derick Rathans
Kore Nordman
Jordi Boggiano
Nils Adermann
Igor Wiedler

# Slide 51
* super verbose
* less magic, unless __call
* quick results

# Slide 57
* Deamons
* shellscripts
* HTTP stuff
* ...whatever

# Slide 60
Craiglist in 2011 asked companies

What they are looking for

Ole Michaelis

June 04, 2013

More Decks by Ole Michaelis

Other Decks in Technology


  1. @bephpug - June 4th - Berlin (Germany) What’s wrong with

    PHP? yahyah.. like EVERYTHING, right?
  2. indeed, we can and it should not be that hard!

  3. the new world a few free arguments just tailored for

    you http://www.flickr.com/photos/zanthia/6683299491/in/set-72157603955402874/
  4. Fabien Potencier “PHP is much better then you think” “PHP

    is probably not the best language out there, [...] but PHP is the best web platform... .
  5. Fabien Potencier “PHP is much better then you think” “PHP

    is probably not the best language out there, [...] but PHP is the best web platform... . ever.”
  6. http://i.imgur.com/MQHYB.jpg http://www.sxc.hu/photo/536650 http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2177/2238271809_3601c302b0.jpg http://www.flickr.com/photos/tekkebln/6674676047/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/ladytimeless/6872017034/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/buhtterfly/3711487510/sizes/l/in/photostream/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/dopey/6273168640/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/stickwithjosh/5288115744/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/hugo90/4455412652/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/shebalso/7051794259/

    http://www.flickr.com/photos/christophedelsol/6875754732/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/ffx-florbelasfotographix/3593162929/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/tom-poes/2525316618/ http://blog.claudiupersoiu.ro/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/IMG_2959.jpg http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/22600000/Remember-Don-t-Feed-the-Trolls-fanpop-22675484-412-341.jpg http://www.free-picture.net/albums/space/earth-night-day.jpg sources special thanks to all the awesome people who supported me so nice: Elena <3 Nils Fridel Z Sönke Chris JIMDO!