White House: Gallup Poll: Freedom Rides to Jackson, MS: Letter to John Dolan: Arrest of John Dolan (MS): ICC bans discrimination again: Scheduled release from prison: November 25th, 1955 April 26th, 1961 May, 1961 May-November, 1961 June 12th, 1961 June 25th, 1961 September 22nd, 1961 January 2nd, 1962
say about me and the path that I have chosen for myself I must say I’m sorry. I’m sorry for you. I am sorry that you are unable to sleep for what you believe to be as foolishness. I’m sorry that you feel I am insane, but I feel that [you’re] the insane one. STUDENT EXAMPLE
not only their health but their humanity. I feel that you have failed as a doctor....I hope that one day you come to your senses and realize that the world is changing with or without your consent. And people like me will do what’s right to make sure it changes the right way.... (by Mekah B.) STUDENT EXAMPLE
letting me know you’ve kept my things. Just the thought of you looking after my drums gives me the hope that one day we’ll play together like we used to. One day, Father, when all this comes to an end. One day, your son will return to you. STUDENT EXAMPLE (2)
much more. I have been thinking about your letter for the past weeks, probably because it’s the last thing I had in my hands before I boarded Greyhound. Frank, my friend whom I hope you still remember, had his mother’s kiss as a farewell. I, your letter. STUDENT EXAMPLE (2)
must have been thinking — that you were right from the beginning. That this was all a product of my insanity. That your son has lost his mind. But Father, who would have thought that six weeks in jail would only make me feel more empowered and needed than ever? STUDENT EXAMPLE (2)
But I am not sorry for my decisions. If my actions today close a lot of doors for me, it is enough for me that my little actions may have opened doors for other people in exchange.... (by April D.) STUDENT EXAMPLE (2)