“Selling an item on the Internet means convincing the customer the product they are viewing is the right one” Melissa Gonzalez, Director of Search Engine Marketing (Optimum7) “Don’t just sell, educate: When you educate your customers about your products, they feel like you are providing additional value for the price they pay” Justin Palmer, Director of Marketing (sevenly.org) “Let your customers see, hear, taste, touch, and smell your products through descriptions that create powerful images in their mind” Justin Palmer, Director of Marketing (sevenly.org) Product Descriptions But how do you achieve that when all you have are visuals and descriptions? We have talked about the most important visuals, now let’s discuss the descriptions! • Put yourself in your customers’ shoes. Imagine what is appealing to you when you shop online. Bulleted product descriptions are much easier to read and preferred by site visitors. If you do not want to use bullet points, separate each section of the product information with white space. That way, shoppers can find the information they need quickly. • Include complete product descriptions. Give information regarding fabric, print, stitching material, tracks, health warnings, etc. You should also include what the product is for, if it is not self-explanatory (and never assume it is!). As Justin Palmer, Director of Marketing at sevenly.org, points out: “Don’t just sell, educate: When you educate your customers about your products, they feel like you are providing additional value for the price they pay”. If Page visitors have to click around trying to find out what it actually is you are selling, they lose interest. Maybe you even have an interesting info that would help sell the product. • Use enticing, image oriented words. “Let your customers see, hear, taste, touch, and smell your products through descriptions that create powerful images in their mind” (Palmer). Vangie Beal, freelance technology and business writer, explains it like this: “Think of the product description as an appetizer: use it to give customers