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What's wrong with PHP?

What's wrong with PHP?

Gave this talk at the CodeMotion Madrid on October 19th, 2013
Follow me on Twitter: @CodeStars

These days, it often feels like php is an old, creepy piece of code - it seems that all the cool code kids are using ruby, node or scala.

But is this actually the truth? Maybe php is just different. I believe we as a community are on the right way to take our tools, frameworks, and the community itself to a new level. Composer, Packagist, PHPspec, and PSR are just a first step in the right direction. Each of us can do their part - you could, and you should also be a part of it. So lets unite into an awesome, open-minded community, leaving the php 3 times behind us!

Ole Michaelis

October 19, 2013

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  1. indeed, we can and it should not be that hard!

  2. the new world a few free arguments just tailored for

    you http://www.flickr.com/photos/zanthia/6683299491/in/set-72157603955402874/
  3. Fabien Potencier “PHP is much better then you think” “PHP

    is probably not the best language out there, [...] but PHP is the best web platform... .
  4. Fabien Potencier “PHP is much better then you think” “PHP

    is probably not the best language out there, [...] but PHP is the best web platform... . ever.”
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