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Win32 Post-Mortem Debugging for Begginer

Win32 Post-Mortem Debugging for Begginer

Win32 Post-Mortem Debugging for Begginer
(with WinDBG) ver, 2004-08-21

Jimmy Moon

July 03, 2007

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  1. Debugging in WIN32 Application INTRODUCTION Exception by Crash (AV: Access

    Violation) - User mode User Applicationীࢲ ߊࢤ 1. Hardware Exception Hardwareীࢲ ߊࢤ, Page-Fault, Divide by zero, Access violation 2. Software Exception User application੉ա OSо ݺद੸ਵ۽ ߊࢤदఃח Exception (RaiseException()) - Kernel mode Drivers, File system, Low-level virtual memory, Operating system components ীࢲ ߊࢤ (ߊࢤद ࠶ܖझ௼ܽ(Stop screen, Blue Screen)ਵ۽ ܻನ౴) Hang - CPU 100% by spinning thread - Dead lock - IO Pendding Memory Leak Logical Error by Coder [email protected] 2 1. What is bug?
  2. INTRODUCTION Debugger, Debugging toolਸ ੉ਊ೧ࢲ Bugܳ ೧Ѿೞח җ੿ Types of

    Debugging - Kerner mode
 1. Kernel, mode levelীࢲ प೯غח driver, file systems, operating system componentsٜ੄ ޙઁܳ debuggingೞחѪ 2. WinDBG, SoftIce١੄ Kernel mode debugger੄ ࢎਊ - User mode
 1. NT Serviceܳ ನೣೠ User mode levelীࢲ प೯غח application੄ bugী ؀ೠ debugging 2. Kernel mode debugger৬ CDB, MSDEV ... Methods of Debugging - Post Mortem Debugging 1. Dump Debugging - Dump ചੌ۽ ࠙ࢳ 2. Map Debugging - Map ചੌਸ ੉ਊೠ ࠙ࢳ - Interactive(Live) Debugging 1. प೯द Debugger(WinDBG, MSDEV..)ী Processܳ Attachೞৈ ࠙ࢳ 2. Debugging With Developer Studio (IDE) - Tracing options (logfileҗ ੹ਊ analyser੄ ࢎਊ) Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 2. What is DEBUGGING?
  3. INTRODUCTION Dump - ݫݽܻ ৔৉੄ ؘ੉ఠ੄ ੉޷૑ܳ ٣झ௼ী ӝ۾ೞחѪ -

    Typeҗ Modeী ٮۄ աׂࣻ ੓਺ 1. Kernel, User Mode Dump 2. Full, Summary, Mini - Kernel Mode Dump 1. Full Dump (All Windows NT Version) a. Machine࢚੄ ݽٚ ޛܻ੸ ݫݽܻܳ Dump b. User mode processٜ੄ ੿ࠁܳ ݽف ٣ߡӦ ೡࣻ ੓਺ 2. Summary ( New in Windows 2000) a. Crashद੼ਸ ଺ӝ ए਑ b. Kernel debuggingী ೙ਃೠ ੿ࠁ݅ਸ о૗ c. User mode process੄ Stack੿ࠁٜਸ ঌࣻ হ਺ 3. Mini (New in Windows 2000) a. 64K੉ೞ੄ ࢎ੉ૉ b. Faultী ؀ೠ ୭ࣗೠ੄ ੿ࠁ(Thread੄ context, stack..) Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 3. Commonly Used Terms
  4. INTRODUCTION - User Mode Dump 1. Full Dump (All Windows

    NT Version) a. ೧׼ Applicationҙ۲ػ ݽٚ ݫݽܻ ৔৉ ؘ੉ఠܳ Dump 2. Mini Dump (Windows XP, 2003 Servers (“Whistler”)) b. Crashী ؀ೠ ӝࠄ ੿ࠁ৬ Crashद੼ীࢲ ҙৈػ ݽٚ Thread Context৬ Stackী ؀ೠ ੿ࠁ Checked build and Free build - Checked Build Debugging Informationਸ о૓ ߡ੹ (Checked or Debug build) - Free Build Debugging Informationਸ о૑૑ ঋ਷ ߡ੹(Release or Free build) Exception - Applicationীࢲ ߊࢤदఃח ী۞ী ؀ೠ event (bad event), software, hardware۽ աׂ ࣻ ੓׮. Attach - Debuggerо ੉޷ प೯઺ੋ applicationী debuggingਸ ೞח Ѫ Image File - प೯ оמ ೠ ౵ੌਸ оܰఅ׮. .exe/.dll੉ݴ Image file, executable file੉ۄҊ ೠ׮. Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 3. Commonly Used Terms (Con’t)
  5. INTRODUCTION Object File - Linkerী Image fileਸ ٜ݅ӝ ਤ೧ ઱য૑ח

    ౵ੌ .obj Symbol - Symbol ౵ੌ਷ ೐۽Ӓ۔ ౵ੌ(Image file)ী ؀ೠ ৈ۞੿ࠁܳ о૑Ҋ ੓ח ؘ੉ఠ ౵ੌ 1. ೣࣻ ੉ܴҗ ݫݽܻী ਤ஖ೠ ઱ࣗ 2. ੹৉, ૑৉ ߸ࣻ ੉ܴҗ ݫݽܻী ਤ஖ೠ ઱ࣗ 3. ೣࣻ੄ Frame pointer Omissions (FPO) ੿ࠁ (non standard stack frameী ࢲ debuggerо EBPܳ ੉ਊೠ stack frame ੉ز(stack trace)ী ࢎਊ 4. ࣗझ௏٘ ۄੋ ੿ࠁ - The three types of debug symbols generated by MSVC++ 1. COFF - Non MS ನݘ(Unix System V), MSীࢲ ߓನ(shipped)ೞח .dbgח ੌࠗ࠙ MS COFFఋੑਸ ࢎਊ - FPO, ೣࣻ ੉ܴী ؀ೠ Symbol݅ਸ ನೣ (Variables, Source lineઁ৻) - ߓನߡ੹(੿ध Release)ী ઁ੘غח symbol type੉׮. 2. CodeView - MS ನݘ, (Debug infoীࢲ Microsoft Formatࢶఖद ࢤࢿ) - Image file, Object fileী ನೣغয ੓׮. - FPO, Function info, Variables(global, static, and local ). Source line ੿ࠁܳ ನೣೠ׮. - ղࠗ ѐߊ੉ա 3rd-Party ۄ੉࠳۞ܻ੄ ҃਋ Customerীѱ ઁҕ Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 3. Commonly Used Terms (Con’t)
  6. INTRODUCTION 3. PDB - MS ನݘਵ۽ Image file੉ա object fileী

    symbol ੿ࠁо ನೣغ૑ ঋח׮. - Compiler ࣇ౴ীࢲ Program data base৬ Program data base and continue (Optimizations ࣇ౴җ э੉ ࢎਊ ޅೣ) दী ࢤࢿؽ - FPO, Function info, Variables(global, static, and local ), Source line ੿ࠁܳ ನೣೠ׮. - Incremental linkਸ ૑ਗೣਵ۽ࢲ Enc(Edit and Continue)ܳ ૑ਗ - ѐߊ ߡ੹ীࢲ ઱۽ ࢎਊೠ׮. - The three types of debug symbol files 1. .dbg - PE౵ੌ ನݘਵ۽ ػ Symbol ౵ੌ - Compiler, Linkerо Image file(PEನݘ)ী ؔࠢৈ ஹ౵ੌ ؽ, rebase۽ .dbg౵ੌ ਸ ܻ࠙ ೡ ࣻ ੓਺ - COFF, CodeView symbolನݘਸ ૑ਗ. - MSVC++ח .dbg౵ੌਸ ੍ਸ ࣻ ੓૑݅ COFF Symbolਸ ޖदೞҊ CodeView ੿ ࠁ݅ ࢎਊೠ׮. 2. .pdb - Symbolী ؀ೠ ؘ੉ఠܳ data streamਵ۽ о૑Ҋ ੓ח page౵ੌ - ݽٚ ੿ࠁܳ о૑Ҋ ੓׮. (locals, globals, statics, FPO, source lines ...) - PDB, CodeView symbol ನݘਸ ૑ਗೠ׮. 3. .map - Global symbol, Source line੿ࠁܳ о૑Ҋ ੓ח text ౵ੌ - Debuggerীࢲ ૑ਗೞ૑ ঋח׮. (WinDBG) note: ੗ࣁೠ ର੉ח п ࢸ੿߹۽ ஹ౵ੌറ dumpbinਵ۽ Symbolী ؀ೠ ੿ࠁ઺ী Debug Entry, CODEVIEW Debug Info, MISC Debug Info, FPO Debug Info١੄ ೦ݾীࢲ ର੉ܳ ঌࣻ ੓׮. (\etc\dbginfo\Readme.txt ଵҊ) Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 3. Commonly Used Terms (Con’t)
  7. INTRODUCTION Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 3. Commonly Used Terms

    (Con’t) FPO / EBP / ESP - FPOח Frame Point Omissions ೞৈ Frame Pointer(EBP, ESP)ী ؀ೠ ੘সਸ ೞ૑ ঋחѪਸ ݈ೠ׮. (Symbol੉ হ׮ݶ റী ੿ഛೠ Stack੿ࠁ৬ Call stack traceܳ ೞӝ ൨ٜয૓׮.) - FPOܳ ࢎਊೞ૑ ঋਸ ҃਋ ೣࣻ द੘द EBP / ESPח Stack Frame੄ ੿ࠁܳ ਬ૑ೞӝ ਤ೧ࢲ അ੤ Stack੄ Base৬ Top੄ ਤ஖ܳ о૑Ҋ ੓׮. ੉ܳ ੉ਊೞৈ Parameter ؘ੉ఠ ੿ࠁա Local ߸ࣻ੄ ੿ࠁ, ೣࣻ Call Stack ੿ࠁܳ ੿ഛ൤ ঳ਸ ࣻ ੓׮. note: src\stack.rp੄ ଵҊ PARAM EBP RET LOCAL PARAM RET EBP LOCAL PARAM RET 0x00000000 ਸ ೱ೧ ੗ۆ׮. Ӓېࢲ Pushܳ ೞ ݶ ESP੄ ч੉ ઴যٚ׮. Func2ܳ ਤೠ Parameter, ret addressч Ӓېࢲ Func2ীࢲ ebp + 8੉ ೣࣻ ഐ୹द о੢ ୊਺ Parameterчਸ оܰఃѱ ػ׮. ೣࣻ द੘द Stackী ऺ੉ח ࣽࢲח EBP -> Local Variable -> Parameter(ೣࣻഐ୹द) -> ret׮ ೣࣻ द੘द Stack ऺ੉חEBPח ੉੹ ೣࣻ੄ EBP੉׮. അ੤ Func3ীࢲ EBP അ੤ Func3ীࢲ ESP
  8. DEBUGGING TOOL AND SYMBOL Generate Symbol - Built in symbol

    for Release builds by MSVC++ 6.0 - Release ߡ੹ীࢲח MSVC++ 6.0਷ Symbolਸ ٜ݅૑ ঋ਺ - NT ജ҃߸ࣻࣇ౴ _NT_SYMBOL_PATH۽ Symbol pathܳ ࢸ੿ೞݶ Dr.Watsonীࢲ ࢎਊೠ׮. - Project Setting for Symbol 1. Project -> Setting(ALT + F7) ݫ׏ ࢶఖ 2. Win32 Release Configuration ݽ٘ ࢶఖ 3. C/C++/General/Debug Info/Program Database ࢶఖ 4. Link/General/Generate debug info .pdb file case 5. Link/Custmize/Use Program Database ࢶఖ 6. Link/Debug Info/Microsoft Format or BOTH ࢶఖ 7. EnCܳ ࢎਊೞ۰ݶ 7 - 1 Link/General੄ Link incrementallyࢶఖ 7 – 2 C/C++/General/Debug Info/Program Database and Continue ࢶఖ .dbg file case (COFF) 5. Link/Custmize/Use Program Database੄ ࢶఖਸ ೧ઁ 6. Link/Debug Info/COFF ࢶఖ 7. dumpbin /headers [FILE_NAME]ਸ ࢶఖೞৈ image base address ܳ ঳ח׮. 8. rebase –b [BASE_ADDRESS] –x . [FILE_NAME]ਸ ೞݶ .dbg౵ੌ੉ ࢤࢿػ׮. Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 4. Symbols
  9. 4. Symbols (Con’t) DEBUGGING TOOL AND SYMBOL - Symbolਸ ࢤࢿदী

    /RELEASEܳ linker ২࣌ী ୶о ೠ׮. Ӓ۞ݶ ࢤࢿೞח Image fileী Checksum೧׼ Symbolҗ੄ Checksumч੉ ٜযоѱ ػ׮. - MSDEVীࢲ tool/option/debugীࢲ Load COFF & Exportܳ ࢶఖೞݶ MSDEVীࢲ ѐߊ઺ ীب Symbol ഛੋ੉ оמ - Releaseߡ੹ীࢲ Call stack traceܳ ೞѢաա Dumpܳ ੉ਊೠ Debugging੄ ҃਋ ݫੋ೐۽Ӓ ۔਷ FPOܳ ԁ઱যঠ ೞݴ DLL੄ ҃਋ীח ੌ߈੸ਵ۽ Optimize২࣌(O1, O2, Ox)ܳ ࢎਊೞ૑ ݈ইঠ ੿ഛೠ ؘ੉ఠܳ ঳ਸ ࣻ ੓׮. - 2004-09-11 ୶оࢎ೦ - MSVC++ীࢲ ஹ౵ੌ ২࣌ /og (General optimaization) Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected]
  10. 4. Symbols (Con’t) DEBUGGING TOOL AND SYMBOL Symbol Verification -

    Debugger tools for windowsܳ ࢸ஖ೞݶ ࢸ஖द э੉ ࢸ஖ؽ - CheckSym >> checksym.exe –p notepad.exe –v –s –y c:\symbol_path - SymChk >> symchk.exe /ie notepad.exe /s c:\symbol_path >> symchk.exe /r [IMAGEFILE_PATH] /s SRV*[SYMBOL_STORAGE_PATH]*http://msdl.microsoft.com/ download/symbols - WinDBG command ۽٘ػ Symbolҗ Image fileীࢲ ࢎਊೠ ೣࣻ١੄ ݽٚ Symbolਸ Ѩࢎ೧ષ >> !sym noisy -> .reload [IMAGE_MODULE_NAME] note: ؊ ੗ࣁೠ Ѫ਷ WinDBG Help੄ Verifying Symbols ࠁѢա doc\Verifying Symbols.WinDBG.kr.doc ޙࢲܳ ଵҊ Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected]
  11. SEH (Structure Exception Handling) Exception Handling in SEH - Exceptionী

    ؀೧ࢲ ਬো(__except)ೞҊ ૒ҙ੸੉Ҋ (__finally)ѼҊೞѱ ௏٘ܳ ੘ࢿೞӝ ਤೠ Windows(OS)੄ दӒօ݂ ݒழפ્ - Exception दӒօ੉ ߊࢤೞݶ Stack࢚੄ Exception Handlerܳ ଺ח ঘ࣌(Unwinding)੘স੉ द੘غ ݴ, ଺૑ ޅೡ ҃਋ ೐۽ࣁझ ҳزೣࣻੋ(BaseProcessStart/BaseThreadStart)੄ Exception Handler ীࢲ Exception੉ ೩ٜ੉ غয Unhandled Exceptionী ؀ೠ ӝࠄ੸ੋ ز੘ਸ ೞѱ ػ׮(҃Ҋହ) - _set_se_translator, SetUnhandledExceptionFilterܳ ాೞৈ ӝઓ੄ Handlingೣࣻܳ ؀୓ ೡࣻ ੓਺ - Exception Handling੄ ࠺زӝച(Asynchronous)৬ زӝച(Synchronous) - Exception Handling ௏٘ܳ ࢤࢿೞח ߑߨ੄ ର੉ - ࠺زӝച(Asynchronous): try/catch ࠶۟ীࢲ throwೞח ௏٘о হযب ௏٘ ࢤࢿ - زӝച(Asynchronous): try/catch ࠶۟ীࢲ throwೞח ௏٘о হ׮ݶ ௏٘ ࢤࢿೞ૑ ঋ਺ - MSVC++ 6.0/Release࠽٘ ীࢲח زӝച(Asynchronous) ݽ٘о default(/GX, “/EHsc”)׮ - MSVC++ 6.0ীࢲ ࠺زӝച(Asynchronous)۽ ࣇ౴਷ “/EHa” - MSVC++ 6.0ীࢲ ࠺زӝച(Asynchronous)ࣇ౴ীࢲ throwо হযࢲ ௏٘ ࢤࢿਸ ਗ஖ ঋਵݶ __declspec(nothrow)ܳ ࢶ঱೧ঠೠ׮. - SEHী ؀೧ࢲ ঌ۰ݶ ߈٘द ଵઑ೧ঠೡ ޙࢲ A Crash Course on the Depths of Win32™ Structured Exception Handling – Matt Pietrek Programming Application for Microsoft Windows 4th – Jeffry Richter Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 5. SEH (Structured Exception Handling)
  12. SEH (Structure Exception Handling) Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 5.

    SEH (Structured Exception Handling) Con’t Exception Kernel First Change Exception Debuger Debugger Search Handler (Unwinding) Handler Second Chance Exception Call Handler Func (_set_se_translator) Program Continue Call Custom Unexception Filter Func (SetUnhandled ExptionFilter) Program End Call Thread/Process Unhandled Exception Custom Unhandled Exception Filter Debugger First/Second Program End After Handling Y First Second Y N Y N N N Y UserProcess Monitor, ADPlus 1st Dr.Watson ADPlus 2st Handlerীࢲ ܻఢч੉ EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH ۄݶ Catcher ز੘ ೧׼ ೐۽ࣁझо хदо غҊ ੓׮ݶ ز੘
  13. SEH (Structure Exception Handling) Windows & SEH - SEHח ࠄې

    Kernel API١ীࢲ ؊ Robustೞѱ ௏٘ܳ प೯ೞӝ ਤ೧ࢲ ٜ݅য૓Ѫ - Windowsח EntryPointerೣࣻܳ प೯ೡٸب __try/__expect৬ UnhandledExceptionFileter()ܳ ੉ਊ೧ࢲ ௏ ٘ܳ प೯ दఃҊ ੓׮. Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 5. SEH (Structured Exception Handling) // /lab/View_SHEଵҊ // crtmain੄ pseudo code // _XcptFilter()ೣࣻীࢲ UnhandledExceptionFilter()о ࠛ۰ ਋ܻо ঌҊ ੓ח // Crashହ੉ ڲ׮ void WinMainCRTStartup( __try { // dos੄ ҃਋ main, Window੄ ҃਋ Winmain੉۠ध੉׮. int mainret = main(__argc, __argv, _environ); exit(mainret); } __except ( _XcptFilter(GetExceptionCode(), GetExceptionInformation()) ) { _exit( GetExceptionCode() ); } }
  14. 6. Debuggers DEBUGGING TOOL AND SYMBOL CDB(Console Debugger) / NTSD

    (NT Software Debugger) - Consoleӝ߈ Debugger - WindowsNT੉࢚ীࢲ ࢎਊ оמ WinDBG - GUIӝ߈੄ Windowsਊ Debugger - Windows9X੉࢚ীࢲ ݽف ࢎਊоמ MSDEV - MS੄ ѐߊਊ IDE, Debuggerӝמ੉ ղ੢ - Windows95੉࢚ীࢲ ݽف ࢎਊ оמ Default Debugger Setting - Registry/HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\AeDebugܳ ࣻ੿ - WinDBG –I - Drwtsn32 –i Windows9X/ME Debugger Tool Issues - 9X/MEח ੌ߈੸ੋ ߑߨਵ۽ Symbol੉ .sym౵ੌ۽ ഐജغ૑ ঋח׮. ৢ߄ܲ .dbg, .pdb Symbolਸ ҳ೧ঠ ೠ׮. - ME Debugging tool (http://www.microsoft.com/whde/debugging/default.asp#DebugME) - GDI32.dllীࢲ੄ FIrst chance Exceptionী ؀ೠ Filteringਸ ೧ঠೠ׮. Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected]
  15. DEBUGGING TOOL AND SYMBOL User Dump - ࣻزਵ۽ dump ӝ۾ೞӝ

    1. Process list >> userdump –p 2. Process id۽ dump >> userdump [PROCESS_ID] [DUMPFILENAME].dmp 3. Process nameਵ۽ dump >> userdump [PROCESS_NAME] [DUMPFILENAME].dmp - ੗زਵ۽ dump ӝ۾ೞӝ 1. ઁয౸੄ Process dumpܳ प೯ 2. ೐۽Ӓ۔ݺਸ ӝ۾ೞҊ ࣇ౴റ Service۽ ز੘ - First Chance Exceptionदী dump catcher Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 6. Dump Catchers
  16. DEBUGGING TOOL AND SYMBOL Dr. Watson - Console, प೯ীࢲ >>

    drwtsn32 - ة݀੸ੋ exe ഋక੄ ࢲ࠺झ demon э਷ ೐۽ࣁझо ੉࢚ ઙܐद ਬਊ - ੗୓ ೩ٜ۞о ੓যࢲ 2nd chanceо ߊࢤೞ૑ ঋח ҃਋ (COM+ Compoent, Asp pages, asp.net pages) ীח ੜ ࢎਊغ૑ ঋח׮. - log౵ੌ۽ب Exceptionী ؀ೠ ࠙ࢳ੉ оמ, ؘ੉ఠ ־੸оמ दझమ ੿ࠁ, ੘স ݾ۾, FPO, Thread context੿ࠁ, Crashद diassembly code, Stack dump, CallStack, Symbol table੿ࠁܳ ӝ۾ - _NT_SYMBOL_PATHী ೧׼ ೐۽ࣁझ੄ Symbol੓ਵݶ ੿ഛೠ ݽٕ, ೣࣻݺ ӝ۾ оמ - Second Chance Exceptionदী dump catcher Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 6. Dump Catchers (Con’t)
  17. 6. Dump Catchers (Con’t) DEBUGGING TOOL AND SYMBOL Adplus.vbs -

    Debugging Tools for windowী ನೣػ ਬ౰ܻ౭ - CBDܳ ࢎਊೞৈ First/Second Exceptionী ੘ز - .vbs੉޲۽ customizing੉ оמ. - Crash modeח Local Consoleীࢲ݅ оמ (ఠ޷զীࢲח ۽Ӓইਓदী ੘زೡ ࣻ হ਺) - Dump ٣۩షܻীח пઙ log৬ Fiest/Second Exceptionद੄ mini/full dumpо ӝ۾ - Crashदী dump ӝ۾ೞӝ 1. Process nameਵ۽ dump >> adplus.vbs -crash -pn [PROCESS_NAME] -o [DUMP_OUTPUT_DIR] 2. Process id۽ dump >> adplus.vbs -crash -p [PROCESS_ID] -o [DUMP_OUTPUT_DIR]
 CDB / WinDBG - فѐ੄ debuggerٜب dump catchо оמೞ׮.(WinDBG੄ ҃਋ .dump Commandܳ ࢎਊ) Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected]
  18. DEBUGGING TOOL AND SYMBOL Umdh - Memory leakਸ log౵ੌਸ ా೧ࢲ

    Ѩ୹ - MSDN KB Q268343ਸ ଵઑ Gflag - Heap Corruptionߊࢤ(HEAP ҃҅ࢶನೣ)द debuggerܳ ഐ୹ - Memory leak੼Ѩदب umdh৬ э੉ ࢎਊ - ೧׼ image fileী ؀ೠ ੿ࠁо registryী ӝ۾غয ೧׼ image file੄ heap࢚కܳ хद - Gflags ࣇ౴ೞӝ 1. GUIীࢲ - Image file nameী хदೡ image file ੉ܴ ੑ۱ - Image file options ࢶఖ - Enable heap tail checking ࢶఖ - Enable heap free checking ࢶఖ - Enable page heap ࢶఖ - Create user mode stack trace database ࢶఖ 1. Consoleীࢲ >> gflags –i [IMAGE_FILE_NAME] +htc +hfc +hpa +ust 2. WinDBGܳ Default debugger۽ ࣇ౴ೠ׮ (ex. >> windbg –I) 3. Image ౵ੌ ҳز Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 7. Memory Leak/Corruption
  19. 7. Memory Leak/Corruption (Con’t) DEBUGGING TOOL AND SYMBOL Boundschecker -

    3rd party ઁಿ (Compuware) - ڪযդ ࢿמҗ ܻನ౴ ӝמ - Goooooooooood PMON, Leakdiag - PMON਷ NT Resouce kitী ੓਺ - Leakdiagח ই૒ ߓನ౸਷ হҊ ߬ఋߡ੹੉׮. .NET Platformীࢲ جইх (bin\tools\leakdiag) Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected]
  20. DEBUGGING TOOL AND SYMBOL Crash Finder - Second chance exceptionदী

    Crash઱ࣗ৬ Map౵ੌਸ ੉ਊೞৈ ࣗझۄੋ ਤ஖ܳ ౵ঈೡ ࣻ ੓਺ - Debugging Applications(John Robbins)ী ನೣ Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 8. Etc Tools
  21. Demo Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 9. WinDBG Useful Command

    WinDBGীࢲ ੜ ࢎਊغח Command੄ ؀ೠ ੿ࠁ ੉ݴ WinDBG੄ MSDN Helpੋ Using Debugging Tools for Windowsܳ ଵҊೞח Ѫ੉ о੢ જ׮. k” Command - “k”: അ੤ ॳۨ٘੄ Stack Frame ੿ࠁܳ ࠁৈળ׮. അ੤ Stack Frame࢚੄ ೣࣻ੉ܴب ࠁৈ ળ׮ - “kb”: Stack Frameীࢲ DWORDഋక੄ ౵ۄ޷ఠ 3ѐ੄ чਸ ࠁৈળ׮. - “kv”: FPOؘ੉ఠܳ ࠁৈળ׮. - “kd”: അ੤ Stack Frame࢚੄ Stack ؘ੉ఠܳ DWORD௼ӝ݅ఀঀ ૢۄࢲ ࠁৈળ׮. - “kv”: Stack Frame чਸ ࠁৈળ׮. "ln" Command ݺदೠ ઱ࣗ৬ о੢ оө਍ Symbol ؘ੉ఠܳ ࠁৈળ׮. l+lਸ ࢎਊೞݶ ࣗझۄੋ ੿ࠁо ੓ਸ ҃਋ э੉ ୹۱ "lm" Command അ੤ ۽٘ػ ݽٕ੄ ੿ࠁܳ ࠁৈળ׮. "dv" Command അ੤ Stack Frame੄ ۽ஸ߸ࣻ੄ ੉ܴҗ чਸ ࠁৈળ׮. "dt" Command "dt [DATANAME]" : [DATANAME]੄ чਸ ࠁৈળ׮. “dt g_CurrentTag” : ੹৉߸ࣻ g_CurrentTag੄ чਸ ࠁৈળ׮ “dt dbgexe!g_pFileList –r5” : g_pFileListо Linked-list੄ ҃਋ োѾػ ҳઑܳ ࠁৈળ׮
  22. Demo Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 9. WinDBG Useful Command

    (Con’t) "d" Command "da" : ANSI ޙ੗ৌ ഋక۽ чਸ ࠁৈળ׮. "db" : BYTE ഋక۽ чਸ ࠁৈળ׮. "dc" : ೧׼઱ࣗ੄ ௏٘чਸ ࠁৈળ׮. "dd" : DWORDഋక۽ чਸ ࠁৈળ׮. "dw" : WORD or Unicode ޙ੗ч ഋక۽ чਸ ࠁৈળ׮. "x" Command ݽٕী ؀ೠ ੿ࠁܳ ௪ܻ ೡ ࣻ ੓׮. x [MODULENAME]![*, ޙ੗ৌ]ਸ ೞݶ ೧׼ೞח ݽٚ ੿ࠁ ܳ ࠁৈળ׮. - "x *!" : ݽٚ ݽٕী ؀ೠ ੿ࠁܳ ࠁৈળ׮. - "x User32!MB*" : User32.dllݽٕীࢲ MB۽ द੘ೞח ݽٚ ੿ࠁܳ ࠁৈળ׮. "u" Command ೧׼ೞח ઱ࣗ੄ ীࣅ࠶ܻ ௏٘ܳ ࠁৈળ׮. - "u 0143ff3c" : 0143ff3cࠗఠ੄ যࣅ࠶ܻ ௏٘ܳ ࠁৈળ׮. - "u eip" : അ੤ Instruction Poirterࠗఠ੄ যࣅ࠶ܻ ௏٘ܳ ࠁৈળ׮. "g" Command അ੤ ॳۨ٘ܳ ز੘ दఅ׮. ॳۨ٘ܳ ૑੿ೡ ࣻب Start,Break઱ࣗܳ ݺद ೡࣻب ੓׮. "r" Command അ੤ Context੄ Register੿ࠁܳ ࠁৈળ׮ ".logopen", ".logappend", ".logclose" Command അ੤ WinDBG Commandହী ࠁৈ૑ח ݽٚ ղਊਸ ӝ۾ೠ׮. пп ࢜۽ࢤࢿ, ؔࠢৈӝ۾ೞӝ, ౵ੌײӝ੄ ӝמਸ ೠ׮.
  23. Demo Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 9. WinDBG Useful Command

    (Con’t) "p" Command Step over routine, ೣࣻܳ Ӓր ഐ୹ೞৈ ૓೯ೠ׮. "t" Command Step into, ೣࣻ ഐ୹द ఐ࢝ೞৈ ٜযоࢲ ௏٘ ૓೯ “~” Command Threadܳ ਤೠ ௏ݔ٘ “~.” അ੤ ॳۨ٘ܳ ૑டೠ׮. “~*” ݽٚ ॳۨ٘ܳ ૑டೠ׮. “~#” Exception੄ ਗੋੋ Threadա debug eventܳ ߉਷(ੋఠۣ౟, dump) thread “~Number” ೧׼ೞח ߣഐ੄ Threadܳ ૑டೠ׮. "~# s" #ߣഐ੄ Threadܳ അ੤ debug࢚క۽ ࣇ౴ೠ׮. ׮ܲ command৬੄ ઑ೤ب оמೞ׮. "F", "Z" Command ೧׼ ॳۨ٘ܳ Freeze/Unfreezeೠ׮. "?" Command 16૓ࣻчਸ ֍ਵݶ 10૓ࣻ = 16૓ࣻ੄ чਸ ࠁৈળ׮. ex) 0:001> ?10 Evaluate expression: 16 = 00000010 0:001> ?00000010 Evaluate expression: 16 = 00000010
  24. Demo Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 9. WinDBG Useful Command

    (Con’t) ".dump" Command അ੤ ٣ߡӦ ࢚కীࢲ dumpܳ ٜ݅ࣻ ੓׮. /cח ࠗоࢸݺ୶о /fח ಽ ݫݽܻ ؒ೐, /m਷ minidumpࢤࢿਸ ڷೠ׮. ex) .dump /cm c:\d.dmp ".ecxr" Command Exceptionٸ੄ Contextী ؀ೠ ੿ࠁܳ ࣇ౴ೠ׮. dump࠙ࢳदী ߈٘द AVо դ Context۽ ࣇ ౴೧ঠೠ׮. "!sym" Symbol۽٬җ ೐܁೐౟ ഋకܳ ઁযೠ׮. "!sym noisy" Symbol۽٬दী ۽Ӓܳ ࠁৈળ׮. "!analyze" അ੤ Exceptionী ؀ೠ ܻನ౴ਸ ࠁৈળ׮. "!analyze -v" : Exceptionী ؀ೠ ੿ࠁܳ ܻನ౴ ೧ࢲ ࠁৈળ׮.
  25. Demo Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 9. WinDBG Useful Command

    (Con’t) “bp”, “bm”, “bl” Live debuggingदী break pointܳ Ѥ׮. ex) 0:000> bp exception_func 0:000> bl 0 e 004011e7 0001 (0001) 0:*** DbgSample2!exception_func 0:000> bl 0 e 004011e7 0001 (0001) 0:*** DbgSample2!exception_func 0:000> bm dbgsample2!set* 2: 00413c00 DbgSample2!setSBCS 3: 00413c80 DbgSample2!setSBUpLow 4: 004010b0 DbgSample2!set_data 0:000> bl 0 e 004011e7 0001 (0001) 0:*** DbgSample2!exception_func 1 e 00413c00 0001 (0001) 0:*** DbgSample2!setSBCS 2 e 00413c80 0001 (0001) 0:*** DbgSample2!setSBUpLow 3 e 004010b0 0001 (0001) 0:*** DbgSample2!set_data
  26. Demo Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 10. Demo Dump Catch

    Setting - WinDBG 1. Attach Proecss١ Debugging઺ী “.dump /mc c:\dump.dmp - User process moitor - ݽפఠ݂ 1. ઁয౸ীࢲ Process Dumpܳ ࢶఖ 2. New -> Application ੉ܴ ੑ۱(ഛ੢੗ө૑, ӡ੉ઁೠ੓਺) 3. Rulesܳ ࢶఖೞҊ যڃ Default഑਷ ਗೞח Exceptionҗ dump҃۽ ܳ ࢶఖ) 4. First chance exceptionী ߈਽ೠ׮. - ࣻز 1. userdump [PROCESS_NAME] [DUMPFILENAME].dmp - Dr. Watson 1. ௑ࣛীࢲ drwtsn32 –i ۽ default debugger۽ ࣇ౴ೠ׮. 2. ׮द drwtsn32ܳ ੑ۱ೞৈ Dr. Watsonਸ प೯ दఅ׮. 3. .log, .dmp౵ੌਸ ࢶఖೞҊ ਗೞח ز੘ਸ ࢶఖೞҊ ࣇ౴ೠ׮. 4. Second chance exceptionী ߈਽ೠ׮. \lab\DbgSample1 ࢠ೒ਸ ଵҊೠ׮.
  27. Demo Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 10. Demo (Con’t) Post-Mortem

    Debugging with Dump file ੌ߈੸ੋ Exceptionੋ ੜޅػ ݫݽܻ ଵઑ੄ ҃਋੄ Dump ౵ੌী ؀ ೧ࢲ Post-Mortem Debuggingਸ ೧ࠄ׮. 1. ௿ۄ੉঱౟ীࢲ Symbol, Image, code ౵ੌ ٜ݅ӝ 1-1 Releaseߡ੹੄ Project Setting ׮੉঴۽Ӓܳ ڪ਍׮. (Alt + F7) 1-2 C/C++ చ੄ General ஠పҊܻ ࢶఖ 1-3 Dubug Infoܳ Program Database۽ ࢶఖ 1-4 Listing Files ஠పҊܻ ࢶఖ 1-5 Listing file typeਸ Assembly, Machine, Code and Source۽ ࢶఖ (҃۽ࢶఖ) 1-6 Project Optionীࢲ /Oy-ܳ ੑ۱ (ઁ؀۽ػ Stack੿ࠁܳ ঳ਵ۰ݶ ೙ࣻ, FPO) 1-7 Linkచ੄ General ஠పҊܻ ࢶఖ 1-8 Generate debug info ୓௼ 1-9 Cutomize஠పҊܻ ࢶఖ 1-10 Use program database ୓௼, *.pdb౵ੌੑ۱ 1-11 Debug ஠పҊܻ ࢶఖ 1-12 Generate mapfile ୓௼, Debug info୓௼, Microsoft format ୓௼ 1-13 Project Optionীࢲ /RELEASEੑ۱ (Checksum), Link Imcrementally৬ ഐജউؽ
  28. Demo Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 10. Demo (Con’t) Post-Mortem

    Debugging 2. Dump catch (Crash!) 2.1 1ߣҗ э੉ ࣇ౴ೠ /lab/DbgSample2੄ प೯౵ੌਸ प೯दெ Dump Catcherܳ ా೧ࢲ dumpܳ ੘ࢿೠ׮. 3. WinDBGࣇ౴ 3.1 WinDBGܳ ҳزೠ׮. 3.2 .dmp(Dump౵ੌਸ)ਸ ো׮. (Open crash dump) 3.3 Symbol path, Source path, Image File path੄ ੿ࠁܳ ࣇ౴ೠ׮. - Symbol Pathীח *.pdbо ੓ח ҃۽৬ ੋఠ֔ਸ ా೧ Windows੄ Symbolਸ ߉ਸ ࣻ ੓ח ই ې ҃۽ܳ ࣇ౴ೠ׮. path: SRV*[STORAGE PATH]*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols
  29. Demo Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 10. Demo (Con’t) Post-Mortem

    Debugging 4. Symbol۽٬җ Ѩࢎ 4.1 Symbol Pathܳ ࣇ౴റ 4.2 >> !sym noisyܳ ࣇ౴ೞৈ Symbol ۽٬۽Ӓܳ ࠁѱ ೠ׮. 4.3 >> .reload ೞৈ ੹୓ ݽٕ੄ Symbolਸ ׮द ۽٬ೠ׮. 4.4 >> ۽Ӓܳ ా೧ ઁ؀۽ Symbol੉ ۽٬ غ঻ח૑ Ѩࢎೠ׮. 5. Exception reportࠁӝ 5.1 >> .ecxr ਸ ా೧ࢲ exceptionী ؀ೠ contextܳ ࣇ౴ೠ׮. 5.2 >> !analyze –vܳ ా೧ࢲ exceptionী ؀ೠ ੿ࠁܳ ࠄ׮.
  30. Demo Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 10. Demo (Con’t) Post-Mortem

    Debugging 6. Stack/੹৉/૑৉/౵ۄ޷ఠ ੿ࠁ ഛੋೞӝ 6.1 “k” ݺ۸ਸ ా೧ࢲ Stackਸ ഛੋೠ׮. 6.2 Stack Frameчҗ dd ݺ۸ਸ ੉ਊೞৈ ౵ۄ޷ఠ чਸ ഛੋೠ׮. - ୐ߣ૩ ౵ۄ޷ఠܳ ࠅٸח ebp + 8ਸ ೧ঠೠ׮. DWORD੄ returnч੉ ٜয ੓׮. 6.3 “dt”, “d” ݺ۸ਸ ੉ਊೞৈ ߸ࣻ੄ ੿ࠁܳ ഛੋೠ׮.
  31. Demo Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 10. Demo (Con’t) Post-Mortem

    Debugging 7. ࠗо੿ࠁഛੋ 7.1 “lm” ݺ۸ਸ ࢎਊೞৈ ۽٬ػ ݽٕਸ ഛੋೠ׮. 7.2 “ln” ݺ۸ਸ ࢎਊೞৈ ೧׼ ઱ࣗ৬ о੢ оө਍ Symbom(ೣࣻݺ)ਸ ࠁৈળ׮. - dll੄ ҃਋ীח Optimize২࣌ਸ ࢎਊೞ૑ ঋਵݶ PE౵ੌ੄ Import section੿ࠁ৬ IAT(Import Address Table)੿ࠁܳ ੉ਊ೧ࢲ ೣࣻݺҗ offset੄ ੿ࠁо աৡ׮.
  32. Demo Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 10. Demo (Con’t) Post-Mortem

    Debugging 7.3 “ln”җ .cod౵ੌ۽ Exception code଺ইղӝ Crashػ Exception઱ࣗ৬ .pdb੄ Symbol౵ੌҗ .cod౵ੌ੉ ੓ח ҃਋ Exception੉ ੌযդ Codeܳ ଺ਸ ࣻ ੓׮. a. Image fileҗ э੉ ࢤࢿػ .pdb(Symbol file)/.cod ౵ੌਸ ળ࠺ b. Image fileਸ Attach/Open Excutable۽ WinDBG৬ э੉ ҳزदఅ׮. c. "ln"ݺ۸җ Crashդ ઱ࣗ۽ ೧׼ ௏٘ܳ о૑Ҋ ੓ח ೣࣻܳ ଺ח׮. d. ೧׼ ݽٕղ੄ ೣࣻ੄ ઱ࣗ৬ Crash઱ࣗ੄ ରܳ ҅࢑ೞৈ .cod౵ੌীࢲ ೧׼ प೯௏٘ܳ ଺ח׮. c.Crash address: 0x40156eੋ҃਋, ln 0x40156e۽ ׮਺੄ Ѿҗܳ ঳ח׮. d. .cod౵ੌীࢲ ೣࣻ exception_func੄ ௏٘ द੘ ઱ࣗੋ 0x001e7ী offsetੋ 0x387ਸ ؊ೞݶ 0x0056eۄח ઱ࣗчਸ ঳ਸ ࣻ ੓חؘ ੉ܳ .cod౵ੌীࢲ ࠁݶ ࣗझ௏٘ 151ۄੋীࢲ ޙઁо ࢤ҂׮חѪਸ ঌ ࣻ ੓׮. 0:000> ln 0x0040156e (004011e7) DbgSample2!exception_func+0x387 | (0040168d) DbgSample2!main <exception_func੄ द੘> ; 103 : void exception_func(int param1) { 001e7 55 push ebp 001e8 8b ec mov ebp, esp <crash code> ; 151 : cout << "insert data, count: " << g_nCrashCnt << ", idx: " << pCrash->idx << " … 00566 68 00 00 00 00 push OFFSET 0056b 8b 45 f8 mov eax, DWORD PTR _pCrash$[ebp] 0056e 8b 48 04 mov ecx, DWORD PTR [eax+4]
  33. Demo Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 10. Demo (Con’t) Post-Mortem

    Debugging with MAP - Windows98١ীࢲ Exceptionद ઱ࣗ݅ਵ۽ ࣗझۄੋਸ ଺חߨ (Book: Debugging ApplicationsଵҊ) - ૒ҙ੸ੋ AV݅ਸ ঌࣻо ੓׮ (Call stack traceࠛо) 1. MAP౵ੌ ࢤࢿ 1-1 Linkచ੄ Debug஠పҊܻীࢲ Generate map file ୓௼, Project optionী /MAPINFO:EXPORTS /MAPINFO:LINESਸ ੑ۱ 1-2 Rebuild ೠ׮. 1-3 MAP౵ੌਸ ৌয “Preferred load address is 00400000” ী 00400000੄ чਸ ӝরೠ׮ 1-4 Exceptionդ ઱ࣗ(৘ܳ ٜয 0x00401535)ܳ BASE(ਤ੄ ч) + RVA(relation vertual address) ࣂ࣌ীࢲ оө਍ ࠗ࠙ਸ ଺ח׮. ೣࣻ ઱ࣗ৬ ઱ࣗ ࢎ੉ী ਤ஖ೠ׮. 1-5 Sample code࢚ਵ۽ࠁݶ (lab\DbgSample3੄ Access Violation ߡౡ ௿ܼ!) 0001:00000523 ?Test6_AV@@YAXXZ 00401523 f DbgSample3.obj ׮਺ ௏٘о 0x00401535ܳ ನೣೞҊ ੓׮. 1-6 ࣗझۄੋਸ ঳ӝ ਤ೧ࢲ ׮਺੄ ҕधਵ۽ 16૓ࣻ ҅࢑ਸ ೠ׮ [CRASH ADDRESS] – [PREFERRED LOAD ADDRESS] – 0x1000(PE ೻؊ч) Ӓ۞ݶ 0x00401535 – 0x00400000 - 0x1000 = 0x535
  34. Demo Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 10. Demo (Con’t) 1-7

    ׮਺੄ Line number ࣂ࣌ীࢲ for .\Debug\DbgSample3.obj(C:\Testcode\lab\DbgSample3\DbgSample3.cpp) segment .text ҅࢑ػ 0x535ܳ ֈ૑ ঋח о੢ оө਍ ۄੋਸ ଺ਵݶ ׮਺җ э׮ “ 175 0001:00000535 “ ૊ DbgSample3.cpp੄ 175ۄੋ੉׮. 1-8 CrashFinderܳ ࢎਊೞݶ рױ൤ ঌইյ ࣻ ੓׮.
  35. Demo Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 10. Demo (Con’t) Interactive

    Debugging MSDEVীࢲ debuggingೞחѪҗ э੉ प೯दఃѢա प೯ ઺ੋ Processܳ debuggingೠ׮. 1. Live debugging 1-1 Open Excuteableਸ ࢶఖೞৈ प೯ೡ Image౵ੌਸ ࢶఖೠ׮. 1-2 WinDBG ݺ۸ਸ ా೧ࢲ ӝઓ MSDEVীࢲ৬ э਷ debuggingਸ दبೠ׮.
  36. Demo Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 10. Demo (Con’t) 2.

    Attach Process Debugging 1-1 ӝઓী प೯઺ੋ Processী ੋఠۣ౟ܳ Ѧযࢲ debuggingਸ दبೠ׮. 1-2 Attach to Processܳ ࢶఖೞҊ ਗೞח Processܳ ࢶఖೠ׮. 1-3 debuggingਸ द੘ೠ׮.
  37. Scenario Demo Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 10. Scenario Demo

    1. Hang Deadlock, High CPU Utilization, ١ী ੄ೠ Application੄ ݥ୺࢚కܳ Debugging ೠ׮. 1-1 Deadlock Deadlock੄ ҃਋ח Process࢚੄ ݽٚ Thread੄ ࢚కܳ dumpܳ ٜ݅য Critical section١੄ زӝച ё୓ী ؀ೠ Thread߹੄ ੽Ӕਸ ࠙ࢳਸ ೧ঠ ೠ׮. Dump catcherܳ ా೧ࢲ dumpо ೙ਃ ೡ ҃਋ ৈ۞ߣ dumpೞৈ ௏٘૓೯ਸ Ѩష೧ঠ ೠ׮ - adpulsܳ ࢎਊೞח ҃਋ adplus – hang –PN [PROCESS_NAME] –o [OUTPUT DIR] - “~” ݺ۸ਸ ా೧ࢲ п Thread੄ Call stackਸ ଵҊೞৈ Bugܳ ࣻ੿ೠ׮. - Kernel زӝച APIٜਸ Hookingೞৈ ߹ب੄ reportೞח ߑߨب ੓׮ (Debugging Application ੄ DeadlockDetectionଵҊ)
  38. Scenario Demo Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 10. Scenario Demo

    1-2. High CPU Utiliation (Spinning Thread, 100% CPU) - ݣ౭ ॳۨ٘੄ ҃਋ী ೠ ॳۨ٘о CPUܳ ة੼ೞҊ ੓ח ҃਋ Ӓ ॳۨ٘৬ ೧׼ೞח ௏٘ ܳ ଺ח ৘ઁ੉׮. ইې੄ ࣽࢲী ٮۄ stepਸ ߍই ࠁ੗. - ௑ࣛীࢲ perfmonਸ ੑ۱ೞৈ Performance Monitorܳ ҳزೠ׮. - ࢿמ ۽Ӓ߂ ҃Ҋ(Performance Logs and Alerts)ܳ ࢶఖೞৈ ೞਤݫ׏ܳ ো׮ - ஠਍ఠ ۽Ӓ(COunter Logs)ܳ য়ܲଃ ݃਋झܳ ࢶఖೞৈ ࢜ ۽Ӓ ࣇ౴(New Log Setting) ਸ ೠ׮. - ୶о(Add)ܳ ־ܰҊ ׮੉঴۽Ӓо ڰݶ - ݽٚ ஠਍ఠ(All Counters)৬ ݽٚ ੋझఢझܳ ࢶఖೞҊ - ࢿמѐ୓(Performance Object)ীࢲ Process, Processor, Threadܳ ಽ׮਍ ݫ׏ীࢲ пп ࢶఖೞৈ ೞաঀ ୶о(Add)റ ײӝ(Close)ܳ ־ܲ׮. - ࢠ೒ рѺ(Interval)ਸ 1۽ ࣇ౴ೠ׮.
  39. Scenario Demo Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 10. Scenario Demo

    - ۽Ӓ౵ੌ ҃۽ܳ ࣇ౴ೠ׮. ӒܻҊ ഛੋਸ ־ܲറ ੘زਸ दఅ׮. - ৘ઁ೐۽Ӓ۔ DbgSample3ܳ ҳزೞৈ CPUо 100%੼ਬػറ ೠزউ ӝ׮ܽ׮. - Dump catcher۽ ೧׼ ೐۽Ӓ۔੄ dumpܳ ڲ׮. - Performance Monitor੄ ੘সਸ ઺૑ೠ׮. - ׮द Performance Monotor੄ दझమ ݽפఠ(System Monitor)ܳ ࢶఖೠ׮ - ۽Ӓ౵ੌ ؘ੉ఠ ࠁӝ(View log data file)ա য়ܲଃ ݃਋झܳ ־ܲറ ١۾੿ࠁ (Properties) ੄ Soruceచ੄ ੿ࠁܳ ೧׼ ۽Ӓ౵ੌ(.blg)ਸ ੍য ٜੋ׮. - ో߄੄ + ߡౡਸ ௿ܼೞৈ ܻನ౴ೡ ೦ݾਸ Ҋܲ׮. - ࢿמ ѐ୓(Performance Object)ীࢲ Processܳ ࢶఖೞҊ ஠਍ఠ(Counter)ীࢲ % Processor Time, ੋझఢझ(Instance)ীࢲ ࢠ೒೐۽Ӓ۔੄ ੉ܴਸ ଺ই ୶о(Add)ܳ ׂ۞ ೧׼ ೐۽Ӓ۔੄ Process ࢚కܳ ࠄ׮. - ୶о۽ ࢿמ ѐ୓(Performance Object)ীࢲ Threadܳ ࢶఖೞҊ ஠਍ఠ(Counter)ীࢲ % Processor Time, ID Threadܳ ࢶఖೞҊ ੋझఢझ(Instance)ীࢲ ࢠ೒೐۽Ӓ۔੄ Threadܳ ݽف ࢶఖೠ റ ୶о(Add)ܳ ־ܰҊ ܻನ౴ਸ Ѩࢎೠ׮.
  40. Scenario Demo Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 10. Scenario Demo

    - Ӓ઺ীࢲ % Processor Time੉ ֫਷ Threadܳ ଺ח׮. - dump౵ੌਸ WinDBGী ৌয “~”ݺ۸যܳ ాೞৈ ݽٚ Thread ࢚కܳ ࠄ׮. - Performance Moitorীࢲ ID৬ WinDBGীࢲ ݏח Thread੄ ߣഐܳ ଺ח׮. 0 id : [PROCESS_ID] : [THREAD_ID]۽ غয ੓ਵݴ ? ݺ۸ਸ ా೧ࢲ 16૓ࣻ ܳ 10૓ࣻ۽ ഛੋೠ׮. - “~” ݺ۸ਸ ా೧ࢲ п Thread੄ Call stackਸ ଵҊೞৈ Bugܳ ࣻ੿ೠ׮.
  41. Scenario Demo Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 10. Scenario Demo

    1. Heap Corruption - ࠁా੄ ҃਋ী ݫݽܻী ೡ׼ػ ௼ӝܳ ߩযդ রࣁझо ੌযզ ҃਋੉׮. - Exception਷ ੌযա૑ ঋਸࣻ ੓૑݅ ۽૒੸ਵ۽ ޙઁܳ ੌਵఃѢա बпೠ ҃਋ীח ೐۽Ӓ۔੄ ࠺੿࢚ ઙܐ۽ ੉য૑Ѣա য়ز੘ਸ ೞѱ ػ׮. - ഑਷ ׮਺җ э਷ ҃Ҋହਸ ࠁѢա debugݽ٘दী heap checkীࢲ ASSERTହ੉ ڰӝبೠ׮. - heap੄ ҃਋ Corruption੉ ੌযդ द੼ীࢲ Exeption੉ աח Ѫ੉ ইפۄ. ೧ઁೡ ٸ(free, delete)ա Corruptionդ ҳ৉ਸ ׮द ੤ೡ׼ ೡٸ Exception੉ թਵ۽ Bugܳ ଺ӝо য۵׮. - heapী ؀ೠ errorח appendix\src\heap_error੄ ࣗझܳ ଵҊೞݶػ׮.
  42. Scenario Demo Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 10. Scenario Demo

    - ׮਺ Stepਸ ߍই ࠁ੗. - gflagsܳ ҳزೠ׮. - Memory Leak/Corruptionਸ ଵҊೞৈ ׮਺җ э੉ ࣇ౴ೠ׮. - WinDBG/Dr. Watsonਸ Default Debugger۽ ١۾ೠ׮. ର੉ח WinDBGח ߄۽ Interactive debugging੉ оמೞҊ Dr.Watson਷ dumpܳ ӝ۾ೠ׮. - /lab/DbgSample3.exeܳ ҳزೠ׮. - “Heap Corruption (free)” ܳ ௿ܼೠ׮. - ࢤࢿػ dumpա WinDBG۽ debuggingਸ द੘ೠ׮.
  43. Scenario Demo Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 11. Scenario Demo

    1. Stack Corruption - Stack Corruption਷ Overflow١ী ੄೧ࢲ EBP١੄ Stack Frame ੿ࠁо ౣয૑ח അ࢚ - য೒ܻா੉࣌੉ Crashо զࣻب ੓ਵݴ ઁ؀۽ جই о૑ ঋਸ ࣻب ੓׮. - Debugging ߑߨ਷ EBP/ESP١੄ чਵ۽ ୶ܻೞৈ backtraceܳ ೧ঠ ೠ׮. - ցޖ ষೞݶ dumpܳ ੉ਊೠ Post-Moterm debuggingীࢲח ইޖѪب ଺ਸ ࣻ হਸ ҃਋о ੓׮. - Compuware੄ BounceCheckerܳ ࢎਊೞחѪਸ ӂ੢
  44. Appendix Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 2 12. Reference Books

    ౵Ҧ੄ ҟ೟ Programming Application for windows 4th Debugging Applicaiton Windows 32bit User Mode Debugging(ࣁ޷ա੗ܐ) Undocumented Windows 2000 Secrets Documents .\doc ಫ؊ উ੄ ޙࢲٜ Website A Crash Course on the Depths of Win32™ Structured Exception Handling http://www.microsoft.com/msj/0197/Exception/Exception.aspx First and Second Chance Exception Handling http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=http://support.microsoft.com:80/support/kb/articles/Q10 5/6/75.asp&NoWebContent=1 SEH (Structured Exception Handling) http://www.microsoft.com/msj/0597/hood0597.aspx http://www.microsoft.com/msj/0497/hood/hood0497.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/01/09/hood/default.aspx Microsoft Debugging Tools http://www.microsoft.com/ddk - windbg, cdb, glags http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;241215 – user process monitor Microsoft Debugging Tools Knowledge Base Articles http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/DBG-KB.mspx Q268343 Umdhtools.exe: Umdh.exeܳ ࢎਊೞৈ ݫݽܻ ־ࣻܳ ଺ח ߑߨ http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=268343
  45. Appendix Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 12. Reference (Con’t) Website

    Microsoft Debugging Tools Knowledge Base Articles http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/DBG-KB.mspx Symbol Package Download http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/ddk/debugging/symbolpkg.mspx Windows Debuggers: Part 1:A WinDBG Tutorial http://codeproject.com/debug/windbg_part1.asp HOW TO: Use ADPlus to Troubleshoot "Hangs" and "Crashes" http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=http://support.microsoft.com:80/support/kb/articles/q286 /3/50.asp&NoWebContent=1 dbghelp.dll Debugging Functions http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/debug/base/isdebuggerpresent.asp Using the Windbg Debugging Tool http://www.winnetmag.com/Article/ArticleID/21217/21217.html PDB߂ DBG౵ੌ - ౵ੌ ੿੄ ߂ ੘ز ߑߨ http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;KO;121366 Common Object File Format (COFF) http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;q121460 http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/doc/coff/
  46. Appendix Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 12. Reference (Con’t) Website

    Peering Inside the PE: A Tour of the Win32 Portable Executable File Format - Matt Pietrek http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dndebug/html/msdn_peeringpe.asp .dbg ౵ੌী ؀ೠ under the hood ணۢ http://www.microsoft.com/msj/0597/hood0597.aspx http://www.microsoft.com/msj/0597/hood0597.aspx Visual C++ Project Settings and .DBG File Creation http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;Q216356 What are .pdb And .dbg Files? http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vccore98/html/ _core_what_are_..pdb_and_..dbg_files.3f.asp Cracking PDB Symbol Files http://www.informit.com/articles/article.asp?p=22429 INFO: PDB and DBG Files - What They Are and How They Work http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;q121366 Generating and Deploying Debug Symbols with Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnvc60/html/gendepdebug.asp INFO: Use the Microsoft Symbol Server to Obtain Debug Symbol Files http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;311503 HOW TO: Use a Symbol Server with the Visual Studio .NET Debugger http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q319037 Under the Hood: Improved Error Reporting with DBGHELP 5.1 APIs - *** Callstack http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/02/03/hood/default.aspx XCrashReport : Exception Handling and Crash Reporting - *** MiniDump http://www.codeproject.com/debug/XCrashReportPt4.asp
  47. Appendix Debugging in WIN32 Application [email protected] 13. Appendix WIN32 Debuggingदী

    ೙ਃೠ ૑धٜ WIN32 Assembly Calling Conversion WIN32 Processes & System Folder ࢸݺ \root \bin\tools: debugging tool \doc: ଵҊޙࢲٜ \etc\dbginfo: codeview/pdb/coff١ਸ ನೣೠ Image౵ੌҗ Debug੿ࠁܳ ࡒ ౵ੌٜ \lab \DbgSample1: SEH৬ Dump catcher(debugger)੄ ز੘ ݽणਸ ࠁৈષ \DbgSample2: ੌ߈੸ Crash࢚ীࢲ ٣ߡӦߨ \DbgSample3: Threadݽ٘ \ViewSEH: SHE੄ ز੘ \IE_Exception, IE_Exception_Dump١਷ WERࢲ࠺झ ࢸݺ \src \CrashHandler.JohnRobbins: ImgeHelperܳ ੉ਊೠ CallStack Tracer \DbgExe: MS Debug ࣁ޷աী ੓ח Exceptionղח ࢠ೒ ౵ੌ \heap_error.rp: heapী ҙ۲ػ ী۞ ா੉झо ٚ ࢠ೒ ౵ੌ \MiniDumper.rp: Call Stack Tracer, MiniDump١੄ Exception੿ࠁ ୹۱ \Stack.ѱ: Stackҗ EBP/ESP੄ ؘ੉ఠ ੉زਸ ঌ ࣻ ੓ח ࢠ೒ ౵ੌ \TestExceptionHandler.MattPietrek: dllhelpਸ ੉ਊೠ Call Stack Tracer \XCrashReportPt4.CodeProject: MiniDumpܳ ݅٘ח ࢠ೒ ௏٘