on-demand computing resources Object Storage Petabytes of reliable storage on standard gear Block Storage Volumes on commodity storage gear, and drivers for more advanced systems like NetApp, Solidfire, and Nexenta Networking Software defined networking automation with pluggable backends Dashboard Self-service, role-based web interface for users and administrators Shared Services Multi-tenant authentication system that ties to existing stores (e.g. LDAP) and Image Service
every six months, with interim milestones Design Summits twice a year Immediately following software release to plan next version Sessions led by developers and Project Technical Leads Broad Contributions More than 800 developers from over 50 companies wordlwide Elected Leadership Developers elect their own Project Technical Leaders
(Members + Sponsors + Supporters) CUMULATIVE CONTRIBUTORS AVERAGE MONTHLY CONTRIBUTORS PATCHES MERGED 739 175 2,664 (updated methodology) 148 Companies Members: 22 Total (4 New) Sponsors: 22 Total (6 New) Supporters: 104 Total (4 New) TOP 10 Countries 1) United States 2) China 3) India 4) Great Britain 5) Australia 6,967 6) France 7) Russia 8) Canada 9) Ireland 10) Germany INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS
(Members + Sponsors + Supporters) CUMULATIVE CONTRIBUTORS AVERAGE MONTHLY CONTRIBUTORS PATCHES MERGED 815 252 3,357 189 Companies Members: 22 Total Sponsors: 34 Total (10 New) Supporters: 139 Total (35 New) TOP 10 Countries 1) United States 2) China 3) India 4) Great Britain 5) Australia 9,016 6) France 7) Russia 8) Canada 9) Ireland 10) Germany INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS +44% +27% +29% +10% +26%
the world Using OpenStack to power 1,000 node internal private cloud and production web properties Internal team manages deployment and operations, using OpenStack Compute, Storage & Networking with Ubuntu and Chef Headquartered in Buenos Aires, Argentina "Our main goal was to achieve a new level of agility and flexibility, and demonstrate that we could remove the manual work associated with deploying new resources. We achieved this."
payments every minute in 2012 OpenStack runs thousands of VMs to support their self-service developer model Internal team manages deployment and operations, using OpenStack Compute, Storage & Shared Services “We needed agility without sacrificing availability. By leveraging the collective innovation of the OpenStack community, we can develop and grow our private cloud much quicker without having to reinvent anything.” Saran Mandair, senior director of PayPal infrastructure engineering
IT support for over 120 Russian and overseas companies. Operate 3 datacenters with 5000+ Servers Working with CloudScaling to deploy private and public OpenStack Clouds this year “We want our customers to have freedom of choice. We do believe that OpenStack is bringing that dimension. Russia has a long, long history of being dominated by one party – freedom of choice is important from a historical perspective, similar trend that you observe everywhere.” Michal Cupa, President of IBS DataFort
to offer pay- as-you-go Cloud Evaluated vs. Vmware, Open Nebula, and and Ecualyptus. Liked project’s modular architecture approach and the constantly evolving tool set that allows for integration into other service providers’ infrastructures “"After several years in this field, today we truly believe that OpenStack is the Linux of cloud computing.” Mariano Cunietti, CTO at Enter/Cloudup
75,000 servers in 69 data centers And more than 91,000 employees who connect to Intel resources through more than 138,000 mobile devices. “OpenStack has dramatically reduced the amount of time it takes to provision services and automatically resolve resource issues. We can now deploy a VM in just five to 10 minutes, provide faster self services to our customers, and offer a more reliable infrastructure with rolling updates that will keep our infrastructure current without burdening our staff.” Das Kamhout, Intel Principal Engineer and Cloud Lead
in only 5 days. Written by experienced OpenStack operators. In less than a week of publication, the book had been downloaded over 2000 times… now over 5000 downloads!
software and the community around it, including users, developers and the entire ecosystem. • Over 8000 Individual Members, up from 5600 at launch • The leading Global IT companies as Gold & Platinum Members • Board of Directors that sets strategic direction • Project Technical Leads and a Technical Committee that are elected from among the contributors • User Committee to ensure the users voices are heard
with broad industry support and the resources to support OpenStack`s success While preserving what`s working – a.k.a. the lOpenStack Wayz • Technical people making technical decisions based on merit • Dedicated resources building the community and ecosystem • A strong ecosystem of companies making money • Encouraging and rewarding contribution in all forms
fancy, wait a second, there’s more – a lot more – in the pipeline.” – GigaOm New OpenStack Clouds Mean Something For Everyone “OpenStack appears to be a more advanced or more modern open source project than some of its predecessors because it's a highly coordinated effort.” – Charlie Babcock Information Week OpenStack Fights Cloud Lock-In Worries "We are currently considering a move from Amazon to Rackspace purely because of OpenStack. It's that important.” Andrew Cunningham 12/28/12 “#openstack continues to power ahead with Nova in the top 10 github projects in 2012 for number of unique contributors: https://t.co/ bN3Yh4hY” @pixelbeat 12/20/12 “This is the most awesome community in action in open source today.” Mark Shuttleworth @OpenStack #openstack @techjournalist 10/16/12 “Almost no vendor briefing within the last month without a discussion regarding how OpenStack fits into the product strategy. Exciting times.” @torstenvolk 11/9/12
has won the race to become the standard, and it has done it rapidly,” Winblad said. “We’ve made some investments around the software-defined data center, and OpenStack is a key component. It is the OS for the cloud.” – Ann Winblad, Hummer Winblad Ventures IBM Makes a Big Bet on OpenStack in the Cloud, AllThingsD
General purpose technology ‣ Extensible system with room for innovation on top, underneath and around the technology platform ‣ Continuous innovation based on user needs
intersection where the 3 forces meet ‣ Platforms need users & apps/tools to be relevant ‣ Tool ecosystems need widely adopted, innovative platforms ‣ Users need platforms with app/tool support & innovation The biggest each force is, the more value created ‣ Mass creates gravity, gravity pulls in more users, more tools/apps, more developers and the cycle continues ‣ If you ignore any one force, the model collapses The more each force is concentrated toward the core, the stronger the pull for the other forces ‣ The overlap creates greater mass and focus for users and tools/ apps ‣ All three groups need each other to survive in the long run
‣ Every smartphone on earth ‣ ~90% market share Facebook ‣ Every human on the internet ‣ ~42% market share Microsoft ‣ Every PC manufactured ‣ ~92% market share. Still.
platform ‣ Community driven innovation ‣ Technology accessible in many ways: hourly, appliance, distribution, DIY Empowered users and developers ‣ Deeper engagement from our users and developers ‣ Users like having more control their destiny Broad, global support from companies ‣ Not driven by a single company; no single source ‣ Creates additional work, but also addition power and opportunity ‣ Aggregate investment is huge