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Configuration Management with Puppet for Develo...

Configuration Management with Puppet for Developers

Presented at FOWA London, 2015

Rachel Andrew

October 06, 2015

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  1. Configuration Management with Puppet Rachel Andrew, FOWA London 2015 Photo

    credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/andreakirkby/5450450019
  2. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers The Big Problems •

    Developing directly on live sites or in subfolders of live sites • Developing in subfolders locally • Setting up local development environments that are so different to the eventual live server that there is no confidence when going live • Working in teams where everyone has a slightly different setup
  3. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers Today we’re going to

    take a look at • A really simple way to get started with Vagrant and Puppet for those of you who haven’t used these tools before. • Vagrant and Puppet fundamentals, how to start writing your own manifests. • How you can take this knowledge into production, even if you manage just one or two servers.
  4. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers We need … •

    to develop multiple websites on our own computer. • to know that our live server and local server support the same things. • to deploy our site and have confidence that what is on the live server is identical to our local version. • to have everyone who works on a site using the same development environment so we aren’t creating problems for each other.
  5. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers Q. How do you

    develop sites locally that require a web server? A. MAMP, WAMP, XAMPP or similar 63%
  6. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers In an ideal world

    your local development environment is identical to the live server.
  7. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers Upload a PHP file

    with this function to find out what is available on your live server. <?php phpinfo();?>
  8. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers Things to check on

    your live server • PHP Version • Installed modules such as gd for image processing • post_max_size and upload_max_filesize determine the size of files that can be uploaded • max_input_vars is the number of form fields allowed in a post
  9. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers Basic commands for Vagrant.

    // start the VM > vagrant up // shut down the VM > vagrant halt //destroy the VM > vagrant destroy //ssh access > vagrant ssh
  10. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers Share your package with

    anyone else working on the site. The whole team can then have the exact same development setup.
  11. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers Using PuPHPet should get

    you up and running in a few hours. This will pay dividends in time saved in the long run.
  12. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers In the Vagrantfile we

    tell Vagrant we will be provisioning with Puppet. # Enable the Puppet provisioner, point it to our files config.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet| puppet.manifests_path = "puppet/manifests" puppet.manifest_file = "site.pp" puppet.module_path = "puppet/modules" puppet.hiera_config_path = "puppet/hiera.yaml" end
  13. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers What is Puppet? •

    A Configuration Management solution • Allows you to define in code the state of a server including • Packages that should be installed • Services that should be running • Files and folders • Permissions • Cron jobs
  14. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers You could set up

    a VM and then install everything by hand using the package manager for your distribution. > sudo apt-get install apache2 > sudo apt-get install mysql-server > sudo apt-get install php5 php5-mysql
  15. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers Puppet Terminology • Manifest:

    a file that contains Puppet code • Resource: a thing that needs configuring, Apache is a resource, and so is a virtual-host. Resources have types - for example file, package, cron. • Module: a collection of manifests, templates and other files organised around a particular purpose.
  16. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers Inside the Apache module

    is a manifests folder. This contains the manifests: - init.pp - vhost.pp puppet modules apache manifests - init.pp - vhost.pp templates - vhost-default-conf.erb
  17. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers All modules need an

    init.pp manifest. It is used when the module is included. In the apache init.pp - install the apache package - make sure apache is running - install the rewrite module class apache { package { "apache2": ensure => present, } service { "apache2": ensure => running, require => Package["apache2"], } file { "/etc/apache2/mods-enabled/rewrite.load": ensure => link, target => "/etc/apache2/mods-available/rewrite.load", require => Package["apache2"] } }
  18. http://garylarizza.com/blog/2014/10/19/on-dependencies-and-order/ On dependencies and order - why Puppet doesn’t care

    about execution order (until it does). @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers
  19. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers The manifest file vhost.pp

    sets up a VirtualHost by creating a file in sites- available and symlinking it into sites-enabled. We notify the apache2 service, which will then reload to pick up the new config. define apache::vhost( $vhost_docroot = false, $vhost_name = false, $vhost_options =['Indexes','FollowSymLinks','MultiViews'], ) { file {"/etc/apache2/sites-available/${vhost_name}": content => template("apache/vhost-default.conf.erb"), owner => 'root', group => 'root', mode => '755', require => Package['apache2'], notify => Service['apache2']; "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/${vhost_name}": ensure => link, target => "/etc/apache2/sites-available/${vhost_name}", notify => Service['apache2']; } }
  20. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers The template file for

    a VirtualHost includes variables which will be replaced out by the details for each host. # ************************************ # Default template for vhosts # Managed by Puppet # ************************************ <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName <%= @vhost_name %> DocumentRoot <%= @vhost_docroot %> <Directory <%= @vhost_docroot %>> Options <%= @vhost_options %> AllowOverride All Order allow,deny allow from all </Directory> ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/<%= @vhost_name %>_error.log LogLevel warn CustomLog /var/log/apache2/<%= @vhost_name %>_access.log combined ServerSignature Off </VirtualHost>
  21. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers In the Vagrantfile we

    tell Vagrant we will be provisioning with Puppet. # Enable the Puppet provisioner, point it to our files config.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet| puppet.manifests_path = "puppet/manifests" puppet.manifest_file = "site.pp" puppet.module_path = "puppet/modules" puppet.hiera_config_path = "puppet/hiera.yaml" end
  22. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers The site.pp file is

    special and kicks off the whole process. In my case it includes the modules we want to run. stage { 'setup': before => Stage['main'] } class { 'base': stage => 'setup' } include base, apache, mysql, php, bootstrap
  23. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers In the Vagrantfile we

    tell Vagrant we will be provisioning with Puppet. # Enable the Puppet provisioner, point it to our files config.vm.provision :puppet do |puppet| puppet.manifests_path = "puppet/manifests" puppet.manifest_file = "site.pp" puppet.module_path = "puppet/modules" puppet.hiera_config_path = "puppet/hiera.yaml" end
  24. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers The Hiera config file

    defines a YAML backend and gives the location of the configuration data. In my project that is in the manifest directory, in a folder named hiera. --- :backends: yaml :yaml: :datadir: "%{settings::manifestdir}/ hiera" :hierarchy: - "%{::clientcert}" - "%{::environment}" - config :logger: console
  25. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers In my YAML file

    I have added a setting for mysql_root_password. File: 
 manifests/hiera/config.yaml mysql_root_password: 'vagrant'
  26. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers I set the parameter

    $root_pw with the value using a hiera() function. I can then use $root_pw within the manifests. File: 
 modules/mysql/manifests/ init.pp class mysql( $root_pw = hiera('mysql_root_password'), ) { package { "mysql-server": ensure => present, } service { "mysql": enable => true, ensure => running, require => Package["mysql-server"], } exec { "set-mysql-password": unless => "/usr/bin/mysqladmin -uroot -p$root_pw status", command => "/usr/bin/mysqladmin -uroot password $root_pw", require => Service["mysql"], } }
  27. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers In my YAML file

    I have a list of PHP Modules. File: 
 manifests/hiera/config.yaml php_modules: - "php5" - "php5-cli" - "php5-mysql" - "php5-gd" - "php5-imagick" - "php5-curl" - "libapache2-mod-php5"
  28. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers I get the php_modules

    with the hiera function and then pass the list to the package resource type. File: 
 modules/php/manifests/ init.pp class php( $packages = hiera('php_modules'), $php_upload_max_filesize = hiera('php_upload_max_filesize'), $php_max_file_uploads = hiera('php_max_file_uploads'), $php_memory_limit = hiera('php_memory_limit'), $php_error_reporting = hiera('php_error_reporting'), $php_post_max_size = hiera('php_post_max_size'), ) { package { $packages: ensure => present, } file {'/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini': ensure => file, content => template("php/php.ini.erb"), notify => Service["apache2"], require => Package["php5"], } }
  29. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers The template file for

    a VirtualHost includes variables which will be replaced out by the details for each host. # ************************************ # Default template for vhosts # Managed by Puppet # ************************************ <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName <%= @vhost_name %> DocumentRoot <%= @vhost_docroot %> <Directory <%= @vhost_docroot %>> Options <%= @vhost_options %> AllowOverride All Order allow,deny allow from all </Directory> ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/<%= @vhost_name %>_error.log LogLevel warn CustomLog /var/log/apache2/<%= @vhost_name %>_access.log combined ServerSignature Off </VirtualHost>
  30. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers In my YAML file

    I have configures two sites. apache_vhosts: site1: vhost_docroot: '/var/www/test_site1' vhost_name: 'site1.dev' vhost_options: 'All' site2: vhost_docroot: '/var/www/test_site2' vhost_name: 'site2.dev' vhost_options: 'All'
  31. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers Use the hiera_hash function

    to get my site information and pass it to create_resources. The create_resources function then calls my host manifest with that hash as the data. class bootstrap { # Make sure everything is installed $sites = hiera_hash('apache_vhosts') create_resources('apache::vhost',$sites) $databases = hiera_hash('mysql_db') create_resources('mysql::db',$databases) }
  32. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers This is the manifest

    that creates the databases I need. define mysql::db( $db_name = false, $db_user = false, $db_password = false, $root_pw = hiera('mysql_root_password'), ) { exec { "create-${db_name}": unless => "/usr/bin/mysql -u${db_user} -p$ {db_password} ${db_name}", command => "/usr/bin/mysql -uroot -p$ {root_pw} -e \"create database ${db_name}; grant all on ${db_name}.* to ${db_user}@localhost identified by '$db_password';\"", require => Exec["set-mysql-password"], } }
  33. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers To set up a

    new VM • git clone • edit the Vagrantfile for IP address, project name • edit the config.yaml to create sites and databases • vagrant up
  34. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers The challenge • Take

    latest files and database dump from Github • Deploy the three sites with the current Perch version and add-ons • Run the upgrade and change any templates as needed • Produce the db dump with placeholders for Github and a Ruby db template with placeholders for the demo server • Produce zipped archives for use by the demo server
  35. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers Using the Puppetlabs vcsrepo

    module to clone a repository. vcsrepo { '/path/to/repo': ensure => present, provider => git, source => 'git://example.com/repo.git', }
  36. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers The YAML definition for

    one of our three demos. It includes the Git repo, local path, database details and Perch license key. I also detail the Perch Add-ons that need to be installed along with Perch Core. demo2: repo_uri: 'https://github.com/PerchCMS/ perchdemo-swift' vhost_path: '/var/www/perchdemos/demo-swift' db_name: 'db_demo_swift' db_user: 'vagrant' db_password: 'vagrant' key: ‘xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx‘ sql_path: '/sql/swift_demo.sql' install_addons: demo2_blog: addon_name: 'perch_blog' addon_type: 'apps' demo2_forms: addon_name: 'perch_forms' addon_type: 'apps' demo2_questions: addon_name: 'perch_questions' addon_type: 'apps'
  37. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers I deploy my databases

    and sites but also set off a build of the demos. class bootstrap { $databases = hiera_hash('mysql_db') create_resources(‘mysql::db',$databases) $demos = hiera_hash('demo_deploy') create_resources(‘perchdemo::deploy',$demos) $sites = hiera_hash('apache_vhosts') create_resources('apache::vhost',$sites) }
  38. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers In deploy.pp we get

    the files from git, each site has a database dump which I do some string replacement on - then import it. vcsrepo { "${vhost_path}": ensure => present, provider => git, source => $repo_uri, } exec { "replace-${db_name}": command => "/bin/sed -i 's/{firstname}/REPLACE_firstname/ g' ${vhost_path}${sql_path} ; /bin/sed -i 's/{lastname}/ REPLACE_lastname/g' ${vhost_path}${sql_path} ; /bin/sed -i 's/{email}/REPLACE_hello@grabaperch.com/g' ${vhost_path}$ {sql_path} ; /bin/sed -i 's/{username}/REPLACE_username/g' ${vhost_path}${sql_path} ; /bin/sed -i 's/{password}/ 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99/g' ${vhost_path}$ {sql_path}", } exec { "import-${db_name}": command => "/usr/bin/mysql -uroot -p${root_pw} $ {db_name} < ${vhost_path}${sql_path}", }
  39. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers Up to date Perch

    Core and add-ons are in a local file store. I use a Ruby .erb template for the Perch Config so I can add the database details and license key. I use create_resources to add the add-ons specified in the YAML for this site. file { "${vhost_path}/public_html/perch/core": ensure => present, source => "${file_store}/core", recurse => true, } file { "${vhost_path}/public_html/perch/config/ config.private.php": ensure => present, content => template('perchdemo/config.private.php.erb'), } create_resources('perchdemo::copy_addons',$install_addons, {'vhost_path'=>$vhost_path,'file_store'=>$file_store})
  40. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers At the command line

    you can run puppet apply to run a manifest. In this case I am running builder.pp which builds me an archive to upload for each site. > puppet apply --modulepath=/vagrant/ puppet/modules --hiera_config /vagrant/ puppet/hiera.yaml -e "include perchdemo::builder"
  41. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers Use Puppet to create

    user accounts with the correct privileges and ssh keys on each server you set up.
  42. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers Using Puppet can allow

    people to edit configs without needing privileges on production servers.
  43. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers Modules you use on

    the server can often be also used in development. Ensuring the same environment.
  44. @rachelandrew | Read more at http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers Thank you! Rachel Andrew

    http://rachelandrew.co.uk/presentations/puppet-developers me@rachelandrew.co.uk @rachelandrew