55 IETR - INSTITUT D’ÉLECTRONIQUE ET DE TÉLÉCOMMUNICATIONS DE RENNES Perspectives 6. Find new COs 7. Provide an industrial tool for designers of future SDR and CR equipments’ That allows to optimize multi-standards SDR design & That provides a choice to orientate the design towards high granularity or low granularity It is certainly interesting to follow the research directions mentioned above to further enhance the proposed ideas. Sufi Tabassum GUL- SUPELEC – 29 th Oct. 2009 56 IETR - INSTITUT D’ÉLECTRONIQUE ET DE TÉLÉCOMMUNICATIONS DE RENNES Publications International Journal Papers 1. S. T. Gul, Ali Al-Ghouwayel, C. Moy and Y. Louët, “A Novel Design of Reconfigurable Fourier Transform Operator Over C C and GF( GF(F Ft t ) ) for Future Multi-standards SDR Equipments,” International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems-IJCNDS, Accepted in June 2009 for publication by the end of 2009. 2. S. T. Gul, L. Alaus, C. Moy, J. Palicot and D. Noguet, “Optimal set of LFSR Common Operators for Multi- Standards Cognitive Radio Terminals,” International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications- IJAACS, Special Issue on Cognitive Radio Systems, Accepted in July 2009 for publication in 2010. 3. S. T. Gul, R. Mahesh, C. Moy, J. Palicot and A. P. Vinod “Filter Bank Techniques for SDR Channelizers and their Optimization using Graph Theoretical Approach,” EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Special Issue on Filter Banks for Next Generation Multicarrier Wireless Communications, Submitted, June, 2009. International Conference Papers 1. S. T. Gul, C. Moy and J. Palicot, “Graphical Modeling and Optimization of Air Interface Standards for Software Defined Radios,” 12th IEEE International Multitopic Conference-INMIC2008, Karachi, Pakistan, pp. 473-479, December 2008. 2. S. T. Gul, R. Mahesh, C. Moy, A. P. Vinod and J. Palicot, “A Graphical Approach for the Optimization of SDR Channelizers,” International Union of Radio Science (Union Radio Scientifique Internationale-URSI); XXIX General Assembly, Chicago, Illinois, USA, August 2008. 3. S. T. Gul, C. Moy and J. Palicot, “Two scenarios of flexible multi-standard architecture designs using a multi-granularity exploration,” The 18th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communication- PIMRC’07, Athens, Greece, pp. 1-5, September 2007. International Conference Workshops 1. S. T. Gul, L. Alaus, D. Noguet, C. Moy and J. Palicot “The Common Operator Technique: An Optimization Process to Identify and Design a Set of Common Operators to Perform SDR Equipment (project NEWCOM++),” Dynamic Spectrum Management in Cognitive Radio Networks, ICT-MobileSummit 2009, Santander, Spain, June 2009.