MARKETING STRATEGY” ▸ Email marketing team ▸ 3 members ▸ Marketo license ($10,000 per month) ▸ Content team ▸ 3 members ▸ Engineering support ▸ 1 member ▸ Marketing management
you don’t have to be everywhere ▸ Static website ▸ Email list ▸ Blog technology but publish essays ▸ Podcast or video (totally optional but they can work) ςΩετ CHEAT CODES FOR CONTENT DEVELOPMENT
for what works — engagement and, ideally, conversions. ▸ Take the best emails, edit to remove references to time and add CTA, add to autoresponder. ▸ Your newest users get your best writing automatically. BETTER, FASTER, AT HIGHER VOLUME THAN A TEAM OF PROFESSIONALS SPECIFIC CHEAT CODE FOR EMAIL
MARKETING VIRTUOUS CYCLE ▸ Post a blog post, get more emails. ▸ Post an email, get more emails. ▸ Do a podcast, get more emails. ▸ Don’t be shy about re-using or repurposing themes or content.
all of your efforts to platforms you control. ▸ Separate the content and the process / technology, so that process / technology improvements incrementally increase the value of your back catalog. ▸ Double down on what works. ▸ Triple down on what works. ▸ You’re still not doing enough of that. 99.98% of your market has no ideas that you’ve “done it before.”
CERTS) ▸ Identify a business need of your target customer ▸ “I need to not have my SSL certs expire w/o knowing.” ▸ Build a tool which addresses that need succinctly ▸ Paste in domains; we’ll tell you when they expire ▸ Snap into your marketing empire ▸ Give us your email/phone and we’ll send you reminders
TODAY UNREASONABLY EFFECTIVE ONE-DAY DEV PROJECTS ▸ Integrate any of the following with your application ▸ Trello: instant, arbitrary, low-friction work queues ▸ Slack: incredible insight into “pulse” of business ▸ Email: tag customers w/ lots of stuff, figure out emails later ▸ House ads: given cookie w/ opaque ID, post to API, get desired ad ▸ Automatic post-sale upsells ▸ Annual billing for SaaS ▸ Next higher plan for people at 80% of quota ▸ Cross-sells for info products
or ▸ You should really be on my email list: https:// ▸ for my slides (pssst if you ever do a presentation swap slides or related commentary for email addresses)
CREDITS ▸ Big Jigsaw: Alan Levine, by CC: ▸ Unfinished Jigsaw: a2gemma, by CC: wTUmk ▸ The Thinker: Sharyn Morrow, by CC: qoK2g3 ▸ Franz Apostol: Keith Perhac