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Roman Sculpture

October 04, 2012

Roman Sculpture

Lecture given Thursday October 4, 2012.


October 04, 2012

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  1. !"#$%&'#()*+$,&-*./& 012,(.2*)& !"#$%&'() *+,-.+#$3&4567849:& & !#&'"() 4;7;<<&=>& !,/#&)0/1"2%#3) & 4"2/.56,&7"1+.()

    ?("+,?3&?(",+$3&.*+2#(@$,&$*1@3& ?1@)#$A13&$(".@)"?+?3& 1"%A%2"2?&%$**$AB)3&1,)#)%1C3& 1#8)2,/#&#3&?($%D*),3&*"2%D),:& 9":);,&</"&+.() !  67E83&-*1@&"F&G+.2?3&!"#$%& '#()*+$,3&1:&54&=>:& !  67;E3&=",2#%&"F&G*$H$%3&I"*2#& "F&G*$H$%3&!"#$%&'#()*+$,:& 44E7446&"*&$J)*&44K&=>& !  67983&>L2)?.*+$%&0.$.2)&"F& M$*12?&-2*),+2?3&!"#$%& '#()*+$,3&1:&4K6&=>:& !  67953&G@)&G).*$*1@?:&!"#$%& '#()*+$,:&1:&E<<&=>:& !  67643&-*1@&"F&="%?.$%A%):& !"#$%&'#()*+$,:&&E487E49&=>:&& &
  2. S@)%&-*)&S)T& >.*2?1$%?/& & & & & &1:&5<<7E<<&U=>& !"#$%&!)(2Q,+1/ & &

    & &9<V&U=>&W&8K&U=>& -2N2?.2?/ & & & & & &8K&U=>X4;&=>& Y2,+"7=,$2D+$%?/ & & & &4;&=>&W&65&=>& I,$B+$%?/& & & & & & &6V&=>&W&V6&=>& G@)&I+B)&Z""D&>#()*"*?/&& &V6&=>7&45<&=>& 0)B)*$%?/ & & & & & &4VE&=>&W&84K&=>& 0",D+)*&>#()*"*?/&& & & &84K&=>&W&85;&=>& G).*$*1@C/&& & & & & &85;&=>&W&E4E&=>& ="%?.$%A%+$%/&& & & & &E4K&=>&W&E6;&=>&
  3. The Senate granted a triumph, or an event in which

    victorious troops left weapons outside the city and paraded through Rome Triumph of Titus, Arch of Titus, Rome, c. 81 CE. S+%N)D&]+1."*C& G+.2?&
  4. Titus crowned by Victory, Arch of Titus, Rome, c. 81

    CE. _$2*),&S*)$.@& I*"#&.@)&Z)##$&-2N2?.)$3&4<&U=>74<& =>&&
  5. Titus crowned by Victory, Arch of Titus, Rome, c. 81

    CE. `*$."*C&Z)?.2*)& -2N2?.2?&"F&O*+#$("*.$3&1:&4V&=>&
  6. The Senate granted a triumph, or an event in which

    victorious troops left weapons outside the city and paraded through Rome Triumph of Titus, Arch of Titus, Rome, c. 81 CE. A%7)6#B."/$' C"4"#'DC"4"7E'
  7. Spoils from the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, Arch of

    Titus, Rome, c. 81 CE. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 5%)8'94)7$4&+'
  8. *Also paraded through the city was the spoils of military

    conquests 7-41, Spoils from the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, Arch of Titus, Rome, c. 81 CE. !+4"7$*' :)$4-$7-' :)$4-$7-' :)$4-$7-' ' ' ' ' ' :$&7+-':%=F+7'G76/H+)#'("7'' ."#*'C$#*$4$*'
  9. Danube River River God (typically a reclining and perhaps monumental

    figure) 6-43, Column of Trajan, Forum of Trajan, 113-116 or after 117 CE
  10. River God (typically a reclining and perhaps monumental figure) 6-43,

    Column of Trajan, Forum of Trajan, 113-116 or after 117 CE
  11. 6-43, Column of Trajan. Forum of Trajan. 113-116 or after

    117 CE. 6-18, Augustus of Primaporta. Copy of a bronze original of c.20 BCE. Trajan
  12. Battle between Romans and Dacians, Column of Trajan, Forum of

    Trajan, 113-116 or after 117 CE [$1+$%& & & & !"#$%& !"#$% & &O$*.@+$%&
  13. 6-43, Column of Trajan, Forum of Trajan, 113-116 or after

    117 CE `*+N+%$,,C3&$&?.$.2)&"F&G*$H$%3&Q2.&%"c&$&?.$.2)&"F&0.:&O).)*3&.@)&d*?.& U+?@"(&"F&!"#)&
  14. 6-62, Arch of Constantine. Rome. 312-315 CE. Pg. 177 B,

    Imperial procession. Detail of the relief on the south frieze of the Ara Pacis Augustae. Rome. c. 19 BCE
  15. =*+A1$,&G@+%h+%N&i2)?A"%?& 4:  e"c&$*)&N)?.2*)?&+#("*.$%.&."&.@)& 1"##2%+1$A"%&"F&)#()*"*?@+(&+%&'#()*+$,& !"#)T& 8:  S@$.&+?&$&.*+2#(@T&&S@$.&$*)&?"#)&)??)%A$,& $?()1.?&"F&$&.*+2#(@&?1)%)T& E:  S@$.&$*)&?"#)&"F&.@)&+#("*.$%.&?@+J?&+%&.@)&

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