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Software Development Lessons from the Apollo Pr...

Software Development Lessons from the Apollo Program

Julian Simioni

April 24, 2014

More Decks by Julian Simioni

Other Decks in Programming


  1. S O F T WA R E D E V

    E L O P M E N T L E S S O N S F R O M T H E A P O L L O S PA C E P R O G R A M Julian Simioni @juliansimioni
  2. T E S T I N G • unit tests

    prove your code
 • integration tests prove your communication
 • test off-nominal cases
  3. W O R K I N G W I T

 U S E R S 

  4. W O R K I N G W I T

 U S E R S 
 A S T R O N A U T S
  5. J U L I A N S I M I

    O N I @ J U L I A N S I M I O N I 
 H T T P : / / J U L I A N S I M I O N I . C O M
  6. R E S O U R C E S •

    Digital Apollo by David Mindell
 http://www.amazon.com/Digital-Apollo-Human-Machine-Spaceflight/dp/0262516101/ref=sr_1_1? ie=UTF8&qid=1395287844&sr=8-1&keywords=digital+apollo • Journey To The Moon by Eldon Hall
 http://www.amazon.com/Journey-Moon-Library-Flight-Eldon/dp/156347185X/ref=sr_1_1? ie=UTF8&qid=1395287869&sr=8-1&keywords=eldon+hall • Moonjs Apollo Guidance Computer Simulator
 http://svtsim.com/moonjs/agc.html • Caltech History of Recent Science & Technology AGC Conferences
 http://authors.library.caltech.edu/5456/1/hrst.mit.edu/hrs/apollo/public/documents.htm • Tales from the Lunar Module Guidance Computer by Don Eyles
 http://www.doneyles.com/LM/Tales.html • MIT’s Role in Project Apollo Volume V: The Software Effort http://ocw.mit.edu/courses/science- technology-and-society/sts-471j-engineering-apollo-the-moon-project-as-a-complex-system- spring-2007/readings/1_4_9_mit_role.pdf
  7. P H O T O C R E D I

    T S • Earthrise https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:NASA-Apollo8-Dec24-Earthrise.jpg • Apollo 17 on the launch pad https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ File:Apollo_17_The_Last_Moon_Shot_Edit1.jpg • Apollo Guidance Computer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Agc_view.jpg • Apollo 11 Lunar Module in Lunar orbit https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/ File:Apollo_11_Lunar_Module_Eagle_in_landing_configuration_in_lunar_orbit_from_the_Comma nd_and_Service_Module_Columbia.jpg • F-1 engine testing at Edwards AFB https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:F-1_Engine_Test_Firing.jpg • Mission control after successful Apollo 13 splashdown https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/ File:Mission_Control_celebrates_successful_splashdown_of_Apollo_13.jpg • Apollo 1 crew during water egress training https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ File:Apollo_1_crew_during_water_egress_training,_June_1966.jpg • AGC display and keyboard http://appel.nasa.gov/2007/10/01/apollo-a-young-engineers- perspective/