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Progressive Web Apps with LitHTML (BucharestJS ...

Progressive Web Apps with LitHTML (BucharestJS Meetup)

A recap of what are PWAs and why is there a need for them.
A showcase of the main characteristics of a PWA in a Proof of Concept built with LitHTML.

demo link: https://razvan-rosu.github.io/demo-polymer3-pwa/
github repository: https://github.com/razvan-rosu/demo-polymer3-pwa
Note: This is an improved version of my previous presentation (https://speakerdeck.com/rzvnrosu/progressive-web-apps-with-lithtml), being themed for a local JavaScript Meetup in Bucharest, Romania.

Răzvan Roșu

February 27, 2019

More Decks by Răzvan Roșu

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  1. What are P.W.A.? Progressive Web Apps are websites built using

    web technologies but act and feel like an app.
  2. Why P.W.A.? “Progressive Web Apps are a new way to

    deliver amazing user experience on the web” - Google
  3. User onboarding study case: “Every step in an onboarding flow

    costs 20% of users (on average)” https://medium.com/gabor/every-step-costs-you-20-of-users-b613a804c329
  4. Quick comparison: App vs PWA (Native) User flow: - find

    the app - install the app - open - use - share (PWA) User flow: - immediately use the web app - prompt to install upon return
  5. Quick comparison: App vs PWA Native: - native apps with

    push notifications retain 30% more users than native apps without - a user is more likely to reopen a mobile application than a website PWA: - have push notifications - can be installed
  6. PWA characteristics 1. Loads quickly (app shell) 2. Cross device

    (responsive UI) 3. Offline (service workers) 4. Installable (app manifest) 5. Engaging (push notification)
  7. 1. Loads quickly (app shell) The key feature is to

    progressively load the app. Initially, we load an empty app shell with a loader. Afterwards, we lazy load the content.
  8. PWA characteristics 1. Loads quickly (app shell) 2. Cross device

    (responsive UI) 3. Offline (service workers) 4. Installable (app manifest) 5. Engaging (push notification)
  9. 2. Cross device (responsive UI) Progressive Web Apps run on

    any device within a browser engine. The user interface can scale accordingly using Responsive Web Design techniques.
  10. PWA characteristics 1. Loads quickly (app shell) 2. Cross device

    (responsive UI) 3. Offline (service workers) 4. Installable (app manifest) 5. Engaging (push notification)
  11. 3. Offline (service workers) Service Worker (SW): - it is

    a script - it runs in the background, separate from the webpage - it can synchronize offline content - it has a lifecycle Service Workers require a server with HTTPS
  12. 3. Offline (service workers) Service Workers generators: - sw-precache https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/sw-precache

    - workbox https://developers.google.com/web/tools/workbox/ Or, we can build a sw from scratch: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Service _Worker_API
  13. PWA characteristics 1. Loads quickly (app shell) 2. Cross device

    (responsive UI) 3. Offline (service workers) 4. Installable (app manifest) 5. Engaging (push notification)
  14. 4. Installable (app manifest) Progressive Web Apps can be installed

    with the help of a manifest. https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/web-app-manifest/
  15. 4. Installable (app manifest) <link rel="manifest" href="./manifest.json"> { "name": "Proof

    of Concept: Polymer 3 Progressive Web App", "short_name": "PoC: PWA", "description": "a demo of a progressive web app", "icons": [ { "src": "assets/android-launchericon-144-144.png", "sizes": "144x144", "type": "image/png" }, … ], "start_url": "/", "display": "standalone", "orientation": "portrait", "background_color": "#FE7A22", "theme_color": "#FE7A22" } name: defines how the application will be listed short_name: in Chrome for Android, it is the name to accompany the icon on the home screen description: general description of the app icons: array of images serving as a set of icons and splash screens start_url: starting URL of the application display: defines the default display mode (fullscreen, standalone, minimal-ui, browser) orientation: portrait or landscape theme_color: on Android, status bar color background_color: background color of the app; in Chrome, also background color of the splashscreen
  16. 4. Installable (app manifest) There is an alternative to the

    manual declarations: PWACompat. PWACompat is a library that will generate the meta tags. <link rel="manifest" href="manifest.webmanifest"> <!-- include PWACompat _after_ your manifest → <script async src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/[email protected]/pwacompat.min.js" integrity="sha384-GOaSLecPIMCJksN83HLuYf9FToOiQ2Df0+0ntv7ey8zjUHESXhthwvq9hXAZTifA" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> ! Both manifest.json and manifest.webmanifest seem to work just fine with PWAcompat. https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/pwacompat https://www.npmjs.com/package/pwacompat
  17. PWA characteristics 1. Loads quickly (app shell) 2. Cross device

    (responsive UI) 3. Offline (service workers) 4. Installable (app manifest) 5. Engaging (push notification)
  18. 5. Engaging (push notifications) Push notifications were initially available only

    in native apps. A user would still receive web push notifications even if the PWA is not open in a browser tab, and even if the browser is closed.
  19. 5. Engaging (push notifications) The PWA will ask the user

    for permissions to display notifications. The PWA also needs to be subscribed to a Push server, in order to receive the notifications. Each browser vendor has his own Push server.
  20. PWA characteristics 1. Loads quickly (app shell) 2. Cross device

    (responsive UI) 3. Offline (service workers) 4. Installable (app manifest) 5. Engaging (push notification)
  21. DEMO PWA Installation MacOS: https://vimeo.com/320142145 PWA notifications MacOS: https://vimeo.com/320142268 PWA

    offline (SW) MacOS: https://vimeo.com/320141344 PWA iOS: https://vimeo.com/320148762 https://razvan-rosu.github.io/demo-polymer3-pwa/
  22. Important mentions: In March 2018, Google announced .app TLD for

    PWAs https://get.app/ In March 2018, iOS started supporting PWAs. (Probably since then) the App Store allows PWAs https://medium.com/@firt/progressive-web-apps-on-ios-are-here-d00430dee3a7 In June 2018, Microsoft started allowing PWAs in the Microsoft Store https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/progressive-web-apps/microsoft-stor e In January 2019, Google started allowing PWAs in the Google Play Store https://medium.com/@firt/google-play-store-now-open-for-progressive-web-apps-ec6f3c6ff3cc
  23. Basic component w/ LitElement import {LitElement, html} from '@polymer/lit-element'; class

    LogoComponent extends LitElement { constructor() { super(); } static get properties() { return {...}; } render() { return html` <style>...</style> <a class="LogoComponent" href=${this.logourl}> <img class="LogoComponent-image" src=${this.imageurl} alt=${this.imagealt} title=${this.imagetitle}> </a> ` } } customElements.define('logo-component', LogoComponent);
  24. Child components and Lit directives import {LitElement, html} from '@polymer/lit-element';

    import {repeat} from 'lit-html/directives/repeat.js'; import './photo-card.js'; ... render() { return html` <style></style> <ul class="PhotographerCardList"> ${repeat(this.photographers, i => html` <li class="PhotographerCardList-item"> <photographer-card id="${i.id}" name="${i.name}" phone="${i.phone}"></photographer-card> </li> `)} </ul> ` }
  25. Binding to attributes constructor() { super(); this._clickMethod = this._clickMethod.bind(this); }

    _clickMethod(number) { // GET albums fetch(`https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts?userId=${number}`) .then((r) => { if (!r.ok) { throw Error(r.statusText); } return r; }) .then((r) => r.json()) .then((r) => {window.__TALKS__ = r}) .then(() => { const event = new CustomEvent('injectTalks', { bubbles: true, composed: true }); window.dispatchEvent(event); }) .catch(function (error) { console.log('failed to load talks, error); }); } <button class="Speaker_c2a" type="button" @click="${this._clickMethod.bind(null, this.id)}">View talks (id: #${this.id})</button>
  26. References • PWA examples: https://pwa.rocks • PWA: https://developers.google.com/web/progressive-web-apps/ • Workbox:

    https://developers.google.com/web/tools/workbox/ • PWAcompat: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2018/07/pwacompat • LitHTML: https://lit-html.polymer-project.org/ • Demo: https://razvan-rosu.github.io/demo-polymer3-pwa/