scale expec:ng to see weight loss and see a li@le weight gain instead” “If taken too seriously, minimal daily weight gain might lead to compulsive weighing-‐in and dras:c, unhealthy ea:ng behaviors.” “The help of a friend may be mo:va:ng factor to help you get moving and eat be@er to lose weight.” “Too much a@en:on to the scale can be misleading and ul:mately lead to frustra:on and discouragement”
“Your friend needs help… Join Maria for an evening walk.” “Your friend needs help… Call Maria to talk about her diet.” “Your friend is doing good… Reward Maria with a dessert.” “The help of a friend may be mo:va:ng factor to help you get moving and eat be@er to lose weight.”
• 2 out of 6 said it is weird not to see the weight • 4 out of 6 said it is helpful to get a feedback on their progress • 1 user said he will never use it • 2 users want to see the progress for more than one :me • 4 users request to see a graph of their progress