well informed society is key to the development of every state. Bulgarians deserve to know who owns and controls the public message. Ownership needs to be more transparent. History needs to be remembered High school media education needs to happen asap in order to change the demand for quality content and encourage critical thinking among yourng people. We need to help build the next generation of journalists. Financial and moral support for media outlets that try to stay independent and self sufficient. Support for investigative journalism, financial and economic topics and reporters struggling to do their job well The goals Enable critical thinking
reality A well informed society is key to the development of every state. Bulgarians deserve to know who owns and controls the public message. Ownership needs to be more transparent. History needs to be remembered High school media education needs to happen asap in order to change the demand for quality content and encourage critical thinking among yourng people. We need to help build the next generation of journalists. Financial and moral support for media outlets that try to stay independent and self sufficient. Support for investigative journalism, financial and economic topics and reporters struggling to do their job well The projects the high school media project
quality content where every “vote” is a micro donation to the author of the article https://github.com/openmediabg/microdonations monthly donation donation button matching donations + + reward quality > reward authors +
theme custom dashboard + microcopy + buddy press + Educate, Empower, Enable, Prepare, Connect. help children learn to question. Help children lear to think.