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What's Next for Culinary Tourism – Presented by...

November 06, 2012

What's Next for Culinary Tourism – Presented by Helen Young & Del Rollo


November 06, 2012


  1. The  Tourism  Partnership  of  Niagara   block   The  Tourism

     Partnership   of  Niagara   What’s Next for Culinary Tourism Helen Young & Del Rollo November 6, 2012 1
  2. The  Tourism  Partnership  of  Niagara   Niagara’s Culinary Tourism Strategy

    §  TPN engaged the Ontario Culinary Tourism Alliance (OCTA) to develop a culinary tourism strategy & action plan for Niagara ! ! "#$"%"#$&!! '()*+,-.!/0(-*12! 1/-,/34.!5!,'/*0+!6),+! ! ! ! /0(-*12!! 6,-/+3-17*6!08! +*,4,-,! "#$#%&!'()'! ! 2
  3. The  Tourism  Partnership  of  Niagara   The Niagara Economy “Clustering

    what Niagara does best in this economy (agriculture, tourism, food and wine production) will lead to a stronger ‘creative economy’ where the value chain supporting each and all of these segments is broad and deep” Source: TPN’s Culinary Tourism Strategy 3
  4. The  Tourism  Partnership  of  Niagara   Source: Ontario Culinary Tourism

    Strategy The Definition of Culinary Tourism Any tourism experience in which one learns about, appreciates, and/or consumes food and drink that reflects the local, regional or national cuisine, heritage, culture, tradition or culinary techniques. 4
  5. The  Tourism  Partnership  of  Niagara   Culinary Tourists §  More

    affluent and participate in more activities when travelling (2006 TAMS Study) §  On average, spend double that of a generic tourist and 40% more on accommodations (Ryerson University Study) 6
  6. The  Tourism  Partnership  of  Niagara   Culinary Tourism: Economic Impact

    §  Eating local food has a 3:1 impact on local economy (Local Food Plus) §  Consuming Ontario wines has a 12:1 impact (Wine Council of Ontario) §  Wine tourism is expected to grow by 20% in Canada and 28% in U.S. by 2025 (Niagara Tourism Research, Travel Intentions Study Wave 11, Feb 2009) 7 Photo  by  Bryan  Gardner,  Martha  Stewart  Whole  Living  
  7. The  Tourism  Partnership  of  Niagara   Make it Local § 

    85% of Culinary Travelers enjoy learning about the local culture and cuisines §  66% want to try regional cuisines, culinary specialties and local wines and spirits §  70% enjoy bringing back regional foods, recipes, wines from places they have visited to share with family and friends Source: 2006 Profile of Culinary Travelers, Travel Industry of America 8
  8. The  Tourism  Partnership  of  Niagara   block   The  Tourism

     Partnership   of  Niagara   9 Components of the Strategy & Action Plan
  9. The  Tourism  Partnership  of  Niagara   Strategy & Action Plan

    Components §  Inventory – 1000 listings §  Businesses with local culinary component §  Interactive database and search engine §  Geographic mapping and search §  Current and future market trends §  Gaps and opportunities in the supply chain §  Markets and opportunities §  Analysis of food events around the world and recommendations §  Long term strategic plan 10
  10. The  Tourism  Partnership  of  Niagara   Recommended Strategies 1.  Support

    and ensure the sustainability of Niagara’s culinary tourism product 2.  Work with stakeholders to raise awareness and develop market ready culinary tourism 3.  Develop a blockbuster event to help increase traffic to the region 4.  Develop an innovative wine event to drive unique visitors to Niagara 5.  Develop an innovative wine event to drive industry to the Niagara region 6.  Enhance communications and information sharing 7.  Provide regular and ongoing input to tourism surveys 8.  Develop a measurement tool to assess performance 9.  Reach out and share success stories 11
  11. The  Tourism  Partnership  of  Niagara   block   The  Tourism

     Partnership   of  Niagara   12 Step 1: Culinary Tourism Summit
  12. The  Tourism  Partnership  of  Niagara   Culinary Summit – March

    21, 2013 A grassroots event engaging restaurateurs, farmers, and other culinary value chain businesses 13 Photo  courtesy  of  the  Food  Network  
  13. The  Tourism  Partnership  of  Niagara   Culinary Summit – Purpose

    §  Define culinary tourism and the business opportunity §  Best practices from culinary tourism superstars §  “How to” attract culinary tourists – market readiness §  The role of culinary experiences in TPN promotions §  New business connections that help to pursue locally sourced food and drink offerings and experiences 14 Photo  courtesy  of  Chatelaine  
  14. The  Tourism  Partnership  of  Niagara   15 World class culinary

    tourism will drive economic growth and contribute to Niagara’s role as a tourism powerhouse