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Welcome to the Commons: Collaboration in Action

Welcome to the Commons: Collaboration in Action

OpenShift Commons Gathering at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2023
November 6, 2023 ~ Chicago, Illinois

Karena Angell, Senior Principal Product Manager, Red Hat

Join the community: https://commons.openshift.org/join

OpenShift Commons

November 13, 2023

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  1. Welcome to the Commons Collaboration in Action Karena Angell OpenShift

    Commons Lead Senior Principal Product Manager 1
  2. OpenShift Commons 2 What is the Commons? 1. Cross-Community Collaboration

    2. Peer-to-Peer Community 3. Shared Space for Learning, Sharing and Contributing to the OpenShift ecosystem 4. Driving Feedback & Innovation into OpenShift and the entire Hybrid Cloud ecosystem
  3. 15 More Opportunities for Upstream and Downstream Collaboration Join Us

    on This Journey More Opportunities to Partner with Each Other More Opportunities to Grow the EcoSystem Together https://commons.openshift.org/join
  4. commons.openshift.org youtube.com/OpenShift facebook.com/openshift twitter.com/openshiftcommon 16 Commons builds connections and collaboration

    across OpenShift communities, projects and stakeholders. In doing so we'll enable the success of customers, users, partners, and contributors as we deepen our knowledge and experiences together. Let’s Get Started!