Biomethane, also known as renewable natural gas (RNG), is increasingly becoming a solution for commercial and residential customers who want an effective way to address the greenhouse gas impacts of their natural gas use, and offers a pathway to accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy. Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) has embarked upon a process to create a new Green-e® standard and certification program for biomethane products and associated environmental attributes. The second stakeholder comment period for the draft standard is open August 31-October 30, 2020. The objective of the Standard and certification program is to accelerate the adoption of biomethane in place of fossil natural gas, while ensuring that the gas is from sustainable renewable resources, meets the highest environmental standards, and that customers are protected in their purchase and ability to make verifiable usage claims.
Attend this webinar to learn about the program and stakeholder comment period. The webinar is free and the stakeholder comment period is open to everyone. Feedback in the stakeholder comment period is requested on the following topics:
Utility program requirements and residential customers
Feedstocks, including wastewater and energy crops
Use of animal waste and confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs)
Production requirements, including permit violations and digestate management practices
Carbon Intensity, including thresholds, leakage, and calculation methodologies
Vintage of renewable production
Production Facility Age
Raw Biogas
Certification program structure and options
Stakeholder feedback will inform a final version of the Standard that will be brought to the Green-e® Governance Board for review later this year.
Learn more at Green-e Renewable Fuels
Rachael Terada, Director, Technical Projects, CRS