files and directories •Symlinked into the root as dotfiles •Dotfiles command itself only manages it: great single-purpose script •Separate: ~/.emacs.d (=> starter kit)
# No need to press tab twice set show-all-if-ambiguous on # Type the start of a command ("svn" # or so) and press up/down to cycle # through previous versions of that # command. "\e[A": history-search-backward "\e[B": history-search-forward
22 svn, 9 hg •No way I’m going to do “git pull” on every one of them in the morning! •=> checkoutmanager •commands: up, st, co, out •On pypi (and source on bitbucket)
30 # The imap mail is stored in ~/mail include = /home/*/mail # but Maurits claims it is in Mail include = /home/*/Mail # The inbox is in /var/mail include = /var/mail [dest] type = local directory = /var/backups