Dance Music Ritual Media of Performance: Time MoLon & AcLon Voice & Sound The ArLst’s Body The Environment The Audience Ar,orms: DramaLc presentaLon by visual arLsts (as disLnguished from theater arLsts such as actors and dancers) in front of an audience, usually not in a formal seSng.
Dance Music Ritual Media of Performance: Time MoLon & AcLon Voice & Sound The ArLst’s Body The Environment The Audience CreaLon of an artwork using the arLst’s body and extensions of that body (Lme, moLon, acLon, sound, etc.) that only exists in real Lme and space among spectators/parLcipants.
Sculpture”, Galerie InternaLonale d’Art Contemporain, Paris, March 9, 1960. “tear down the temple veil of the studio…to keep nothing of my process hidden.”
Sculpture”, Galerie InternaLonale d’Art Contemporain, Paris, March 9, 1960. “They became living brushes…at my direcLon the flesh itself applied color to the surface and the perfect exactness.”
the complete collaboraLon of the model. An I could salute its birth into the tangible world in a fiSng manner, in evening dress.” Yves Klein, Anthropometries of the Blue Period (“Live PainLng”/ “Living Sculpture”, Galerie InternaLonale d’Art Contemporain, Paris, March 9, 1960.
Galerie Schmela, Dusseldorf, November 26, 1965. “I do not really like explaining them to people…Even in death a hare has more sensiLvity and insLncLve understanding than some men with their stubborn raLonality.” Social Sculpture
me, 1974. “I wanted to concentrate only on the coyote. I wanted to isolate myself, insulate myself, see nothing of America other than the coyote…and exchanging roles with it.”
America likes me, 1974. “We have to revoluLonize human thought. First of all revoluLon take place within man. When man is really a free, creaLve being who can produce something new and original, he can revoluLonize Lme.”