Ramoji (@ramoji)

45 Follows

André Augusto Costa Santos


I'm passionate about technology and programming, my main interests include Web development, Open Source, Unix Systems...

6 followers 1 deck

Caitie McCaffrey


Caitie McCaffrey is a Backend Brat and Distributed Systems Diva. She currently is the Architect & Developer Manager o...

21 followers 26 decks

Erika Heidi


I like to create, write, and build stuff. Passionate about open source, devOps, PHP, and community <3

28 followers 39 decks

Lemi Orhan Ergin


Lemi Orhan Ergin is a software crafter based in Turkey with a passion for raising the bar of his profession and shari...

90 followers 83 decks

C. Todd Lombardo


Data nerd, design geek, and product fanatic.

34 followers 51 decks

Oleksii Kachaiev


AI/ML researcher (representation learning with probability distributions and kernel methods). Prev: principal Softwa...

4 followers 22 decks

Andy Hume


Software engineer at Brandwatch. Former Twitter, Guardian, Clearleft, Microsoft, Multimap.

8 followers 13 decks