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PHPで学ぶプログラミングの教訓 / Lessons in Programming Learn...

December 22, 2024

PHPで学ぶプログラミングの教訓 / Lessons in Programming Learned through PHP

PHP Conference Japan 2024 のトークです







YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/narusemi
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December 22, 2024

More Decks by nrs

Other Decks in Programming


  1. $counter = 1; $counter = $counter + 1; $counter =

    $counter * 2; $initialCounter = 1; $incrementedCounter = $initialCounter + 1; $doubledCounter = $incrementedCounter * 2;
  2. if (!($userAge < 18 || $userName === "")) { echo

    "Valid user"; } if ($userAge >= 18 && $userName !== "") { echo "Valid user"; }
  3. // file1.php function calculateTax($amount) { return $amount * 0.1; }

    // file2.php function calculateTax($amount) { return $amount * 0.1; }
  4. // tax_utils.php function calculateTax($amount) { return $amount * 0.1; }

    // file1.php require_once 'tax_utils.php'; echo calculateTax(100); // file2.php require_once 'tax_utils.php'; echo calculateTax(200);
  5. $taxRate = 0.1; function calculateTax($price) { return $price * 0.1;

    // ハードコードされた値 } echo calculateTax(100); $taxRate = 0.1; function calculateTax($price, $taxRate) { return $price * $taxRate; } echo calculateTax(100, $taxRate);
  6. $numberOfRecords = (int)readline("Enter the number of records: "); $data =

    []; for ($i = 0; $i < $numberOfRecords; $i++) { // 入力と処理が混在 $id = (int)readline("Enter ID for record $i: "); $name = readline("Enter name for record $i: "); $score = (int)readline("Enter score for record $i: "); $status = $score >= 50 ? 'Passed' : 'Failed'; $adjustedScore = $score + 5; $date = readline("Enter date for record $i (YYYY-MM-DD): "); $data[] = [ "id" => $id, "name" => $name, "score" => $score, "status" => $status, "adjusted_score" => $adjustedScore, "date" => $date ]; echo "ID: $id, Name: $name, Status: $status, Adjusted Score: $adjustedScore, Date: $date¥n"; }
  7. $data = []; $numberOfRecords = (int)readline("Enter the number of records:

    "); for ($i = 0; $i < $numberOfRecords; $i++) { $id = (int)readline("Enter ID for record $i: "); $name = readline("Enter name for record $i: "); $score = (int)readline("Enter score for record $i: "); $date = readline("Enter date for record $i (YYYY-MM-DD): "); $data[] = [ "id" => $id, "name" => $name, "score" => $score, "date" => $date ]; } // 処理フェーズ foreach ($data as $record) { $record['status'] = $record['score'] >= 50 ? 'Passed' : 'Failed'; $record['adjusted_score'] = $record['score'] + 5; } // 出力フェーズ foreach ($data as $record) { echo "ID: {$record['id']}, Name: {$record['name']}, Status: {$record['status']}, Adjusted Score: {$record }
  8. class A { public $b; public function __construct($b) { $this->b

    = $b; } } class B { public $a; public function __construct($a) { $this->a = $a; } } $a = new A(null); $b = new B($a); $a->b = $b; // 相互参照
  9. class BankAccount { private $balance; public function __construct($balance) { $this->balance

    = $balance; } public function getBalance() { return $this->balance; } public function setBalance($balance) { $this->balance = $balance; } } $account = new BankAccount(100); if ($account->getBalance() >= 50) { $account->setBalance($account->getBalance() - 50); }
  10. class BankAccount { private $balance; public function __construct($balance) { $this->balance

    = $balance; } public function withdraw($amount) { if ($this->balance >= $amount) { $this->balance -= $amount; } else { throw new Exception("Insufficient funds"); } } } $account = new BankAccount(100); $account->withdraw(50);
  11. class SafeFileHandler { private $filePath; private $isReadOnly = true; public

    function __construct(string $filePath) { if (!file_exists($filePath)) { throw new Exception("File does not exist: $filePath"); } $this->filePath = $filePath; } public function setWritable(): void { $this->isReadOnly = false; } public function write(string $data): void { if ($this->isReadOnly) { throw new Exception("File is in read-only mode. Enable write mode explicitly using setWritable()."); } file_put_contents($this->filePath, $data, FILE_APPEND); } public function read(): string { return file_get_contents($this->filePath); } }
  12. try { $fileHandler = new SafeFileHandler("example.txt"); echo "File content:¥n" .

    $fileHandler->read(); // 書き込みモードを明示的に設定しない限り、書き込みは失敗 $fileHandler->write("New data¥n"); // 例外をスロー } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "¥n"; } try { $fileHandler->setWritable(); $fileHandler->write("New data¥n"); // 成功 echo "Data written successfully.¥n"; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "¥n"; }
  13. class Logger { public function log($message) { echo "[Log]: $message¥n";

    } } // データベースサービスが Logger を継承 class DatabaseService extends Logger { public function query($sql) { $this->log("Executing query: $sql"); // 実際のクエリ実行(疑似コード) echo "Query result for: $sql¥n"; } } // 使用例 $dbService = new DatabaseService(); $dbService->query("SELECT * FROM users");
  14. interface LoggerInterface { public function log($message); } class ConsoleLogger implements

    LoggerInterface { public function log($message) { echo "[Console Log]: $message¥n"; } } class DatabaseService { private $logger; public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger) { $this->logger = $logger; } public function query($sql) { $this->logger->log("Executing query: $sql"); // 実際のクエリ実行(疑似コード) echo "Query result for: $sql¥n"; } }
  15. class User { public function saveToDatabase() { // Save user

    to database } public function sendWelcomeEmail() { // Send email to user } }
  16. class User { public $name; public function __construct($name) { $this->name

    = $name; } } class UserRepository { public function save(User $user) { // Save user to database } } class EmailService { public function sendWelcomeEmail(User $user) { // Send email to user } }
  17. class DiscountService { public function calculateDiscount($customerType, $amount) { if ($customerType

    === 'Regular') { return $amount * 0.9; // 10% 割引 } elseif ($customerType === 'VIP') { return $amount * 0.8; // 20% 割引 } else { return $amount; // 割引なし } } }
  18. interface DiscountStrategy { public function calculate($amount); } class RegularDiscount implements

    DiscountStrategy { public function calculate($amount) { return $amount * 0.9; // 10% 割引 } } class VIPDiscount implements DiscountStrategy { public function calculate($amount) { return $amount * 0.8; // 20% 割引 } } class NoDiscount implements DiscountStrategy { public function calculate($amount) { return $amount; // 割引なし } } // 割引サービスクラス class DiscountService { private $strategy; public function __construct(DiscountStrategy $strategy) { $this->strategy = $strategy; } public function calculateDiscount($amount) { return $this->strategy->calculate($amount); } }
  19. // データが複数箇所に重複して管理されている $userName = "John Doe"; // 1箇所目 $firstName =

    "John"; // 2箇所目 $lastName = "Doe"; // 3箇所目 echo "User: $userName¥n"; echo "Full Name: $firstName $lastName¥n"; // 名前の変更が一貫しない $firstName = "Jane"; // 更新漏れ echo "User: $userName¥n"; // 出力が不整合になる echo "Full Name: $firstName $lastName¥n";
  20. class User { private $firstName; private $lastName; public function __construct($firstName,

    $lastName) { $this->firstName = $firstName; $this->lastName = $lastName; } public function getFullName() { return $this->firstName . ' ' . $this->lastName; } public function getFirstName() { return $this->firstName; } public function getLastName() { return $this->lastName; } public function setFirstName($firstName) { $this->firstName = $firstName; } public function setLastName($lastName) // 使用例 $user = new User("John", "Doe"); // データは一箇所で管理 echo "User: " . $user->getFullName() . "¥n"; // 名前を変更するとすべてが一貫性を保つ $user->setFirstName("Jane"); echo "User: " . $user->getFullName() . "¥n";
  21. <?php spl_autoload_register(function ($class) { echo "Hello world!"; eval("class $class {}");

    // クラスが未定義の場合に動的に作成 }); new SomeClass(); // Hello world!
  22. class Email { private $to; private $from; private $subject; private

    $message; private $headers; public function __construct($to, $message, $from = 'noreply@example.com', $subject = 'No Subject', $headers = []) { $this->to = $to; $this->from = $from; $this->subject = $subject; $this->message = $message; $this->headers = $headers; } public function send() { // ヘッダーを構築 $formattedHeaders = "From: {$this->from}¥r¥n"; foreach ($this->headers as $key => $value) { $formattedHeaders .= "$key: $value¥r¥n"; } // デフォルト値が設定されているため、最小限の情報でメールを送信可能 mail($this->to, $this->subject, $this->message, $formattedHeaders); echo "Email sent to {$this->to} with subject '{$this->subject}'¥n"; } }
  23. // 最小限の情報で使う場合(簡単なデフォルト設定が有効) $email = new Email( to: 'user@example.com', message: 'Welcome

    to our service!' ); $email->send(); // 必要な部分だけ上書きする場合 $email = new Email( to: 'user@example.com', message: 'Here is your daily update!', subject: 'Daily Update', headers: ['CC' => 'admin@example.com'] ); $email->send();
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  59. 136 class UserController { private UserService $userService; public function __construct(UserService

    $userService) { $this->userService = $userService; } public function createUser(string $id, string $name): void { $this->userService->createUser($id, $name); echo "User created successfully!¥n"; } public function getUser(string $id): void { $user = $this->userService->getUser($id); if ($user) { echo "User ID: " . $user->getId() . ", Name: " . $user->getName() . "¥n"; } else { echo "User not found.¥n"; } } }
  60. 137

  61. 138 class UserService { private UserRepository $userRepository; public function __construct(UserRepository

    $userRepository) { $this->userRepository = $userRepository; } public function getUser(string $id): ?User { return $this->userRepository->findById($id); } public function createUser(string $id, string $name): void { $user = new User($id, $name); $this->userRepository->save($user); } }
  62. 139

  63. 141

  64. 142 class InMemoryUserRepository implements UserRepository { private array $users =

    []; public function findById(string $id): ?User { return $this->users[$id] ?? null; } public function save(User $user): void { $this->users[$user->getId()] = $user; } }
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  73. 193 Controller Presenter Use Case Interactor Use Case Input Port

    Use Case Output Port < I > < I > もっと細かく
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  77. 202 class UserController extends BaseController { public function index(UserGetListUseCaseInterface $interactor)

    { $request = new UserGetListRequest(1, 10); $interactor->handle($request); } public function create(UserCreateUseCaseInterface $interactor, Request $request) { $name = $request->input('name'); $request = new UserCreateRequest($name); $interactor->handle($request); } }
  78. 203 class UserController extends BaseController { public function index(UserGetListUseCaseInterface $interactor)

    { $request = new UserGetListRequest(1, 10); $interactor->handle($request); } public function create(UserCreateUseCaseInterface $interactor, Request $request) { $name = $request->input('name'); $request = new UserCreateRequest($name); $interactor->handle($request); } } アプリケーションが要求するデータに入力を変換
  79. 204 class UserController extends BaseController { public function index(UserGetListUseCaseInterface $interactor)

    { $request = new UserGetListRequest(1, 10); $interactor->handle($request); } public function create(UserCreateUseCaseInterface $interactor, Request $request) { $name = $request->input('name'); $request = new UserCreateRequest($name); $interactor->handle($request); } } アプリケーションが要求するデータに入力を変換
  80. 205

  81. 206

  82. 208 DS : Data Structure class UserCreateRequest { /** *

    @var string */ private $name; /** * UserCreateRequest constructor. * @param string $name */ public function __construct(string $name) { $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getName(): string { return $this->name; } }
  83. 209

  84. 210

  85. 211 interface UserCreateUseCaseInterface { /** * @param UserCreateRequest $request *

    @return UserCreateResponse */ public function handle(UserCreateRequest $request); } 名称は好みで InputPort, UseCase, InputBoundary などのバリエーションがあるイメージ
  86. 212

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  88. 214 class UserCreateInteractor implements UserCreateUseCaseInterface { /** * @var UserRepositoryInterface

    */ private $userRepository; /** * @var UserCreatePresenter */ private $presenter; /** * UserCreateInteractor constructor. * @param UserRepositoryInterface $userRepository * @param UserCreatePresenterInterface $presenter */ public function __construct(UserRepositoryInterface $userRepository, UserCreatePresenterInterface $presenter) { $this->userRepository = $userRepository; $this->presenter = $presenter; } /** * @param UserCreateRequest $request * @return void */ public function handle(UserCreateRequest $request) { $userId = new UserId(uniqid()); $userName = $request->getName(); $createdUser = new User($userId, $userName); $this->userRepository->save($createdUser); $response = new UserCreateResponse($userId->getValue(), $userName); $this->presenter->output($response); } }
  89. 215

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  91. 217 interface UserRepositoryInterface { /** * @param User $user *

    @return mixed */ public function save(User $user); /** * @param UserId $id * @return User */ public function find(UserId $id); /** * @param int $page * @param int $size * @return mixed */ public function findByPage($page, $size); }
  92. 218 interface UserRepositoryInterface { /** * @param User $user *

    @return mixed */ public function save(User $user); /** * @param UserId $id * @return User */ public function find(UserId $id); /** * @param int $page * @param int $size * @return mixed */ public function findByPage($page, $size); }
  93. 219 interface UserRepositoryInterface { /** * @param User $user *

    @return mixed */ public function save(User $user); /** * @param UserId $id * @return User */ public function find(UserId $id); /** * @param int $page * @param int $size * @return mixed */ public function findByPage($page, $size); } Gateway
  94. 220

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  96. 222 実装は SQL 直打ちでも Entity の再構築が できれば なんでも OK class

    UserRepository implements UserRepositoryInterface { /** * @param User $user * @return mixed */ public function save(User $user) { DB::table('users') ->updateOrInsert( ['id' => $user->getId()], ['name' => $user->getName()] ); } /** * @param UserId $id * @return User */ public function find(UserId $id) { $user = DB::table('users')->where('id', $id->getValue())->first(); return new User($id, $user->name); } /** * @param int $page * @param int $size * @return mixed */ public function findByPage($page, $size) { // TODO: Implement findByPage() method. } }
  97. 223

  98. 224

  99. 225 class User { /** * @var UserId */ private

    $id; /** * @var string */ private $name; /** * User constructor. * @param UserId $id * @param string $name */ public function __construct(UserId $id, string $name) { $this->id = $id; $this->name = $name; } /** * @return UserId */ public function getId(): UserId { return $this->id; } /** * @return string */ public function getName(): string { return $this->name; } }
  100. 226

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  102. 228 class UserCreateResponse { /** * @var string */ private

    $createdUserId; /** * @var string */ private $userName; /** * UserCreateResponse constructor. * @param string $createdUserId * @param string $userName */ public function __construct(string $createdUserId, string $userName) { $this->createdUserId = $createdUserId; $this->userName = $userName; } /** * @return string */ public function getCreatedUserId(): string { return $this->createdUserId; } /** * @return string */ public function getUserName(): string { return $this->userName; } }
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  105. 231 interface UserCreatePresenterInterface { /** * @param UserCreateResponse $outputData *

    @return mixed */ public function output(UserCreateResponse $outputData); }
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  108. 234 class UserCreatePresenter implements UserCreatePresenterInterface { /** * @var CleanArchitectureMiddleware

    */ private $middleware; /** * UserCreatePresenter constructor. * @param CleanArchitectureMiddleware $middleware */ public function __construct(CleanArchitectureMiddleware $middleware) { $this->middleware = $middleware; } public function output(UserCreateResponse $outputData) { $viewModel = new UserCreateViewModel($outputData->getCreatedUserId(), $outputData->getUserName()); $this->middleware->setData(view('user.create', compact('viewModel'))); } }
  109. 235

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  111. 237 class UserCreateViewModel { /** * @var string */ private

    $id; /** * @var string */ private $name; /** * UserCreateViewModel constructor. * @param string $id * @param string $name */ public function __construct(string $id, string $name) { $this->id = $id; $this->name = $name; } /** * @return string */ public function getId(): string { return $this->id; } /** * @return string */ public function getName(): string { return $this->name; } }