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Puppet 101 with Google Compute Engine (Beginner)

Puppet 101 with Google Compute Engine (Beginner)

This is the slides for the session "Puppet 101 with Google Compute Engine (Beginner)" during 2015 Puppet Camp NYC.


For more information:
Try Google Cloud Platform for free - http://cloud.google.com
Puppet on Google Compute Engine Blog - http://googlecloudplatform.blogspot.com/2014/04/using-puppet-to-automate-google-compute-engine.html
Awesome code example and self-guided lab - https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/compute-video-demo-puppet

Ray Tsang

May 15, 2015

More Decks by Ray Tsang

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  1. @saturnism #puppetcamp One machine? 1. Manually install OS 2. Configure

    user 3. Configure network 4. Install packages 5. Update configuration 6. Update files 7. Start service
  2. @saturnism #puppetcamp One machine? 1. Debian or Fedora? 2. Configure

    user 3. Configure network 4. Install packages 5. Update configuration 6. Update files 7. Start service
  3. @saturnism #puppetcamp One machine? 1. Debian or Fedora? 2. adduser

    or useradd 3. Configure network 4. Install packages 5. Update configuration 6. Update files 7. Start service
  4. @saturnism #puppetcamp One machine? 1. Debian or Fedora? 2. adduser

    or useradd 3. /etc/network/interfaces or /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts 4. Install packages 5. Update configuration 6. Update files 7. Start service
  5. @saturnism #puppetcamp One machine? 1. Debian or Fedora? 2. adduser

    or useradd 3. /etc/network/interfaces or /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts 4. apt-get or yum? 5. Update configuration 6. Update files 7. Start service
  6. @saturnism #puppetcamp One machine? 1. Debian or Fedora? 2. adduser

    or useradd 3. /etc/network/interfaces or /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts 4. apt-get or yum? 5. Where is that .conf file? 6. Update files 7. Start service
  7. @saturnism #puppetcamp One machine? 1. Debian or Fedora? 2. adduser

    or useradd 3. /etc/network/interfaces or /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts 4. apt-get or yum? 5. Where is that .conf file? 6. vi or emacs? ;) 7. Start service
  8. @saturnism #puppetcamp One machine? 1. Debian or Fedora? 2. adduser

    or useradd 3. /etc/network/interfaces or /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts 4. apt-get or yum? 5. Where is that .conf file? 6. vi or emacs? ;) 7. ...
  9. @saturnism #puppetcamp user { 'ray': name => 'Ray', ensure =>

    'present', groups => [ 'admins' , 'developers' ], password => '[shadowed]', shell => '/bin/bash', } Add User?
  10. @saturnism #puppetcamp class { 'network': interfaces_hash => { 'eth0' =>

    { enable_dhcp => true, }, 'eth1' => { ipaddress => ', netmask => '', }, }, } Network Interface?
  11. @saturnism #puppetcamp package { "screen": ensure => "installed" } class

    apache ($version = "latest") { package {"apache2": ensure => $version, } } include apache Installing a Package?
  12. @saturnism #puppetcamp apache::vhost { 'www.myawesome-site.tld': port => '80', docroot =>

    '/var/www/awesome', serveradmin => 'admin@example.com' } Configuration?
  13. @saturnism #puppetcamp For the past 15 years, Google has been

    building out the world’s fastest, most powerful, highest quality cloud infrastructure on the planet.
  14. @saturnism #puppetcamp Storage Cloud Storage Cloud SQL Cloud Datastore Compute

    Compute Engine App Engine App Services BigQuery Cloud Endpoints Container Engine
  15. @saturnism #puppetcamp Compute Engine Virtual Machines on Google Infrastructure US,

    Europe, and Asia From 1-core to 32-core Up to 208 GB RAM
  16. @saturnism #puppetcamp Storage Persistent Disk (Standard and SSD) - up

    to 10 TB each Local SSD - up to 375 GB x 4 per VM
  17. @saturnism #puppetcamp Project API CLI Code UI Persistent Disk Cloud

    Storage VM VM VM VM VM Load balancing Firewall Private Network Internet
  18. @saturnism #puppetcamp Project API CLI Code UI Persistent Disk Cloud

    Storage VM VM VM VM VM Load balancing Firewall Private Network Internet Puppet!
  19. @saturnism #puppetcamp Target Pool Instance puppet-www-1 Instance puppet-www-3 Instance puppet-www-2

    Instance puppet-www-4 Health Check puppet-http Firewall Rules Load Balancer
  20. @saturnism #puppetcamp Before you start... Create a Google Cloud Platform

    project - $300 Free Trial! http://cloud.google.com/ Install gcloud command line tool https://cloud.google.com/sdk/
  21. @saturnism #puppetcamp Login and set project $ gcloud auth login

    $ gcloud config set project gcp-project-id
  22. @saturnism #puppetcamp Disk puppet-www-boot gce_disk { "puppet-www-boot": ensure => present,

    source_image => 'debian-7', size_gb => '10', zone => "$zone", }
  23. @saturnism #puppetcamp Instance puppet-www Disk puppet-www-boot gce_instance { "puppet-www": ensure

    => present, disk => "puppet-www-boot,boot", requires => Gce_disk["puppet-www-boot"] ... manifest => ‘...’, include apache, }
  24. @saturnism #puppetcamp Instance puppet-www-1 Instance puppet-www-3 Instance puppet-www-2 gce_httphealthcheck {

    'puppet-http': ensure => present, require => Gce_instance['puppet-www-1', ...], description => 'basic http health check', } Instance puppet-www-4 Check Port: 80 URI: / Health Check puppet-http
  25. @saturnism #puppetcamp Target Pool Instance puppet-www-1 Instance puppet-www-3 Instance puppet-www-2

    gce_targetpool { 'puppet-pool': ensure => present, require => Gce_httphealthcheck['puppet-http'], health_checks => 'puppet-http', instances => "$zone/puppet-www-1,..., region => "$region", } Instance puppet-www-4 Health Check puppet-http
  26. @saturnism #puppetcamp Target Pool Instance puppet-www-1 Instance puppet-www-3 Instance puppet-www-2

    gce_firewall { 'puppet-www-http': ensure => present, network => 'default', allowed => 'tcp:80', } Instance puppet-www-4 Firewall Rule Health Check puppet-http
  27. @saturnism #puppetcamp Target Pool Instance puppet-www-1 Instance puppet-www-3 Instance puppet-www-2

    Instance puppet-www-4 Firewall Rules Load Balancer gce_forwardingrule { 'puppet-rule': ensure => present, require => Gce_targetpool[...], port_range => '80', region => "$region", target => 'puppet-pool', } Health Check puppet-http
  28. @saturnism #puppetcamp More Resources! Click to Deploy Puppet Master -

    http://bit.ly/1B0oAkD Using Puppet on GCE - http://bit.ly/1QOchRq Great Hands-on Demo - http://bit.ly/1KQ1m5R