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Understanding Startups

Understanding Startups

In this session I’ll walk through the different types of
startups and how to best finance and scale them.

We’ll learn
— Difference between a startup and a business
— The six types of startups
— Finance options for startups
— How to begin scaling

Aaron Schaap

May 29, 2024

More Decks by Aaron Schaap

Other Decks in Business


  1. Lunch & Learn on Understanding Startups In this session I’ll

    walk through the di erent types of startups and how to best finance and scale them. We’ll learn — Di erence between a startup and a business — The six types of startups — Finance options for startups — How to begin scaling
  2. What is a Startup? A startup is an organization in

    search of a repeatable business model. A business is one that is executing on that model.
  3. Scalable Born to be Big. Often swinging for the fences,

    raising large rounds of VC capital and striving for IPO.
  4. Buyable Acquisition Targets. Building something that grows but bypassing VC

    and able to walk away with millions (but not billions).
  5. Enterprise Innovate or Evaporate. Large organizations that are often institutions

    and pillars of e ciency but may have a hard time innovating.
  6. Social Driven to make a di erence. With less focus

    on profits and more on the good they are able to create in the world. Social Innovation, Non-Profits, etc…
  7. Overview Which one are you: Take a minute to think

    about which one you are in and the di erences between them. Lifestyle Small Business Scalable Buyable Enterprise Social
  8. Bootstrap One of the most common options but one of

    the hardest. Requires stretching resources - both financial and otherwise - as far as you can.
  9. Customer Financing Getting your customers to pre-buy from you in

    exchange for early access, special deal(s), prestige, etc…
  10. Debt Get the money now (if you can) and pay

    later with interest. Using either personal debt, business debt or both. From bank loans, lines of credit, borrowing against receivables, leasing options, credit cards, etc…
  11. Grants Grants are non-repayable funds or products disbursed or given

    by one party (grant makers), often a government department, corporation, foundation or trust.
  12. Investors Getting others to invest in your future growth with

    the goal of getting a good return later. Examples like Friends, Family & Fools, Angel, Venture Capital, etc…
  13. Cash Have plenty of cash to weather the storms because

    growth sucks cash. Don’t just focus on the P&L, make sure you understand cash flow. ✦ Cash Flow ✦ Accounting ✦ Financial Leavers
  14. Income Amounts (each month) Expense Amounts (each month) Total each

    line item Total each line item TOTAL of all expenses (each month) TOTAL of all income (each month)
  15. Your Power of One Change you would like to make

    Annual Impact on Cash Flow $ Impact on EBIT $ Price Increase % % Volume Increase % % COGS Reduction % % Overheads Reduction % % Reduction in Debtors Days day(s) Reduction in Stock Days day(s) Increase in Creditors Days day(s) Your Power of One Impact You can increase the price of your goods & services You can sell more units at the same price You can reduce the price you pay for your materials / labor. (Operating Expenses) You can reduce your costs. (Accounts Receivable) You can collect $$ faster. (Inventory) You can reduce the amount of stock on hand. (Accounts payable) You can slow down payments. 7 main financial levers
  16. Get Organized Tighten up your execution habits and stop relying

    on the “heroics” of you and your team.
  17. Identify Processes Identify 4 to 9 processes that drive your

    business and focus on making those better, faster or cheaper to deliver. ✦ Tours ✦ On-boarding & O -boarding ✦ Billings (1st of the month, prorations, snacks) ✦ Phone & Email Inquiries ✦ Social Media Engagement ✦ Member Animation ✦ Community Outreach
  18. Write it down Take time to write down how you

    do things and where you put things. This will allow others to keep the same quality while also letting them find ways to refine your practices over time and share with others.
  19. Scaling Up Free your time to focus on the important

    activities necessary to grow your business while getting everyone aligned to execute your plan. ✦ People ✦ Strategy ✦ Execution ✦ Cash
  20. Take Care Having a strong and fulfilling personal life provides

    an important foundation for sustaining your e orts in the business. ✦ Finances ✦ Fitness ✦ Friends ✦ Family ✦ Faith