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Data encryption for Ruby web applications

December 08, 2018

Data encryption for Ruby web applications

Making secure applications is not easy, especially when encryption tools are difficult and incomprehensible. We will talk about typical data security problems in the web apps and how to implement encryption properly. We will review cryptographic approaches and exact tools that ensure that no sensitive data leaks from the application or database.


December 08, 2018

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  1. Who we are? • UK-based data security products and services

 • Building security tools to prevent sensitive data leakage and to comply with data security regulations
 • Cryptographic tools, security consulting, training
 • We are cryptographers, system engineers, applied engineers, infrastructure engineers
 • We support community, speak, teach, open source a lot
  2. What we are going to talk • Data breaches problem

    • Approaches to the protection of sensitive data • What we can and can not protect with encryption • Integration encryption into a Rails application
  3. What does humanity have
 to protect information? Strong enough block

    crypto algorithms Rijndael (AES) Twofish Serpent Tons of structured information +
  4. Data breaches continue rising 2018 • Facebook : 87 Million

    • Under Armour : 150 Million • Saks Fifth Avenue : 5 Million • SingHealth : 1.5 Million • British Airways : 0.38 Million • Ticketfly : 26 Million • Marriott : 500 Million • Quora : 100 Million • Instagram : plaintext passwords in the URL? Really?
  5. So what should we do? 1. Classify and specify data

    that we want to protect 2. Classify and analyze risks 3. Determine threats 4. Choose techniques and tools 5. Integrate into application
  6. Data classification and risks All data user service • Biographical

    information • Looks, appearance and behaviour • Private and subjective • Workplace, education • Health, sickness and genetics • Accounts, passwords • Certificates • Keys, tokens
  7. Data classification and risks All data user service • Compliance

    risk • Legal risk • Reputational risk • Quality risk
  8. Types of data breaches Unknown 15% Physical loss 12% Insider

    1% Disclosure 22% Hacking 49% https://www.privacyrights.org/data-breaches
  9. OWASP top 10 security risks — 2017 • Security Misconfiguration

    • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) • Insure Deserialization • Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities • Insufficient Logging & Monitoring • Injection • Broken Authentication • Sensitive Data Exposure • XML External Entities (XXE) • Broken Access Control https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Top_10-2017_Top_10
  10. Typical web application reflection attacks XSS MITM SQL injections code

    injections execution flow attack crypto-miners everywhere Frontend Backend DB
  11. Decrease risks in application • Authentication & Authorization (inc. API),

    principle of least privileges • Filter input data, escaping output • Implement weak-password checks • Use less complex data formats • Compartmentalization — classify data and apply controls • Use strict DB queries • Security by default • Use secure connections • Log everything • Hash passwords and encrypt sensitive data
  12. Protection of passwords Yes, plaintext passwords are a little insecure

    • DO NOT operate with plaintext passwords • use one-way hash functions whenever it possible
  13. Password hashes • MD5 • SHA-1 • Argon2 • PBKDF2

    • bcrypt • script • MD5 • SHA-1 https://dusted.codes/sha-256-is-not-a-secure-password-hashing-algorithm • SHA-256 • SHA-512 pre-image attack collision attack lookup tables attack
  14. Data encryption implementation • Choose algorithm Expectations Reality • Design

    architecture • Choose abstraction level • Choose algorithm • Choose algorithm parameters • Choose library • Design key management
  15. Common data security mistakes • TLS is enough • Poor

    cryptographic design • Using database storage encryption only • Insecure key management model • Poor authentication
  16. Quick review Algorithms • AES-256-GCM 
 Libraries • bcrypt-ruby •

    rbnacl • rubythemis Suites • Acra • axolotl • hermes • ssh • truecrypt • vault • ZeroKit
  17. Architecture : components & transport Frontend Backend Decryption
 proxy DB

    input encrypt save output process decrypt read noop
  18. Architecture : components & transport Frontend Backend Decryption
 proxy DB

    input encrypt save output process decrypt read noop TLS TLS
  19. Integration Acra • Acra • Acra Engineering Demo • rubygems.org

    project Example based on: https://github.com/rubygems/rubygems https://github.com/cossacklabs/acra-engineering-demo https://github.com/cossacklabs/acra
  20. OWASP top 10 security risks — 2017 • Security Misconfiguration

    • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) • Insure Deserialization • Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities • Insufficient Logging & Monitoring • Injection • Broken Authentication • Sensitive Data Exposure • XML External Entities (XXE) • Broken Access Control https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Top_10-2017_Top_10
  21. Links • OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project)
 https://www.owasp.org •

 https://github.com/cossacklabs/acra • Acra Engineering Demo
 https://github.com/cossacklabs/acra-engineering-demo • Privacy Rights Clearinghouse
 https://www.privacyrights.org • MITTRE ATT&CK Matrix