How to avoid the most common marketing mistake of starting with the tactics, and build a marketing strategy from the bottom up instead. Slides from my presentation at Ahref's SEO Summit in Singapore, 2023.
a year • dissatis fi ed with hotel co ff ee taste • wants quality co ff ee but doesn’t have time • drink two cups of co ff ee per day • spends $1 per cup per day A better target audience
customers’ needs? Price. Does your pricing align with your positioning? Place. Is your product available where your customers want it? Promotion. Are you communicating it correctly?
audience, messaging by your positioning. Consideration. Search intent, landing page content, social proof. Conversion. Pricing, call to action, ease of payment
What keywords does my target audience search for at each funnel stage? What content would help address the needs of my audience at each stage? What content are we good at creating? What content can help us stand out from the competition?