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Firebase Crash Reporting in Android

Segun Famisa
September 22, 2016

Firebase Crash Reporting in Android

Segun Famisa

September 22, 2016

More Decks by Segun Famisa

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  1. Outline 1. What’s crash reporting? Why should I care? 2.

    Why should I use Firebase Crash Reporting? 3. How do I setup Firebase Crash Reporting? 4. How do I report my first crash? 5. Protips.
  2. Why should you care about crash reporting? • App release

    is NOT the end of the development lifecycle • There will always be bugs • Bad reviews • Ratings matter Source: Wikimedia
  3. Why should you care about crash reporting? • App release

    is NOT the end of your development lifecycle • There will always be bugs • Bad reviews • Ratings matter Unless you’re this guy
  4. Why should you care about crash reporting? • App release

    is NOT the end of your development lifecycle • There will always be bugs • Bad reviews • Ratings matter Or this guy
  5. Why should you care about crash reporting? • App release

    is NOT the end of your development lifecycle • There will always be bugs • Bad reviews • Ratings matter Or Jon Skeet
  6. Why should you care about crash reporting? • App release

    is NOT the end of your development lifecycle • There will always be bugs • Bad reviews • Ratings matter You definitely don’t want this kind of reviews
  7. Why should you care about crash reporting? • App release

    is NOT the end of your development lifecycle • There will always be bugs • Bad reviews • Ratings matter
  8. Why should you care about crash reporting? • App release

    is NOT the end of your development lifecycle • There will always be bugs • Bad reviews • Ratings matter
  9. What crash reporting will do for you. • Detect crashes

    & errors • Detailed stack traces • Fix errors • Improve app quality • Happy users Detect crashes & errors Improve app quality Happy users!
  10. Firebase Crash Reporting First introduced at Google IO, 2016 as

    part of the movement to create a unified app platform for mobile developers
  11. 1. Create/import project to console a. Create/import b. Download config

    file 2. Add Firebase to your app a. Add google-services classpath b. Apply google-services plugin 3. Add Firebase crash reporting 1. Create/import Project
  12. 1. Create/import Project 1. Create/import project to console a. Create/import

    b. Download config file 2. Add Firebase to your app a. Add google-services classpath b. Apply google-services plugin 3. Add Firebase crash reporting
  13. 2. Add Firebase to your app 1. Create/import project to

    console a. Create/import b. Download config file 2. Add Firebase to your app a. Add google-services classpath b. Apply google-services plugin 3. Add Firebase crash reporting Sample project: https://goo.gl/V8e7QQ
  14. 2. Add Firebase to your app 1. Create/import project to

    console a. Create/import b. Download config file 2. Add Firebase to your app a. Add google-services classpath b. Apply google-services plugin 3. Add Firebase crash reporting Sample project: https://goo.gl/V8e7QQ
  15. 3. Add Firebase crash reporting 1. Create/import project to console

    a. Create/import b. Download config file 2. Add Firebase to your app a. Add google-services classpath b. Apply google-services plugin 3. Add Firebase crash reporting Sample project: https://goo.gl/V8e7QQ
  16. Report your first crash Errr. Nvm, Firebase does that for

    you. No need to write any code to do that
  17. 2. Custom logs Logs can be useful in determining what

    user actions led to a crash. Firebase does well to include that as part of the error. Firebase allows you to log to logcat or onto firebase directly
  18. 5. Protip - Handling reporting for development & production. Little

    Problem. Firebase doesn’t allow you to enable or disable crash reporting.
  19. 5. Protip - Handling reporting for development & production. How

    to disable Firebase crash reporting for dev build? You can’t. For now.
  20. 5. Protip - Handling reporting for development & production. Here’s

    what you can do instead: Create dev and prod flavours for development and production builds.
  21. 5. Protip - Handling reporting for development & production. Create

    another app on the console for dev build. Add the google-services.json to the project app/src/<build-flavour>/google-services.json
  22. Firebase crash reporting is in beta Submit bug reports, or

    feature requests https://firebase.google.com/support/contact/bugs-features/
  23. Resources & references • https://firebase.google.com/docs/crash/ • https://firebase.google.com/docs/crash/android • https://segunfamisa.com/posts/firebase-crash-reporting (Plug)

    • Firebase Android Tutorials playlist on YouTube • Demo project: https://github.com/segunfamisa/firebase-crash-demo