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ROGUE GeoTech2013 Talk

Scott Clark
December 09, 2013

ROGUE GeoTech2013 Talk

Presentation given at ASPRS GeoTech 2013 http://www.asprspotomac.org/geotech2013/

Scott Clark

December 09, 2013

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  1. “Enabling geospatial information sharing and collaboration with mission partners” R

    O G U E J C T D Rapid Open Geospatial User-driven Enterprise Scott Clark ROGUE Project Manager LMN Solutions
  2. US Southern Command CoCom Sponsor US SOUTHCOM S&T Operational Manager

    USACE ERDC Technical Manager Dept of State HIU Deputy Transition Manager OSD DASD (RFO) Oversight Executive Pacific Disaster Center Transition Manager Boundless & Community Open Source Transition PLAYERS MapStory Foundation Technical Partner MARCIMS (USMC) Transition Partner COPECO Honduras Transition Point NGA Technical Partner
  3. CHARTER The ROGUE JCTD is providing the capability for organizations

    to collaboratively develop geographic feature data and analysis with traditional and non-traditional partners Context: Humanitarian Assistance & Disaster Response Problem Set •  Wide range of partners, including military, inter-agency, NGOs, & nations •  Common situational awareness of the environment is critical •  Partners are distributed and sometimes disconnected •  Responding organizations both need, and can provide a great deal of information •  Partners must have direct access to the technology itself
  4. Distributed Versioned Editing ✦  Highly distributed teams require a different

    approach ‣  Geographic and organizational dispersion ‣  Connectivity not guaranteed ✦  Distributed Versioned Editing allows for many people to: ‣  have their own copy of the data ‣  work in a distributed fashion ‣  sync changes with others ‣  view / accept / reject changes ‣  maintain provenance of data
  5. Distributed Versioned Editing for Geospatial ✦  Potential to improve several

    workflow problems ‣  Multi-user collaboration ‣  Multi-organization collaboration ‣  Volunteered Geo Information vs. Authoritative Data ‣  Low bandwidth and disconnected editing ‣  Provenance
  6. GeoGit Functionality Overview ✦  Import feature data: Shapefile, OSM, PostGIS,

    etc. ✦  Commit changes ✦  Branch and Merge ✦  Manage merge conflicts ✦  Clone a repository ✦  View history for repository, featuretype or feature ✦  Tag a version ✦  Export, sync, and more
  7. Component! Function OpenLayers! Javascript web map controls for viewing and

    editing data from multiple sources. GeoNode! Provides standardized web access to geospatial data sources & cartographic quality maps. GeoWebCache! Web map accelerator, intelligently caching and serving tiles to make maps scale. GeoServer! Map and feature server providing standardized web access to GIS data sources and cartographic quality maps PostGIS! Open source spatial relational database Distributed Versioned Editing for geospatial data Leveraging the Suite Supports OGC & Industry Standards
  8. Mobile Data Collection ✦  Edit Point Geometry ✦  Edit Point,

    Line, and Polygon Attributes ✦  Associate Photos to Features ✦  Cache an Area of Interest ✦  Map Tiles (OSM as default) ✦  Features from WFS ✦  Sync to GeoServer when connected
  9. Moving Forward ✦  Continued collaboration with COPECO ✦  Incorporation of

    operational feedback ✦  Workflows supporting incorporation of volunteered data into published datasets ‣  Merging contributions ‣  Integrating group management ‣  Conflict resolution ‣  Scalability ‣  Best Practices ✦  Additional Technical and Operational Demonstrations
  10. DisasterAware Ø  Platform for EMOPS and RAPIDS ‣  Worldwide hazard

    tracking & alerts Ø  ROGUE capabilities will augment DisasterAware ‣  Enabling use of VGI with the authoritative information PDC already uses ‣  Enabling sharing between organizations ‣  Providing an open source option to lower cost of DisasterAware deployments to other countries PDC Transition