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LEVELUP 2015 - Enterprise software schaalbaar m...

LEVELUP 2015 - Enterprise software schaalbaar maken met Service Fabric

hoe AFAS zijn next gen ERP platform ontwikkelt

Michiel Overeem

November 26, 2015

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  1. AFAS Online 1780 cores, 25 TB RAM, 180 TB SSD

    storage 10.000 concurrent RDP gebruikers 200.000 unieke gebruikers per maand 1.500.000 API calls per dag
  2. Command public class CreateArticleCommand : Command { public Guid ArticleId

    { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public decimal Price { get; set; } } Event public class ArticleCreatedEvent : Event { public Guid ArticleId { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } public decimal Price { get; set; } } Query public class GetArticleQuery : Query { public Guid ArticleId { get; set; } }
  3. AggregateRoot - Handle public void Handle(CreateArticleCommand command) { if(command.Price <=

    0) { throw new CommandValidationException("Price should be greater than 0."); } if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(command.Description) || command.Description.Length > 20) { throw new CommandValidationException("Description is mandatory, " + "and cannot be longer than 20 characters."); } RaiseEvent(new ArticleCreatedEvent(command.ArticleId, command.Description, command.Price)); } AggregateRoot - Apply private void Apply(ArticleCreatedEvent @event) { _saleable = true; _price = @event.Price; }
  4. CommandHandler private void Handle(CreateArticleCommand command) { Repository.ExecuteOn<ArticleAggregateRoot>(command.ArticleId, command); } AggregateRootRepository

    - InMemory public virtual async Task ExecuteOn<T>(Guid aggregateId, Command command) where T: AggregateRoot { T aggregateRoot = LoadAggregateRoot<T>(aggregateId); aggregateRoot.Handle(command); await SaveAndDispatchEvents(aggregateRoot); }
  5. 1 3 7 4 8 2 8 6 5 1

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  6. 1 3 7 4 8 2 8 6 5 1

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  7. AggregateRootRepository - InMemory public virtual async Task ExecuteOn<T>(Guid aggregateId, Command

    command) where T: AggregateRoot { T aggregateRoot = LoadAggregateRoot<T>(aggregateId); aggregateRoot.Handle(command); await SaveAndDispatchEvents(aggregateRoot); } AggregateRootRepository – Service Fabric public override async Task ExecuteOn<T>(Guid aggregateId, Command command) { var actor = ActorProxy.Create<IAggregateRootActor>(new ActorId(aggregateId), "App"); await actor.ExecuteOn(typeof(T).AssemblyQualifiedName, command.ToJson()); }
  8. AggregateRootActor public async Task ExecuteOn(string aggregateRootType, string commandJson) { var

    aggregateRoot = LoadAggregateRoot(aggregateRootType); var command = Deserialize(commandJson); aggregateRoot.Handle(command); await SaveAndDispatchEvents(aggregateRoot); }
  9. QueryModelBuilder private void Handle(ArticleCreatedEvent @event) { Repository.Add(@event.ArticleId, new JObject( new

    JProperty("Article", @event.ArticleId), new JProperty("Description", @event.Description), new JProperty("Price", @event.Price))); } QueryHandler private JObject Handle(GetArticleQuery query) { return Repository.Get(query.ArticleId); }
  10. QueryModelBuilder Service public async Task Handle(string eventJson) { var queue

    = await StateManager.GetOrAddAsync<IReliableQueue<string>>("qmbQueue"); using(ITransaction tx = StateManager.CreateTransaction()) { await queue.EnqueueAsync(tx, eventJson); await tx.CommitAsync(); } }
  11. QueryModelBuilder Service protected override async Task RunAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var

    queue = await StateManager.GetOrAddAsync<IReliableQueue<string>>("qmbQueue"); while(true) { using(ITransaction tx = StateManager.CreateTransaction()) { ConditionalResult<string> dequeueReply = await queue.TryDequeueAsync(tx); if(dequeueReply.HasValue) { string message = dequeueReply.Value; _queryModelBuilder.Handle(Deserialize(message)); await tx.CommitAsync(); } } } }
  12. Voor vragen, discussie etc: m.overeem@afas.nl - @michielovereem - https://linkedin.com/in/movereem CQRS

    + Service Fabric • Sluit ontzettend goed aan bij onze architectuur. • Betrouwbaarheid, schaalbaarheid en onderhoudsgemak. • Portable cloud hosting is mogelijk. https://github.com/AFASSoftware/CQRS-Microservices