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Setting up your development environment

Setting up your development environment

This presentation is a snapshot how I have setup my development environment. I am constantly evaluating, so this presentation is constantly changing. It gives developers and people that are planning to start with development practical tips, I am presenting in some way best practicals. Because it is my view and what I have found it is also questionable. I am talking about coding styles, Editors, IDE, build tools like phing, git and all that stuff.

Robert Deutz

May 03, 2013

More Decks by Robert Deutz

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  2. Centralised Version Control Systems • very popular at the end

    of the last century • complicated when working in not centralised teams • merging and working on different things at the same moment is complicated • still room for using it but NOT in an Open Source Project like Joomla!
  3. Distributed • Best thing since sliced bread • good for

    not centralised teams • Supports merging and branching in an easy way • It allows a group of people to work on different ideas and in parallel on a single codebase
  4. GIT

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  6. We do • use brackets • use tabs • format

    code always in the same way • use meaningful function, variable, methods and class names • use phpDoc Blocks • not copy code (DRY: don‘t repeat yourself)
  7. We write helpful comments As I wrote this code only

    god and I know what it is doing, now only god knows WRONG Registers a handler to a particular event group. RIGHT
  8. 3

  9. IDEs • Eclipse (Zend Studio, phpEclipse, .....) • PHP Storm

    (free license for Joomla! developers) • NetBeans IDE • ......
  10. Cooler Editor: Sublime Text • Packages for almost everything we

    need • extremely fast • Edit features from heaven • .... but not an IDE • comes closer and closer
  11. How to chose a IDE • Don‘t give up! •

    It need‘s time, so think first about your requirements • Think about your development process, what you have to do to make sure that you can support your process properly
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  13. OR

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  15. map