on the end users of a product. • Method for designing ease of use into the total user experience for products. • Focuses on understanding users gathering feedback and input from users throughout development cycle. 想用 desirable 有用 useful 能用 usable 好用 Easy of Use
development Conceptual design 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Units The cost of changes during development increase during the project timeline: A change may cost 1.5 units of project resource during conceptual design, 6 units during early development, 60 during systems testing and 100 during post-release maintenance (Pressman, 1992: Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach)
conceptual models, interaction design and site structures. • Persona • Scenario • Use Case • Sitemap • Wireframe • Module Map/List Interaction Designer (ID)
Easy of Use It is a concept in which based on the user’s needs to enhance the product to achieve the goal of easy to use at each stage of the product developing process.