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Docker distribution & Harbor

Docker distribution & Harbor

Patrik Mihalcin

November 24, 2016

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  1. intro docker distribution a.k.a registry • store & distribute in-house

    images • private version of https://hub.docker.com/ • storage in azure harbor • extension of registry • frontend • additional functionalities for enterprise-y feeling: ◦ role based access control, projects, namespaces ◦ LDAP ◦ auditing
  2. harbor.. demo https://dockerhub.homecredit.net/dashboard 1. LDAP login 2. dashboard 3. projects,

    team project names 4. public project - library - generic images across teams 5. images, naming convention, REGISTRY/PROJECT/REPO[:TAG] 6. users, roles, add member to the project 7. logs 8. search NOTE: each team must create tech LDAP user associated with project (if they want to push images as part of CI)
  3. pull & push to private registry.. demo REGISTRY/PROJECT/REPO[:TAG] • docker

    pull busybox:latest • docker tag busybox:latest dockerhub.homecredit.net/reward/busybox:latest • docker login dockerhub.homecredit.net • docker push dockerhub.homecredit.net/reward/busybox:latest • docker pull dockerhub.homecredit.net/reward/busybox:latest
  4. common docker images.. demo contribute / improve common docker images

    • https://git.homecredit.net/docker/environments/tree/maste r/common-docker-images it will be broken down into multiple git repos under https://git.homecredit.net/groups/docker (tech LDAP user in progress) let’s have a look at Dockerfiles | docker-compose to see images in action
  5. Check this out https://github.com/vmware/harbor/blob/master/docs/user_guide .md https://docs.docker.com/engine/getstarted/step_six/ how to request tech

    LDAP user: https://omnitracker.homecredit.net/otwg/Login.aspx?autologin =0&lang=en&singleton=3&id=5243331 SR-365133