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Enterprise Design Thinking

Enterprise Design Thinking

An introduction to Enterprise Design Thinking that I did at the Spectrum Health (now Corewell Health) at their 2021 Summit.

Design Thinking is a growing practice that builds on human-centered design and other disciplines to solve today’s increasingly complex problems. For many, Design Thinking is the next big thing.

What is it?
* Design Thinking is...

Why do we need it?
* Why Now
* Real People. Real Problems
* Builds Stronger Teams
* Think by Doing

How did we get here?
* History of Design Thinking
* 1960's - Creative Methods
* 1970's - Wicked Problems
* 1980's - Learn by Doing
* 1990's - IDEO
* 2000's - Standard & d.School
* 2010's - Corporate Strategy
* 2020 - Overall Health Care

Common Language
* Creating Common Language
* The Principles
* The Loop
* The Keys

Tools & Resources Available
* Resources Available
* Guides
* Our Resource Site
* Coaching
* Training
* Community of Practice

Thank You
* Key Take Aways

Aaron Schaap

May 29, 2024

More Decks by Aaron Schaap

Other Decks in Design


  1. 10 An Intro to Enterprise Design Thinking Design Thinking is

    a growing practice that builds on human-centered design and other disciplines to solve today’s increasingly complex problems. For many, Design Thinking is the next big thing. Type: Presentation Presenter: Aaron Schaap
  2. We live in an era of experiences, be they services

    or products, and we’ve come to have high expectations for these experiences. Why Now
  3. Helps us to focusing on real people with real problems

    instead of assumptions or vanity metrics. Real People
  4. You make in order to learn. Early fast prototyping, fast

    learning, rapid iterative development cycles. Thinking by Doing
  5. William J. J. Gordon writes the first notable books on

    creativity techniques and design methods. Creativity Methods 1960's
  6. Horst Rittel, first coined the term Wicked problems and championed

    the importance of human experience and perception when designing. Wicked Problems 1970's
  7. Donald Schon, The rise of human- centered design and the

    rise of design- centered business management. Learn by doing 1980's
  8. David Kelly - One of the first design companies to

    showcase their design process, based on design methods and design thinking. IDEO 1990's
  9. Significant increase in interest in design thinking as the term

    becomes popularized in the business press. Standford 2000's
  10. A way to tackle the complex nature of care while

    trying to meet the high expectations for these experiences. Health Care 2020
  11. Understanding how we do things here at Spectrum Health and

    be consistent in our approach. Common Language
  12. Driving us to be continuous in our work while we

    understand the present and envision the future. The Loop
  13. Who are our users? What are their values and beliefs?

    What are they seeing and doing? What are they thinking and feeling? What brings them pain or enjoyment? What are their needs? What problems are they solving? What does success mean to them? What do they stand to gain or lose? What's blocking their success? What else is out there? Who has solved similar problems? What has succeeded? What has failed? What can we learn from them?
  14. What do we know? What do we need to learn

    more about? What did we observe or make? What worked and what didn't? What insight do we have? What's the plan? What will we do now? What will we do later? What do we need to be successful? Are we ready to commit? Who are we? What are our capabilities? who are our stakeholders? What can we control and influence? What insight do we have?
  15. What's the story? What's our big idea? What's the intended

    outcome? How do we show it to others? What might the future state look like? How do we deliver it? How do we build it? How do we deploy it? How do we maintain it? What's possible? What can we make? What can't we make? How else could we make it? What ideas can we combine? Can we prototype this?
  16. Statements of intent written as meaningful user outcomes. Hills Who

    are your users? What's the need you're trying to enable? What specific value can we provide the user that delights them? Who + What + Wow
  17. “I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving

    the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth.” - President John F. Kennedy Who + What + Wow
  18. 15 minutes could save you 15 % or more on

    your insurance. - Geico Who + What + Wow
  19. A stroke patient receives TPA within 45 mins of coming

    through the hospital door. Who + What + Wow TPA = Tissue Plasminogen Activator (helps break down blood clots) s ok u m i r wi v 15- mi
  20. “Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what

    to accomplish and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.” - General George S. Patton Commander’s Intent
  21. Reflect together in a safe space to tell stories and

    exchange feedback. Anatomy Invite stakeholders Tell your story Listen for feedback and misalignment 1. 2. 3.
  22. Potential users are all around us but here's some things

    to consider. Sponsor Users Are they representative of your target user? Are they personally invested in the outcome? Are they available to collaborate?
  23. Helping individuals unlock the tools they need to practice it

    in their day- to- day work. Talent Enablement Introduction Course Now on Workday Team Courses Leadership Courses
  24. CoP Our Community of Practice is FREE and open to

    ALL those engaged in exploring design thinking solutions to how we work, running priority projects or exploring new innovative ideas
  25. A growing community of people that are passionate about EDT

    and helping one another grow. Gatherings & Sessions New Member Sessions Giving people a tour of everything going on and ways you're able to get involved. Gatherings Catch up with friends, hear about the state of Design Thinking within Spectrum Health, celebrate some of the great people, projects and happenings and take some time to learn new things. Last Wed of every month First Wed of every month
  26. There's a lot of different ways to jump into the

    conversation. Connect on Teams
  27. There is sooooo much more we'd love to share. Takeaways

    Make the user the NORTH STAR. Co- create with your users and stakeholders from Day 1. Succeed or fail as a team. Diversity is crucial to a team’s ability to deliver robust, differentiated outcomes. Playback often for feedback.