An introduction to Enterprise Design Thinking that I did at the Spectrum Health (now Corewell Health) at their 2021 Summit.
Design Thinking is a growing practice that builds on human-centered design and other disciplines to solve today’s increasingly complex problems. For many, Design Thinking is the next big thing.
What is it?
* Design Thinking is...
Why do we need it?
* Why Now
* Real People. Real Problems
* Builds Stronger Teams
* Think by Doing
How did we get here?
* History of Design Thinking
* 1960's - Creative Methods
* 1970's - Wicked Problems
* 1980's - Learn by Doing
* 1990's - IDEO
* 2000's - Standard & d.School
* 2010's - Corporate Strategy
* 2020 - Overall Health Care
Common Language
* Creating Common Language
* The Principles
* The Loop
* The Keys
Tools & Resources Available
* Resources Available
* Guides
* Our Resource Site
* Coaching
* Training
* Community of Practice
Thank You
* Key Take Aways