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What is Venture Cleitning for startups

What is Venture Cleitning for startups

Venture clienting is an innovative approach that enables corporations to collaborate with startups by purchasing their solutions directly, rather than taking on traditional investor or partner roles. Here’s how it works:

Core Idea: Instead of investing in a startup or co-developing with them, venture clienting involves buying the startup’s product. This approach provides immediate access to innovation driven by startups.
Risk Reduction: By purchasing solutions, corporates minimize the risks associated with equity investments.
Custom Solutions: Ventures can acquire products specifically designed to meet their current business requirements.
Market Opportunities: The relationship provides valuable market feedback to startups, helping them overcome potential pitfalls.
Applicability: Venture clienting is suitable for large corporations, medium-sized businesses, and even public sector organizations. Examples include the BMW Startup Garage and Bosch’s Open Bosch unit1.
Remember, venture clienting offers an alternative path to corporate-startup collaboration, emphasizing direct solution acquisition over equity investment. 🚀

Gokul Rangarajan

July 06, 2024


  1. Letter From Pitchworks VC Studio At Pitchworks VC Studio, we

    champion a pioneering mission to revolutionize well-being and significantly elevate patient outcomes. Our journey is fueled by an unwavering vision: to create a strong impact in people’s lives. We forge strategic alliances with organizations that share our ardent passion and unwavering dedication. Our Thesis relies on building healthcare solution from India to the world and sustain in the longer run. Our venture clienting program, designed to bridge the gap between groundbreaking startups and established corporations seeking innovative solutions. Our hope This program enables startups to engage with you as a venture client with the established corporates Early Market Validation from a branded logo, introducing external Financing without loosing equity and IP reducing the risk.
  2. Index 1 What is venture clienting 2 Traditional Software Purchase

    vs Venture Clienting 3 Why Venture Clienting for startup ?
 4 In what stage does a startups comes in ? 5 Pros and Challenges 6 Pitchwoks Venture Client Program for Startups 
 7 Eligibility criteria for Venture Client Program. 8 Founders checklist to find if Pitchworks Venture Client Program for your Startups 9 End note
  3. How Startups and Corporates have been collaborating Corporate Venture Capital

    Legal Cap table issues Compliance Timeline issue M&A
  4. Corporate Solution Requirement Innovation challenges Cost optimizing Challenges Talent &

    Culture challenges Internal 
 Organizing challenges Growth opportunities Opportunities where the corporate don’t hold expertise Venture Clienting
  5. Comparions Traditional Software Purchase Venture Clienting Deal Purchase Proven Standard

    Solutions Immediate Availability Transactional Nature Limited Ownership & Customization Clarity in Licensing Co-Development Strategic Alignment long term interest Risk of working the startup Full Customization based on needs Strategic Alignment Future Vested interest
  6. Why Venture Clienting for Startup ? R Bootstrapped software low

 D R Validating Market feedback# R Early stage VC funding proven to ben too costly on Equity# R Building a robust software for customer environment Problems of Early Stage Startups Solution Ability to build and sell a robust software to corporate.

 Get revenue as runway. 

 No loss of equity. Validate market Feedback working with the corporate.
  7. In what stage does a startups comes in ? P

    i t c h w o r k s V C S t u d i o s C o r p o r a t e E n g a g e m e n t Corporate Engagement Continuous Engagement Idea generation WoRskhop Market Validation Solution sourcing Solution Comparioson Solution comparison Stakeholder acceptance Solution Co building Implementation and support Stakeholder Workshop Hackathon Problem Gathering Problem Validation IDea Implimentation Startup comes her as one of the solution provider
  8. Pros and Challenges Pros Cons Co Building & Immediate Market

    Validation from Credible Logos Revenue Generation

 Product Improvement

 No los of IP

 No loss of Equity No loss Save time on Fundraising & Marketing Future Fundraise from CVC Product/ Market Diversion Integration Challenges Long Sales Cycles Resource Strain:
  9. Pitchwoks Venture Client Program for Startups Corporate Engagement Business Development

    Innovation workshop Startup Sourcing Deal Support Deal Financing Deal Engagement Contracting Program Management Sourcing Development team Deal validation Pos and cons Evaluation Deal Financing Finding the right deal for corporate Startup solution engagement Contracting Program Management Client Relationship Orchestrated 12 Months Program Affordable Startup Governance Program Management Post Startup Souring
  10. Eligibility criteria for Venture Client Program. Experienced Founder with Proven

    Track Record: Founders should have a demonstrated track record of success and experience in the relevant market. Quantifiable Problem Gap: Startups must address a quantifiable problem or gap in the market, supported by evidence of market demand or validation. Organizational Setup: The startup should have its legal and organizational structure in place, making it fundable and ready for growth. Founders' Skin in the Game: Founders should demonstrate a significant commitment and investment in the startup's success, both financially and through active participation. In-House Product Development Experience: Preferably, the team should possess in-house expertise or capabilities in product development to execute on their vision. Alignment with Program Focus: The startup's goals and objectives should align with the focus areas and strategic objectives of the Pitchworks VC Studio program. Long-T erm Commitment: Founders should commit to actively participating in the program and demonstrating a long-term commitment to scaling their venture.
  11. Founders checklist to find if Pitchworks Venture Client Program for

    your Startups If you are building solutions for healthcare, Med-tech or Climate tech and related sectors Can your product or service solve a significant problem for large enterprises ? 
 Is your product ready for market you or have clarity in building what you need build ?

 If you are not building for direct consumers ( B2C model ) Not a right match If you idea is just one line and you just have an idea.

 If you are comfortable working and adapting to corporates requirement yet be dynamic as startups
  12. Note to Founders At Pitchworks VC Studio, our mission is

    to deliver unparalleled value to our corporate clients while extending the runway for promising startups. Annually, we aim to partner with 3-5 high-potential venture deals. Through our expertise, we focus on building validated and robust software solutions that drive success and growth for all parties involved. Also to remember, the right venture client deal should enhance your product, expand your network, and solidify your market position, paving the way for sustained entrepreneurial success. 

 Thank you for choosing to read this we look forward to shape the future of innovation as a ecosystem.