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Brighton SEO Recordings w/ slides: Voice Search - Some Insights and Trends from Google Trends / Keyword Planner

Chris B
September 06, 2023

Brighton SEO Recordings w/ slides: Voice Search - Some Insights and Trends from Google Trends / Keyword Planner

View a recording of video of this talk from
Brighton SEO here .

In this talk from BrightonSEO, Chris Byrne White Label SEO Consultant gives some insights about the uses of / trends in Voice Search from Google Keyword Planner / Trends data .

Chris B

September 06, 2023

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  1. Voice Search: Insights and Trends From Google Keyword Research Chris

    Byrne Freelance SEO Consultant @seotipsntricks www.seolondonsurrey.co.uk/blog
  2. Launched in 2012 as feature of Google Search of the

    Google app for Android and iOS. Now part of Google Assistant (can engage in two-way conversations).
  3. 2016  "....no official nor relevant voice search tool exists

    yet. Which means that it is impossible to get data from queries that people are voicing with their Google Now..." (thedrum.com/opinion/2016/05/11/your-brand-really-speaking-same-language- voice-searchers-around-globe)
  4.  In influential Silicon Valley venture capitalist & analyst Mary

    Meeker’s annual Internet Trends report for 2016, she stated that “Google Trends imply queries associated with voice-related commands have risen >35x since 2008 after launch of iPhone & Google Voice Search.”
  5.  A line trending downward or upward in Google Trends

    means that a search term's RELATIVE popularity is simply decreasing or increasing.
  6.  “The numbers that appear show total searches for a

    term relative to the total number of searches done on Google over time. A line trending downward means that a search term's relative popularity is decreasing. But that doesn’t necessarily mean the total number of searches for that term is decreasing. It just means its popularity is decreasing compared to other searches.”
  7.  Google stated, the "numbers represent search interest relative to

    the highest point on the chart. If, at most 10% of searches for the given region and time frame were for e.g. 'pizza' we'd consider this 100 (the highest point on the chart). This doesn't convey absolute search volume."
  8.  They also state, "each data point is divided by

    the total searches of the geography and time range it represents, to compare relative popularity." See https://bit.ly/3t8MIEI
  9. ”...Voice search is more likely to involve entertainment topics as

    food, drink, recipes, movies, shopping, travel, local business or to be used for multimedia information search, such as video and music.” https://bit.ly/3yz4sKp
  10.  Google CEO Sundar Pichai announced during his 2016 Google

    I/O keynote that 20 percent of queries on its mobile app and on Android devices were voice searches.
  11. Google Glass  Google stopped selling Glass to individual customers

    through its Explorer program in early 2015 (keyword research from late 2015).
  12. Context  45,000,000+ searches monthly avg. on Google in UK

    for word “facebook”.  Research has reported on inaccurate wake word  detection, like “cocaine noodles” instead of “OK Google.”
  13.  2018 Study: 80% of Google Home results come from

    featured snippets  https://bit.ly/3gQbwMy
  14.  https://searchresponse.io/people-also-ask 1) search using words or phrases that you

    would like contained within the PAA. (Ex: keto diet) 2) enter a domain and find all the PAA questions answered by the domain. (Ex: healthline.com)
  15. 3) enter a URL and find all the PAA questions

    answered by the URL. (Ex: healthline.com/nutrition/ketogenic-diet-101)
  16. 1) Know Your Tools 2) Check The Stats In Your

    Expert’s Thought Leadership 3) Trends on Google can also be followed with Keyword Planner
  17. 4) FAQ schema 5) Speakable schema.org property identifies sections within

    an article or webpage that are best suited for audio playback using text-to-speech (TTS) . (Beta – US only)
  18.  6) Google My Business is key to any local

    related searches.  7) 80% of Google Home results come from featured snippets. Thus to a certain extent, attempting to optimise for the featured snippet may be considered optimising for certain Google Voice searches.