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Cloud Native Architectures at AWS

Cloud Native Architectures at AWS

Technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, IoT etc. have given rise to innovative ways of doing business thus leaving the old business practices ineffective. Enterprises who have been functioning in their respective domains for years are now facing an urgent need to pivot their traditional business process to suit the needs of the modern consumer. Digital transformation is the way these organizations make this change and the cloud is the foundational enabler of digital transformation projects and offers the scale and speed that is needed for businesses to focus on transformation. We are reaching the tipping point, where every company starts migrating its workloads into the cloud. With this migration comes the realization that systems must be re-architected to fully unlock the potential of the cloud. In this talk, we will journey into the world of cloud-native to discover the patterns and best practices that embody this new architecture and how Amazon value added services empower everyday teams to build massive scale systems.

OpsGenie Engineering

June 23, 2018

More Decks by OpsGenie Engineering

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  1. Cloud Native Architectures at AWS Sezgin Küçükkaraaslan Co-founder & CTO

    @opsgenie @olric https://www.linkedin.com/in/sezgin-kucukkaraaslan/
  2. • Why do we care? • Try to find a

    definition • Benefits • Trade-offs • AWS Tools Agenda
  3. Moving to Cloud • Reduce Operation Costs. • Move Faster

    • Handle scale, resiliency and security better than doing it yourself (quality)
  4. What is Cloud Native ? • Containerized • Dynamically orchestrated

    • Microservices oriented https://www.cncf.io/about/faq/
  5. Continuous Delivery Benefits • Deliver software with fewer bugs and

    lower risk • Release new features to market more frequently • Respond to marketing conditions more quickly • Life is saner for everyone
  6. DevOps Benefits • Faster resolution of problems • More stable

    operating environments • Higher customer satisfaction • Improved communication and collaboration • Improved code quality
  7. Microservices Benefits • Resilient / Flexible • Independently scalable •

    Freedom to choose technology • Fast time to market - opens innovation opportunities • Enables continuous delivery
  8. Distributed computing is hard • Latency • Timeouts • Retries

    • Backward / Forward compatibility • Orchestration • Understand CAP Theorem • Transaction management The network is reliable Latency is zero Bandwidth is infinite The network is secure Topology doesn’t change There is one administrator Transport cost is zero The network is homogenous 8 Fallacies of Distributed Computing
  9. AWS Compute Offerings EC2 Virtual servers in the cloud ECS

    Container management EKS Managed Kubernetes Fargate Containers without servers Lambda Serverless compute
  10. AWS Database Offerings Aurora Relational cloud database RDS Relational database

    DynamoDB Non-relational database ElastiCache In-memory datastore Redshift Data Warehousing Neptune Graph database