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Why performance matters: Measuring your website...

Why performance matters: Measuring your websites performance

A brief introduction to client-side performance. How to measure your websites performance bottlenecks. Followed by a few tips and best practices to overcome common client-side performance issues and some examples of how we are tackling these issues at the Guardian.

Patrick Hamann

April 24, 2013

More Decks by Patrick Hamann

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  1. What am I going to cover? • Why performance matters

    • How to measure your websites performance bottlenecks
  2. What am I going to cover? • Why performance matters

    • How to measure your websites performance bottlenecks • Myths, tips and best practices
  3. 71% of users want your mobile site to load as

    fast as the desktop equivalent. Source: Gomez
  4. "We made the new platform 60% faster and this resulted

    in a 14% increase in donation conversions." Kyle Rush - Obama Campaign
  5. Latency • Time to first byte (TTFB) • Incurred on

    every request • Much worse on mobile • CDN’s • The closer to the user, the lower the latency • Edge side compression • HTML ?!
  6. Reduce payload: 101 • Compression • GZip (mod_deflate mod_pagespeed) •

    Concatenate CSS/JS • Defer to load event (lazy-load) • Conditional loading • Cache
  7. Reduce payload: CSS • Only resource that should block the

    parser! • Load only bare minimum for page chrome • Conditionally load the rest • Browsers download CSS they don't need : e.g. print, tv, device-ratio... • Serve of same host - no DNS lookup • Inline ?*&%!
  8. Reduce payload: Images • Compression: • Photoshop 60% > ImageOptim

    25/70% • Progressive JPEGs • WebP • Base64 icons or icon fonts • Clean SVGs • No images at all?
  9. WebP - Content negotiation WebP lossless images are 26% smaller

    in size compared to PNGs. WebP lossy images are 25-34% smaller in size compared to JPEG Source: NetDNA blog
  10. Caching • Far-future cache headers • Invalidation • AppCache is

    broken :( • Mobile is harder • Smaller shared cache • Stuff critical assets in localStorage
  11. Render • Don't use setTimeout • Use request animation frame

    instead. • CSS Animations get over these issues. • Avoid recalculation • Bisecting slow CSS styles & elements
  12. HAR

  13. The Future • SPDY/HTTP 2.0 • Responsive images • <image

    defer/> • Application controller • WebP
  14. The Future • SPDY/HTTP 2.0 • Responsive images • <image

    defer/> • Application controller • WebP • Client-hints
  15. The Future • SPDY/HTTP 2.0 • Responsive images • <image

    defer/> • Application controller • WebP • Client-hints • RESS?
  16. It sounds easy... • It’s not • Requires a lot

    of dev time • Maintenance and upkeep • How do you track regression?
  17. Performance budget • Optimize an existing feature or asset •

    Remove an existing feature or asset • Don’t add the new feature or asset