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Leveraging AI to accelerate sales effectiveness


Leveraging AI to accelerate sales effectiveness

Sales Enablement Collective

September 09, 2020


  1. The only payments partner you need Leveraging AI to accelerate

    sales effectiveness Sales Enablement Summit | London | December 2019
  2. Click to edit master title style Arup Chakravarti | Head

    of Sales Enablement & Productivity 2 • Responsible for European Salesforce CRM management, and commercial analytics • Corporate career grounded in B2B financial services • Sales operations, sales enablement, data & analytics • Confluence of analytic capabilities with business operational data
  3. Click to edit master title style 5.5B Annual Transactions1 $132B

    European Volume 1 550+ FI Partners Worldwide Acceptance Currencies 17 Settlement Currencies 11 Countries 4,550 Employees $315B North American Volume 1 1.3M Customers Worldwide1 36 Countries with License Coverage 1 Published in Nilson Report 2018 SMB Enterprise Airlines Hospitality Healthcare Elavon, a global leader in payments Broad Reach 3
  4. Click to edit master title style Why has Elavon invested

    in an AI programme? 4 • Rapidly changing industry • Historic, strong growth attracted increased investments… • … with an expectation of accelerated returns Slower sales productivity, higher customer attrition
  5. Click to edit master title style AI makes our sales

    channels more effective Enabling the right person 5 Our AI programme has focused on segmentation opportunities, delivering ‘intelligent’ targeting and improving our time to - and time within - market with the right message to target the right opportunities at the right time
  6. Click to edit master title style A simple model of

    AI… and how we use it at Elavon 6 A generalised model of AI… Self adjusting algorithms = deep learning (DL) Automated feedback loop = Machine Learning (ML) Contextual data: typically binary 1 Leveraging data to learn outcomes & generate predictive frameworks 2 Operationalising models to predict outcomes 3 4 5 … and our application at Elavon Manual feedback of wins/losses Historic sales & retention data 1 Data manually loaded to AI to train algorithms & output prediction profiles 2 Scan data to generate target lists on a campaign basis 3 4
  7. Click to edit master title style Build it… or Buy

    it? “[With Lattice] Dell was able to cut the number of leads it sent to the sales organization by 50% – and results ‘went up by almost double’ in terms of sales productivity, efficiency, and revenue.” 7 Lattice Engines Tracks 200M+ Businesses Globally and Provides the Largest Source of B2B Buying Signals2 1 http://pages.lattice-engines.com/Forrester-CDP-Wave.html 2 Lattice proprietary materials 1
  8. Click to edit master title style Conversion results: New business

    pilot programme 1 Expressed as a ratio of sales activities (SF Opportunities) / qualified leads (Converted Leads) Sources: EU Sales Cloud CRM pipeline data, 31.05.2019 23% 77% 8% 20% 11% 31% 0% 6% Worked leads mix Qualified leads converted to sales activities Unresponsive sales deals1 Closed won deals1 Low fit High fit 9
  9. Click to edit master title style Conversion results: Pre-emptive retention

    1 Expressed as a ratio of saved cases / valid at risk cases Sources: EU CAM Database, 21.11.2019 81% 19% 16% 38% 7% 11% 58% 73% Worked cases mix Valid ‘At Risk’ cases Unresponsive case contacts Saved cases1 Old way New way 10
  10. Click to edit master title style Our insights 11 •

    Providing timely & high conversion opportunities - AI/ML enables two (of the four) pillars of sales enablement • Driving AI/ML adoption is a classic ‘sales ops’ issue • Executing a multi-channel communications strategy, with relevant propositions, will further improve conversion ratios • Leveraging AI/ML to develop a Partner value proposition extends our brand value & B2B footprint in the market place